Page 22 - The Jewish Voice - May '24
P. 22

Page 22, The Jewish Voice                                        BW


      Tip of the Tail                                   long-term pain. These are monoclonal antibodies against a      Term insurance is a pay-as-you-go option that covers
                                                        substance called “nerve growth factor,” which is involved in   a specific amount of time, usually 20 years or fewer. Term
      Osteoarthritis Management in Dogs and Cats        the development of chronic pain. Injections are given monthly,   insurance benefits are paid to your beneficiaries free of federal
                                                        and 77 percent of pet owners report improvement in function   income taxes if you pass away during the coverage period, but
                                                        with this treatment.                               there’s no opportunity to build cash value.
                                                           Shockwave therapy has emerged as a novel and effective      Permanent insurance, such as whole life or universal life,
                                                        treatment modality for OA in both dogs and cats. This non-  offers coverage for as long as you pay the premiums, and in
                                                        invasive therapy involves the application of high-energy   addition to providing a tax-free death benefit, also offers a
                                                        acoustic waves to the affected joints, stimulating tissue repair   chance to build equity, or cash value, on a tax-deferred basis.
                                                        and reducing inflammation. Shockwave therapy has been      When determining which type of insurance is appropriate
                                                        shown to improve pain scores, increase range of motion, and   for your needs, you’ll want to consider these factors:
                                                        enhance overall quality of life in pets suffering from OA.      • Cost: Term insurance is generally affordable for most
         What we often hear as vets during an exam is, “She is   Shockwave therapy can be combined with physical therapy   people, which is why it may be particularly suitable for parents
      just slowing down some, starting to show her age. She wakes   and an exercise program for best results.   and young adults who may be at the beginning of their careers.
      up and limps for a few minutes or it takes her a while to get      Combining these approaches — conventional medications-  Permanent insurance is typically more expensive, largely
      up, but once she gets going she gets better.” Although this   NSAIDS, dietary management, supplementation, monoclonal   because it is meant to last for one’s lifetime and some of the
      is a normal age-related process that unfortunately most of   antibody and hyaluronic acid injections, PT, and shockwave   premiums go toward building cash value in the policy and
      us can relate to as humans, it often is a sign of degenerative   therapy — offers a comprehensive strategy for managing OA   paying for other features. Generally, the younger and healthier
      joint disease, or what is commonly known as osteoarthritis.   in dogs and cats. By addressing the underlying inflammation,   you are when you purchase permanent insurance, the lower
      Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common yet debilitating condition   supporting joint health, and promoting tissue repair, pet owners   your rates will be.
      often leading to pain, stiffness, and decreased mobility.   can help alleviate pain and improve the quality of their pet’s      • Length of time insurance is needed: If you think you
      While conventional treatments like medication and surgery   life. However, it’s essential to consult with a veterinarian   will only need life insurance for a certain period — perhaps
      are widely utilized, a growing body of evidence suggests that   before initiating any treatment regimen, as individualized   until your children are grown — you might lean toward term
      holistic approaches incorporating diet, supplements, physical   care tailored to the specific needs of the pet is paramount for   insurance. If you feel the need for life insurance for other goals
      therapy, and shockwave therapy can offer promising avenues   optimal outcomes. With proper care and attention, pets with   throughout your lifetime, for whatever reason — you might
      for managing OA in our beloved pets.              OA can lead happier, healthier lives for years to come.  have a special needs child, or perhaps you want to use your
         Diet plays a pivotal role in the management of OA. A      Established in 1981, Palm City Animal Medical Center   policy to help pay for retirement, or you wish to include the
      balanced diet can help control weight, reducing the strain on   is dedicated to providing the best possible care for your   policy as part of your legacy and estate plans — you may want
      joints and slowing the progression of the disease. Incorporating   pets. With focuses on compassionate care in surgery,   to consider some type of permanent insurance.
      omega-3 fatty acids, commonly found in fish oil, can help   physical therapy and rehabilitation, preventative medicine,      •  Investment  preferences: You  may  have  heard  the
      decrease inflammation and alleviate joint pain. Supplements   extensive diagnostics, and emergency service, Palm City   phrase “buy term and invest the difference.” Essentially, this
      are  another  integral  component  of  OA  management.   Animal Medical Center combines exceptional medical   just means that an investor could purchase low-cost term
      Glucosamine and chondroitin are well-known supplements   care with a caring philosophy for pets and their owners.   insurance, and then invest the money that was saved by not
      that support joint health by promoting cartilage repair and   For more information, call 772-283-0920, visit www.  getting permanent insurance. This can be a valuable strategy
      reducing inflammation. Additionally, methylsulfonylmethane, or find us on Facebook   in some situations, but people often don’t actually invest the
      (MSM), hyaluronic acid, and collagen supplements can provide   at  difference. A permanent insurance policy, through the payment
      further support by improving joint lubrication and mobility.                                         of premiums, may result in a steady buildup of cash value or
      When used in conjunction with proper diet and exercise, these   Financial Focus                      continued contributions to the policy’s investment components.
      supplements can help alleviate symptoms and improve overall                                          For many people, this discipline is helpful.
      joint function.                                   Term vs. Perm: Which Is Right for You?                • Future insurability: If you have health issues, it could
         Adequan is an injectable polysulfated glycosaminoglycan,                                          become difficult to get permanent insurance after you’ve
      which serves not only as a cartilage component used in   By Sally Sima Stahl                         reached the end of a term insurance policy. (Some term
      healing but also as an anti-inflammatory agent. Adequan has      If you’ve been thinking             insurance policies do offer the opportunity to convert to
      numerous beneficial effects for the arthritis patient, including   about life insurance, especially   permanent coverage, usually without the need for a medical
      the inhibition of harmful enzymes involving joint cartilage   if you have family, loved ones,        exam.) You could avoid this potential problem by purchasing
      destruction, stimulation of cartilage repair, and increasing   or anyone who depends on              permanent insurance when you are still young and healthy.
      joint lubrication. Adequan is given twice weekly just under the   you financially, you might            Ultimately, you will need to weigh the various factors
      skin for one month and then once to twice monthly thereafter   be curious about the different        involved in the permanent-versus-term decision. You also might
      for maintenance. More recently, Solensia (cat) and Librela   kinds of policies available.            benefit from consulting a financial professional, who can evaluate
      (dogs) injections were released into the market for managing   Which type is right for you?          which type of insurance is most appropriate for your situation.
                                                           Essentially, you can look                       But whether it’s term or permanent, make sure you have the
                                                        at two main categories of                          coverage you need to protect yourself and your loved ones.
       Community Calendar from page 21                  life insurance: term and
                                                        permanent.                                         Lifestyles on page 23
       financial hardship, and more. Please RSVP to Temple office
       at 561-832-0804.
       Friday, May 31, 5:30 p.m.
       FYI Summer Kickoff Tot Shabbat
          Let’s welcome the summer with our last Tot Shabbat of
       the year! We will celebrate Shabbat together, have dinner,
       and explore some fun summer activities. Email Isabelle@ to RSVP.
       Tuesday, June 11
       6:30 p.m. – Complimentary Dairy Dinner and Late-
       Night Learning – (RSVP required), 561-832-0804
       7:30 p.m. – Adult Education Class with Cantor Meir
       Finkelstein – topic to be announced
       8 p.m. – Adult Education Class with Rabbi Michael
       Resnick – topic to be announced
       Wednesday, June 12 and Thursday, June 13, 9:30 a.m.
       Celebrate the holiday of Shavuot at Temple Emanu-El
       of Palm Beach
          Special holiday services, followed by Yizkor on the
       second day. All are welcomed.
          Shavuot commemorates the anniversary of the day that
       G-d gave the Torah to the entire Israelite nation assembled
       at Mount Sinai, although the association between the giving
       of the Torah and Shavuot is not explicit in the Biblical text.
       The holiday is one of the Shalosh Regalim, the three Biblical
       pilgrimage festivals. It marks the conclusion of the Counting
       of the Omer.
       Friday, June 21, 7:30 p.m.
       Father’s Day Shabbat Dinner
          Join Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach for a Father’s
       Day Shabbat Dinner
          Call Temple office for menu & pricing, 561-832-0804.
       Temple Judea

       4311 Hood Road, Palm Beach Gardens
          Kindly contact the temple for a listing of worship, study,
       and social events.
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