Page 22 - Abacoa Community News November '23
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Page 22, Abacoa
      Financial Focus                          ®

      What Should You Know                                 aren’t required for a Roth IRA, and, starting in 2024,     qualified charitable distribution, you can move up to
                                                                                                             •  Donate  RMDs  to  charity. In what’s known as a
                                                           Not all retirement accounts are subject to RMDs. They
      About RMDs?                                        won’t be required for a Roth 401(k) or 403(b) plan. But   $100,000 of your RMDs directly from a traditional IRA to
                                                         if your account does call for RMDs, you do need to take   a qualified charity, avoiding the taxes that might otherwise
      By Sally Sima Stahl                                them, because if you don’t, you could face tax penalties.   result if you took the RMDs yourself. After 2023, the
         You may spend decades                           Previously, this penalty was 50 percent of the amount you   $100,000 limit will be indexed to inflation.
      contributing  to various                           were supposed to have taken, but SECURE 2.0 reduced      Of course, before you start either a Roth IRA conversion
      retirement accounts. But                           it to 25 percent.                                 or a qualified charitable distribution, you will need to consult
      for some accounts, such as a                          When you take your RMDs, you need to be aware of a   with your tax advisor, as both these moves have issues you
      traditional IRA and 401(k),                        key issue: taxes. RMDs are taxed as ordinary income, and,   must consider and may not be appropriate for your situation.
      you must start withdrawing                         as such, they could potentially bump you into a higher      But it’s always a good idea to know as much as you can
      funds at a certain point.                          tax bracket and possibly even increase your Medicare   about the various aspects of RMDs – they could play a big
      What should you know                               premiums, which are determined by your modified   part in your retirement income strategy.
      about this requirement?                            adjusted gross income. Are there any ways you could      This article was written by Edward Jones for use by
         To  begin  with,  the                           possibly reduce an RMD-related tax hike?          your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Edward
      rules governing these                                 You might have some options. Here are two to consider:  Jones, Member SIPC.
      withdrawals – technically called required minimum      •  Convert  tax-deferred  accounts  to  a  Roth  IRA      Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in
      distributions, or RMDs – have changed recently. For   account. You could convert some, or maybe all, of your   all states and Washington, D.C., through Edward D.
      many years, individuals had to begin taking their RMDs   tax-deferred retirement accounts to a Roth IRA. By doing   Jones & Co., L.P., and in California, New Mexico and
      (which are based on the account balance and the IRS’ life   so, you could lower your RMDs in the future – while   Massachusetts through Edward Jones Insurance Agency
      expectancy factor) when they turned 70½. The original   adding funds to an account you’re never required to touch.   of California, L.L.C.; Edward Jones Insurance Agency
      SECURE Act of 2019 raised this age to 72, and SECURE   So, if you don’t really need all the money to live on, you   of New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward Jones Insurance
      2.0, passed in 2022, raised it again, to 73. (If you turned   could include the remainder of the Roth IRA in your   Agency of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
      73 in 2023, and you were 72 in 2022 when the RMD limit   estate plans, providing an initially tax-free inheritance      Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors
      was still 72, you should have taken your first RMD for   to your loved ones. However, converting a tax-deferred   cannot provide tax advice. You should consult your
      2022 by April 1 of this year. You will then need to take   account to a Roth IRA will generate taxes in the year of   qualified tax advisor regarding your situation.
      your 2023 RMD by Dec. 31. And going forward, you’ll   conversion, so you’d need the money available to pay      Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, AAMS,
      also need to take your RMDs by the end of every year.)   this tax bill.                              1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.
      Good Samaritan Medical Center Invests In

      Life-Enhancing Technology And Better Cancer Care Solutions

         At Good Samaritan Medical Center, we’ve invested in                                               through the catheter, even when positioned in tortuous
      life-enhancing technology and better cancer care solutions,                                          airways. After advancing around tight-radius bends of
      so our patients have access to quality care. That’s why we’re                                        the catheter, the needle deploys into the target location
      excited to announce we now offer a minimally invasive                                                on a straight path.
      robotic-assisted bronchoscopy procedure with Ion.                                                       During biopsy, Ion’s Biopsy Marker feature lets
         Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths.                                                physicians systematically track multiple biopsy attempts
      However, when diagnosed at the earliest stage, known as                                              and helps visualize different biopsy needle trajectories. If
      stage IA-1, the average five-year survival rate is 92 percent.                                       real-time confirmation of a representative tissue sample
         Early-stage diagnosis  can  be  difficult, but  the Ion                                           is available, the physician can redirect subsequent biopsy
      endoluminal system may help obtain tissue samples that                                               attempts into the confirmed target area.
      facilitate a diagnosis. Ion is a robotic-assisted platform                                              Ion made by Intuitive, maker of the da Vinci surgical
      for minimally invasive biopsy in the lung. Ion enables      During bronchoscopy with Ion, the physician uses the   system, is built on more than two decades of leadership in
      physicians to obtain tissue samples from deep within the lung,   controller to navigate to the target along a planned path. The   robotic-assisted technology. Our institution has chosen the
      addressing a challenging aspect of lung biopsy. It may also   catheter can articulate 180 degrees in any direction to pass   Ion robotic-assisted bronchoscopy system because it provides
      help patients avoid subsequent biopsies by helping enable a   through small, difficult-to-navigate airways and around tight   more reach, more stability, and more precision.
      diagnosis through the samples obtained.            bends to reach all 18 segments of the lung.          Our investment in Ion complements our robotic-assisted
         The system features an ultra-thin, ultra-maneuverable      Ion’s peripheral vision probe provides direct vision during   surgical program, enabling patients to receive all care – from
      catheter that allows navigation far into the peripheral lung,   navigation. Once the pulmonary nodule is reached, the   biopsy to surgery – at our hospital.
      and unprecedented stability enables the precision needed for   catheter locks in place. The Flexision  biopsy needle, a      To sign up for a lung cancer screening at Good Samaritan
      biopsy compared to manual techniques.              flexible biopsy needle compatible with Ion, then passes   Medical Center, please call (561) 650-6441.

      A Butterfly Effect from page 21                                                     Whe n y ou       when several synapses were being strengthened. Moreover, its
                                                                                          learn, synaptic   activity spread throughout the neuron, regulating biochemical
      your synapses and make them stronger or weaker. Interestingly,                      compartments     reactions from the synapses throughout the neuron to the
      when just a few synapses of the thousands in a neuron undergo                       on your neurons   nucleus, where they activated gene transcription.
      plasticity, these reactions extend beyond individual synaptic                       gr ow and           “This work provides new tools, which overcome longstanding
      compartments and spread throughout the neuron to the nucleus,                       st r e n g t h e n ,   limitations in studying the functions of individual PKC enzymes
      where neuron-wide changes in gene-expression occur.  represented abstractly as buds opening into full bloom.   and provides greater understanding of synaptic plasticity,
         The coordination of local plasticity at the synapses with   New research has discovered that during this process,   a critical process in brain function,” describes Dr. Lesley
      changes in the nucleus enables lasting changes in information   signaling enzymes named PKCd, drawn above as fluttering   Colgan, the study’s lead researcher. “Through this approach,
      transfer in the brain during learning. However, the enzymes   butterflies, are activated to support the strengthening and   we discovered an efficient mechanism for information exchange
                                                         growth of synapses while also sending signals, represented   between synapses and gene transcription within the nucleus,
       NEED A/C? We’ve Got You Covered!                  by pollen, that spread from the synapses to the nucleus of   converting short-term plasticity into longer lasting forms of
                                                         the neuron to regulate cell wide gene expression. Illustration   plasticity that likely underly memory formation.”
                                                         by Helena Pinheiro.                                  Like the spreading of PKCd activity from a few synapses
                                                                                                           throughout the neuron, the scientists hope that the development
                                                        and reactions coordinating synapse-to-nucleus signaling   of new biosensors for the PKC family of enzymes will have
       “WE SHOW                                         were not fully understood. By developing new approaches   an impact beyond the field of synaptic plasticity.
                                                        to studying old questions, scientists at MPFI were able to
                                                                                                             As Colgan remarked, “The PKC family of enzymes is

                UP!”                                    identify that PKCd is essential for this critical process.  involved in many cellular functions and has been implicated

                                                           PKCd is part of the PKC family, a group of 12 closely
                                                                                                           in many diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, cancer,
                                                        related enzymes, that has been known to be necessary   and heart disease. We hope the tools developed in this
                                                        for synaptic plasticity. However, the role of individual   paper will be used by others in the scientific community
                                                        enzymes in the PKC family in synaptic plasticity was   to address many different questions and make an impact in
                                                        not clear. This uncertainty was due primarily to scientists   these important scientific fields.”
                                                        lacking tools that would allow them to distinguish the      This research was supported by the National Institutes of
                                                        unique roles of these closely related family members.  Health under award numbers R35-NS-116804 (RY), R01-
                                                           To overcome this limitation, the scientists developed   MH-080047 (RY), and F32MH101954 (LAC). This content is
                                                        biosensors to visualize the activity of the specific members   solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily
                                                        of the PKC family of enzymes. The team found that one   represent the official views of the funders.
                                                        of these enzymes, PKCd, was indispensable for synaptic      Lesley A. Colgan, Paula Parra-Bueno, Heather L. Holman,
                   Call Today for a FREE estimate!      plasticity. Blocking its function prevented the increase in   Xun Tu, Anant Jain, Mariah F. Calubag, Jaime A. Misler,
                        561.575.2173                    the strength and size of synaptic connections.     Chancellor Gary, Goksu Oz, Irena Suponitsky-Kroyter, Elwy
                      231 Jupiter St., Jupiter, FL         Most notably, the study revealed that the activity of PKCd   Okaz, and Ryohei Yasuda, (2023). Dual Regulation of Spine-
                             varied depending on the nature of the plasticity stimulus.   Specific and Synapse-to-Nucleus Signaling by PKCd during
                                                        PKCd was activated to a greater degree and for a longer time   Plasticity, The Journal of Neuroscience, 43(30), 5432.
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