Page 26 - Abacoa Community News November '23
P. 26

Page 26, Abacoa
      Travel: Tango Your Way to Argentina!

      By Jessica Flores. Jessica                                                                              Andes Mountains: A paradise for outdoor enthusiasts
      has worked in the travel and                                                                         with opportunities for hiking, skiing and mountaineering.
      tourism industry for well                                                                               Pampas: The fertile plains of the Pampas are known
      over a decade. She holds                                                                             for their agriculture and are home to gauchos, Argentina’s
      both Bachelors and Master’s                                                                          cowboy culture.
      Degrees in Hospitality &                                                                                Culture: Argentina has a rich cultural heritage
      Tourism  Management. As                                                                              influenced by European immigrants, primarily from Spain
      owner of AWAY Travel in Boca                                                                         and Italy. The country is famous for its passionate tango
      Raton, Jessica and staff bring                                                                       music and dance, which originated in Buenos Aires. You
      25 years of personal travel                                                                          can attend tango shows and even take tango lessons to
      experience to an exclusive                                                                           immerse yourself in this iconic cultural expression.
      clientele looking for luxury                                                                            Cuisine: Argentine cuisine is famous for its beef and
      travel planning. Ready for your own journey to begin?                                                barbecue, known locally as “asado.” The country is one of
                                                                                                           the world’s top beef producers, and you can find delicious
      Postcards From Jessica                                                                               steaks and grilled meats in Argentine restaurants.
      To: Luxury Travelers                                                                                 Empanadas (savory pastries), mate (a traditional herbal
      From: Buenos Aires, Argentina                                                                        tea), and dulce de leche (caramel spread) are also popular
                                                                                                           culinary items.
         Pack Your  Bags: There are so many reasons why                                                       Wine: Argentina is renowned for its wine production,
      you should make a trip to Argentina, it would take more                                              particularly its Malbec wine. The Mendoza region, in the
      than one postcard. Argentina offers a diverse range of                                               foothills of the Andes, is the heart of Argentina’s wine
      experiences for travelers, from exploring its vibrant cities                                         country and offers excellent wine tours and tastings.
      to immersing yourself in its breathtaking natural beauty.                                               Unique Wildlife: Argentina is home to a wide
      Whether you’re interested in culture, food, adventure or                                             variety of wildlife, including penguins in Patagonia,
      relaxation, Argentina has something to offer for everyone.                                           guanacos, capybaras, and numerous bird species. Wildlife
         Argentina is the eighth-largest country in the world by                                           enthusiasts can embark on safaris and nature tours to
      land area. It spans a wide range of geographical features,                                           observe these animals in their natural habitats.
      from the Andes Mountains in the west to the fertile                                                     World-Class Cities: In addition to Buenos Aires,
      Pampas plains in the east, and from the tropical forests                                             Argentina has vibrant cities like Cordoba, Rosario and
      of the north to the glaciers of Patagonia in the south.  different climates and different activities to consider when   Mendoza, each with its unique charm, cultural attractions
         So when a client inquires about traveling to Argentina,   traveling to this part of the world. It’s also the stepping-stone   and culinary scenes.
      the first thing I have to ask is, what do you like to do for   to Antarctica. So plan to pack a variety of layers to your      Wheels Down: Overall, Argentina is a country of
      fun? Because of its geography and vast territory there are   wardrobe if you are taking in most of this amazing country!   immense beauty, culture and adventure. Whether you’re
                                                            Your Roadmap: Traveling to Argentina can be an   interested in exploring natural wonders, indulging in
                                                         incredibly rewarding experience for a variety of reasons.   culinary delights or immersing yourself in vibrant cultural
                                                         Here are some compelling ones why you should consider   experiences, Argentina has something to offer every
                                                         visiting Argentina:                               traveler. The best time to visit depends on the regions
                                                            Diverse Landscapes–Iguazu Falls: One of the world’s   you plan to  explore. Generally, spring (September to
                                                         largest waterfall systems located in the north of the   November) and fall (March to May) are good times for
                                                         country, in the Iguazu National Park.             pleasant weather and fewer crowds. So kick up your heels
                                                            Patagonia: A region of stunning natural beauty with   and make sure you put Argentina on your dance card!
                                                         glaciers, fjords, and the southernmost city in the world,                  Wishing You Safe Travels,
                                                         Ushuaia.                                                                                   Jessica
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