Page 21 - Abacoa Community News November '23
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Abacoa, Page 21
       Science On The Cutting Edge

      FAU Lands $4.2 Million                                                                               or animals sleep better during that withdrawal period,
      NIH Grant For Air Quality,                                                                           then when they wake up, perhaps they won’t feel so much
                                                                                                           craving and won’t be as likely to relapse.”
      Alzheimer’s Study                                                                                       In a previous study, the researchers found that suvorexant
                                                                                                           decreased the amount of oxycodone that opioid-dependent
      By Gisele Galoustian                                                                                 rats self-administered during binge sessions. In the new
         Worldwide, the                                                                                    study, the team focused more on the withdrawal period
      practice of preparing                                                                                from oxycodone. During a 14-day withdrawal period
      agricultural fields by                                                                               from oxycodone, opioid-dependent rats showed expected
      burning crop residue                                                                                 withdrawal symptoms, including disturbed circadian rhythms
      contributes large                                                                                    like those seen in insomnia – marked by an increase in
      quantities of gaseous pollutants and aerosol particles to the                                        activity, eating and drinking during their usual sleeping
      atmosphere and is a known cardiorespiratory health hazard. It                                        hours. However, rats given DORA-12 during this withdrawal
      has been shown that combustion byproducts in smoke cross the                                         period showed patterns of behavior and physiological
      blood-brain barrier causing brain inflammation, and repeated                                         activities more like animals not dependent on opioids. In
      inhalation of smoke can contribute to cognitive decline and                                          addition, when once again exposed to cues they had learned
      dementia among older adults.                       Worldwide, the practice of preparing agricultural fields by   to associate with oxycodone, the rats treated with DORA-
         Federal efforts to monitor air quality have been focused   burning crop residue contributes large quantities of gaseous   12 did not show drug-seeking behavior. Signs of opioid
      on population-dense urban communities. As such, impacts   pollutants and aerosol particles into the atmosphere.   addiction in the brain, characterized by the number of certain
      of smoke exposure from agricultural fires on the risk of                                             neuron types, were also reversed by DORA-12, and the effect
      Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD) in rural   JuYoung Park, Ph.D., a professor in the Phyllis and Harvey   persisted even if DORA-12 had not been given for days.
      populations are not well understood.               Sandler School of Social Work, within FAU’s College of      Interestingly, Martin-Fardon’s group saw slightly
         People who live in the rural communities along Lake   Social Work and Criminal Justice; Diana Mitsova, Ph.D., chair   different results between male and female animals.
      Okeechobee are subjected to repeated, intermittent exposures   and professor, Department of Urban and Regional Planning   Although all rats had less opioid relapse when treated with
      to air pollution during agricultural fires. Not only is the risk   within FAU’s Charles E. Schmidt College of Science; Lilah   DORA-12, the drug was less effective in female animals
      of ADRD among aging residents of these communities from   M. Besser, Ph.D., research assistant professor, Department of   and the changes to neuron numbers seemed to be more
      repeated air pollution a concern, but smoke exposure also is   Neurology, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine;   pronounced in males. “I think this is something really
      associated with an anxious, irritable and depressed mood,   Sheryl Magzamen, Ph.D., associate professor, Department of   important to follow up on,” says Martin-Fardon. “It may
      which could lead to social isolation and thereby impact   Epidemiology, Colorado State University; Jeffrey Pierce, Ph.D.,   be that women are much more sensitive to the effect of
      mental health in general.                          professor of atmospheric science, Colorado State University;   oxycodone and different doses of treatment are required.”
         To better understand this issue, researchers from Florida   and consultant Diane Cook, Ph.D., Regents professor and a      More studies are needed to show the utility of DORA-
      Atlantic University (FAU) have received a five-year, $4.2   Huie-Rogers chair professor, School of Electrical Engineering   12 or similar insomnia drugs to treat opioid addiction in
      million R01 grant from the National Institute on Aging of   and Computer Science, Washington State University.   people. Already, clinical researchers at the Pearson Center
      the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in collaboration with      “This study will provide evidence for the interactions   for Alcohol and Addiction Research are studying the use
      the University of Miami, Colorado State University and   between community and individual factors that heighten   of the insomnia drug suvorexant in people with alcohol
      Washington State University.                       dementia risk in rural and diverse communities that face severe,   use disorder.
         The project, “The Role of Air Quality and Built   adverse social determinants of health as well as high rates      In addition to Martin-Fardon and Illenberger, authors of
      Environment in Social Isolation and Cognitive Function   of this disease,” said Safiya George, Ph.D., Holli Rockwell   the study, “Daily treatment with the dual orexin receptor
      Among Rural, Racially/Ethnically Diverse Residents at   Trubinsky eminent dean and professor, FAU Christine E. Lynn   antagonist DORA-12 during oxycodone abstinence
      Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease,” will involve a total of 1,087   College of Nursing. “Importantly, the findings from this study   decreases oxycodone conditioned reinstatement,” include
      community-dwelling adults ages 45 and older who have not   will inform a mitigation model and public health interventions   Francisco Flores-Ramirez, Glenn Pascasio and Alessandra
      been previously diagnosed with ADRD from 50 neighborhood,   that will diminish the threat of Alzheimer’s disease and related   Matzeu of Scripps Research.
      block groups within five communities along Lake Okeechobee.  dementias in rural settings and ultimately improve quality of      This work was supported by funding from the Merck
         Lake Okeechobee is the largest freshwater lake in Florida   life and reduce health care expenditures.”  Investigator Studies Program (MISP59371), NIH/NIAAA
      and the second largest in the contiguous United States.                                              (AA026999, AA028549, AA006420, T32 AA0074560)
      The southern portion of the lake is rural, multiculturally  Insomnia Drug Helps Prevent              and NIH/NIDA (DA053443). The DORA-12 was provided
      diverse and home to sugarcane farmworkers whose social   Oxycodone Relapse, Scripps                  by Merck Pharmaceuticals.
      engagement wanes during agricultural burns. As socially
      vulnerable residents, they are at risk for ADRD because they   Research Study Shows                  A Butterfly Effect
      lack access to resources available in urban settings.
         An interdisciplinary team from nursing, social work, urban                                           New research
      and regional planning, and epidemiology will examine the effects                                     finds that Protein
      of smoke-related air pollution during agricultural burn and non-                                     Kinase  C delta
      burn seasons on social isolation, cognitive function and risk of      New findings suggest           (PKCd) activity
      ADRD in rural residents at the southern end of Lake Okeechobee   that treating insomnia              triggered by the plasticity of just a few synapses regulates
      in Palm Beach County. As part of the study, researchers also will   can stop opioid-seeking          cell-wide changes in gene transcription.
      deploy easy-to-install, low-cost air pollution monitors in about   behavior,  even  after               When you interact with the world around you, your
      60 homes to assess ambient smoke levels.           ending treatment.                                 experiences are recorded as changes in the connection strengths
         For the study, the research team will gather electronic      A good night’s sleep                 between neurons in your brain. This process, called synaptic
      data using smartwatches in a subsample of 120 residents   has many proven health benefits, and a new Scripps Research   plasticity, alters how information flows through your brain and
      representing five Lake Okeechobee communities. The   study suggests one more: preventing opioid relapse.  is critical for learning, memory, and even injury recovery.
      smartwatch subsample will be monitored for physical activity,      In the new study, published online in Neuropharmacology      New research guided by MPFI Scientific Director Dr.
      social activity and cognitive performance. Biomarkers will   on Aug. 12, scientists gave an experimental insomnia   Ryohei Yasuda and published this week in the Journal of
      provide passive continuous sensing of heart rate, respiratory   treatment to rats experiencing oxycodone withdrawal. The   Neuroscience, has identified a critical role for a signaling
      rate, blood pressure, height/weight and calculated BMI.  researchers found that the animals were far less likely to   enzyme called Protein Kinase C delta in this process. The
         “Our research team will use mobile devices and AI to explore   seek out drugs again in the future – even after ending the   team of scientists developed biosensors to track the activity of
      how momentary changes in smoke from agricultural burns could   treatment. These findings could eventually lead to therapies   PKCd during plasticity, overcoming longstanding challenges
      lead to anxiety, depression and irritability, resulting in decreased   to help prevent opioid addiction or relapse in humans. “These   in studying its function. Through this new approach, they
      physical activity, movement and social activity outside the home   results are very encouraging,” says Rémi Martin-Fardon,   found that PKCd created a “butterfly effect” transmitting local
      and in various built and social environments,” said Lisa Kirk   Ph.D., associate professor of molecular medicine at Scripps   signals from a few of the thousands of synapses in a neuron
      Wiese, Ph.D., principal investigator and an associate professor   Research and senior author of the study. “We hope in the   to regulate cell-wide changes in gene expression.
      in FAU’s Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing. “We will be   future this compound may be useful for not only treating      Synaptic plasticity consists of hundreds of coordinated
      gathering real-time data from our study participants that will   sleep disorders, but also drug use disorders.”  biochemical reactions that alter the structure and function of
      provide detailed insights to immediate changes to behaviors and      Opioids including oxycodone are used to treat pain but   individual synapses, the tiny compartments where information
      mood that occur when they encounter low air quality or distressed   carry a risk of misuse and opioid dependence in people who   is transferred between neurons. These biochemical reactions
      environments and how this translates to cognitive performance.”  use them regularly. In 2021, opioid overdoses killed more   are the work of enzymes, specialized proteins in your cells that
         A key factor in this work  has  been  the  continuous   than 80,000 people in the United States, according to the   function together during plasticity to physically grow or shrink
      engagement of rural community residents and organizations   U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
      in the design, implementation and evaluation of research to   Researchers know that during opioid withdrawal – which   A Butterfly Effect on page 22
      decrease dementia risk.                            can last for days in people who are dependent on the drug
         “Amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tau tangles – a hallmark   – people experience a range of symptoms including nausea,
      of Alzheimer’s disease – can begin 20 years before any symptoms   vomiting, sweating, chills, pain, anxiety and insomnia.
      start to appear,” said Christine Williams, DNSc, multi-PI and      Martin-Fardon and Jessica Illenberger, Ph.D., a
      professor emeritus in FAU’s Christine E. Lynn College of   postdoctoral research fellow at Scripps Research and   Captain’s was established in 1980 servicing
      Nursing. “Most research on Alzheimer’s disease and related   first author of the study, wondered whether treating the   Palm Beach County and is a privately
      dementias targets older adults. Our study will include middle-  insomnia associated with opioid withdrawal might help   owned and managed company.
      aged adults when dementia risks begin to accelerate. As a result,   prevent relapse. This is why they turned to an experimental   Captain’s is committed to providing
                                                                                                            dependable, reliable and professional
      we will be able to promote early awareness of the disease and   insomnia drug known as DORA-12, which is like the FDA-  ground transportation to and from all
      earlier modification of the associated risk factors.”   approved drug Belsomra (suvorexant). “A lot of drug use   South Florida Airports and Seaports.
         Research co-investigators of the project include experts   and relapse are primarily motivated by a person’s desire   To reserve your vehicle:  PBCVH212
      across various scientific fields: Janet Holt, Ph.D., an academic   to alleviate these withdrawal symptoms,” says Illenberger.   561-798-2180 or 800-634-7890
      researcher in FAU’s Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing;   “The idea behind testing this treatment was that if people
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