Page 20 - Abacoa Community News November '23
P. 20

Page 20, Abacoa
      How Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center

      Is Committed To Cardiac Care

         Palm Beach Gardens                                                                                Gardens Medical Center offers a comprehensive range
      Medical Center’s journey                                                                             of cardiac care services. From enhanced recovery
      into advanced cardiac care                                                                           programs, diagnostic tests and medical management to
      began in 1983 when it                                                                                interventional procedures and cardiac rehabilitation, the
      became the first hospital                                                                            hospital provides a continuum of care that addresses the
      in Palm Beach County to                                                                              unique needs of each patient.
      perform open heart surgery.                                                                             The multidisciplinary team of cardiac specialists at
      This achievement marked                                                                              Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center collaborates closely
      the beginning of a legacy                                                                            to ensure that patients receive the most appropriate and
      dedicated to improving                                                                               effective treatments tailored to their individual conditions.
      the lives of countless                             invasive heart procedures to our community,” said Dr.   This  patient-centered  approach  reflects  the  hospital’s
      individuals  affected  by                          Nishant Patel, a cardiothoracic surgeon on staff here at   commitment to achieving the best possible outcomes for
      cardiovascular diseases.  Dr. Nishant Patel        Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center.                every person in its care.
         Over the years, the                                In addition to minimally invasive procedures, Palm      Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center’s cardiac care
      hospital has consistently invested in the latest medical   Beach Gardens Medical Center also routinely performs   legacy is one of innovation, commitment, and excellence.
      technologies and attracted a team of highly skilled cardiac   bloodless heart surgery. This approach is especially crucial   With 40 years of experience as a pioneer in the field of
      specialists, surgeons, and support staff. This commitment   for patients who, for various reasons, cannot receive blood   cardiac surgery and care, the hospital continues to lead
      has allowed the hospital to continuously advance its cardiac   transfusions. The hospital’s commitment to bloodless   the  way  in  providing  advanced,  minimally  invasive
      care services, staying at the forefront of medical innovation.  surgery is a testament to its dedication to providing   treatments. As it looks to the future, Palm Beach Gardens
         One of the hallmarks of Palm Beach Gardens Medical   personalized care to every patient.          Medical Center remains dedicated to improving the lives
      Center’s cardiac care is its dedication to offering minimally      The  bloodless  surgery  program  at  Palm  Beach   of individuals suffering from cardiovascular diseases,
      invasive procedures. The hospital understands that patient   Gardens Medical Center utilizes advanced techniques   offering hope and healing through its world-class cardiac
      comfort, shorter recovery times, and reduced post-operative   and technologies to minimize blood loss during surgery.   care services.
      complications are of paramount importance. To that end,   This includes innovative surgical methods, careful      To learn more about our minimally invasive heart
      it has embraced innovative techniques such as minimally   preoperative planning, and the use of blood-saving   surgery program, please visit: https://www.pbgmc.
      invasive heart valve surgery.                      medications and equipment.                        com/services/cardiovascular/minimally-invasive-heart-
         Conventional open heart valve surgery is performed      Beyond these specialized procedures, Palm Beach   surgery or call (833) 265-3925.
      through the sternum. Minimally invasive mitral valve, aortic
      valve, and tricuspid valve procedures can be performed
      are performed through the side, between the ribs, and allows  Experience Dentistry with a Woman’s Touch
      without dividing the sternum, or chest bone. The procedures

      for less bleeding, less pain, shorter length of stay in the
      hospital, and faster return to activity.
         “Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center has always                  Cosmetic & Comprehensive Restorative Dentistry
      put the patient first. We invest in the latest medical
      technology, and we have an experienced team. We are                     State of the Art & Same Day Restorations
      proud to provide access to high quality, minimally
                                                                             Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Sedation Available

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