Page 22 - The Jewish Voice - October '23
P. 22
Page 22, The Jewish Voice
Lifestyles from page 21 • Participation in clinical trials and cancer research under
the direction of leading physician scientists
An estate plan also allows you to create a plan for Patient Navigation Services
what happens to you if you are unable to make your own Cleveland Clinic has a team of specially trained patient
decisions. You will still be alive, but because you cannot navigators deployed across three cancer centers in Florida
make your own decisions, someone will need to do so for who work closely to support regional care coordination.
you. This is your opportunity to name the people you trust They streamline care team communication and provide
and provide them with specific instructions about your patients with step-by-step guidance. They enhance the patient
financial and healthcare decisions. experience and the delivery of cancer care by increasing
Question: What is the best way to give my minor cancer treatment adherence, reducing care delays, promoting
children their inheritance? education and lifestyle changes, and providing emotional and
The answer to this question depends on your unique psychosocial support throughout a patient’s cancer journey.
circumstances and the needs of your minor children. Combined, they guide thousands of patients a year through
However, at a minimum, it is a good idea to place any Clinic Martin Health, and the Scully-Welsh Cancer Center at their treatments for solid tumor and blood cancers.
money or property you want your minor children to inherit Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital. They work together Compassionate, Holistic Care
in a trust. This will allow you to control who manages the to ensure patients receive the care they need, including access Cleveland Clinic patients across Florida also have access
money and property on your children’s behalf and when to leading treatment options and clinical trials. to an array of cancer support services that promote well-being
they will have access to it. The Florida-based cancer care team also harnesses during treatment and beyond. These services include:
A trust can be created during your lifetime (called a the full resources of the Cleveland Clinic enterprise, • Arts in Medicine enrichment program
revocable trust) or at your death (via a testamentary trust including collaboration with the Taussig Cancer Institute • Cancer support groups
that is part of your last will and testament). The biggest in Cleveland, Ohio, which is one of the top cancer centers • Medical nutrition therapy
difference between these two options is when the trust in the country and part of the NCI-designated Case • Patient resource and education center
becomes effective. If you create a revocable trust during Comprehensive Cancer Center. • Psychosocial and spiritual support services
your lifetime, it will be for your benefit, and you can Each Florida cancer center has independently earned • Therapy dog encounters
include instructions for what happens to the money and recognition for providing quality cancer care, including • And more
property at your death. A properly drafted and funded accreditation by the American College of Surgeons’ Advanced Cancer Treatments
trust can be managed without court involvement and Commission on Cancer and designation as Radiation Cleveland Clinic’s multidisciplinary team of cancer
can be kept more private. On the other hand, if you use Oncology Accredited Facilities by the American College specialists in Florida work together to address malignancies
a testamentary trust under your last will and testament, of Radiology. in virtually every part of the body using evidenced-based
you can still direct what will happen to your money and Collaboration Across Specialties modalities and the latest research. They treat most forms of
property, but the document will need to be filed with the Comprehensive cancer care is delivered by experts and solid tumor and blood cancers, including:
probate court, and the trust will not be created until you clinicians representing multiple specialties from medical • Breast cancer
pass away. This means that none of the instructions in the oncology, radiation oncology, radiology, pathology, surgery and • Lung cancer
document will have any effect until you die. By contrast, multiple subspecialties, plus experienced technicians, registered • Prostate cancer
a revocable trust can include provisions for what to do oncology nurses, social workers, patient navigators and support • Colorectal cancer
if you are alive but unable to care for yourself or your staff working together to provide patient-centered care. • GI cancer
minor children. Teams of specialists conduct weekly cancer conferences to • Gynecologic cancer
When crafting instructions for how your children’s review and discuss cases and develop personalized treatment • Head and neck cancer
inheritance should be managed and distributed, you have plans that may include: • Leukemia and lymphoma
a variety of options. For example, your minor children • Expert surgical care with access to minimally invasive As a leading cancer care team serving South Florida and
could receive a percentage upon reaching a specific age and robotic-assisted approaches the Treasure Coast, Cleveland Clinic in Florida provides
(e.g., 50 percent at 30 years old and the remainder at 50 • Chemotherapy or immunotherapy treatments delivered patients the compassionate, comprehensive care they
years old). You could also structure your children’s trusts in infusion suites focused on patient safety and comfort deserve close to home. And that makes all the difference.
as incentive trusts to allow the trustee to give your children • Advanced radiation therapies using state-of the-art Call (877) 463-2010 to make an appointment or visit
money only after they meet certain goals (e.g., successfully technology, including intensity-modulated radiation therapy to learn more.
completing post-secondary education, being sober for and intraoperative radiation therapy
one year, etc.). Alternatively, you can leave the decision
of how and when to distribute the funds exclusively to
the trustee’s discretion. This is sometimes referred to
as a discretionary trust. Because your children will not
be guaranteed a specific amount of money or piece of
property, the funds will be better protected from any future
creditors or divorcing spouses your children may have.
However, when deciding to use a discretionary trust, it is
important to choose your trustee wisely and communicate
potential factors for the trustee to consider when giving
money and property to your minor children.
Call our office today at 561‑694‑7827, Elder & Estate
Planning Attorneys PA, 480 Maplewood Drive, Suite 3,
Jupiter, FL 33458.
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Cleveland Clinic Is Florida’s
Destination for Cancer Care
After a century of caring for patients, including more
than three decades in Florida, Cleveland Clinic knows what
matters most to patients facing a cancer diagnosis. Patients
want to have access to high-quality, comprehensive cancer
services close to home.
Cleveland Clinic’s five-hospital regional health system
spanning Southeast Florida is part of a global, physician-led
organization that provides outstanding patient care guided by
a “patients first” philosophy. The nonprofit, multispecialty,
academic medical center integrates clinical and hospital care
with research and education.
Commitment to Industry Standards
Cleveland Clinic’s three cancer centers in Florida include the
Maroone Cancer Center at Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital,
the Robert and Carol Weissman Cancer Center at Cleveland