Page 21 - The Jewish Voice - October '23
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The Jewish Voice, Page 21
Lifestyles from page 20 Tip of the Tail is that they pretend to be ok until they are too weak to do so.
With very few exceptions, at that point it’s too late for them
I am already on an Advantage Plan I like. Should I Sudden Death — Is Rarely Sudden to be saved.
change? Most pet birds are prey species. They subconsciously
Each year you receive the Annual Notice of Change believe that predators are always lurking, hoping to find an
(ANOC) for your plan, which outlines the changes for the easy meal. Easy meals are those individuals that are slow
upcoming year. A free plan review will let you know if or weak from illness or age. Therefore, in order not to be
other plans you previously ruled out may have coverage targeted, pet birds usually do everything they can to look
that better meets your needs now or if your current plan well even when they may be seriously or even terminally ill.
is sufficient. Since birds pretend to be ok even when they aren’t, how
If you do not look at other plans, you may not know does one detect illness? Three quite simple steps:
there is a plan with lower costs or higher benefits than 1. Respond to any change in behavior or appetite.
your current plan. A good point to review is the maximum Increased or decreased hunger, becoming less active or
out-of-pocket costs in and out of network. This is your A few days ago, a client came in with a cockatiel that had hyperactive, vocalizing more or less, etc., are all alarms that
financial exposure. It is important to ensure a major been sick for less than 24 hours — or so he thought. Physical should be investigated.
illness will not bankrupt you. exam revealed that the 12-year-old female was frighteningly 2. Respond quickly. My advice to clients is to make an
Happy AEP and Happy Medicare Planning!!! thin, literally skin and bones. Despite all efforts to diagnose appointment the moment they notice something out of the
I speak Medicare: Supplement, Drug Plan, and and save the bird, a few hours later, in intensive care, she died. ordinary. If the signs are subtle, make an appointment with a
Advantage Plan. For your free Medicare plan review, Truth is, the bird had not been sick for only one day; she competent avian veterinarian as soon as practical. If the bird
please call me: Kathy Olejniczak, agent, 561-835-5413, had probably been sick for weeks. What the owner observed gets back to normal, the appointment can always be canceled.
cell/text 561-212-7640. was not the beginning of an illness, it was the beginning of If the signs are serious, get help immediately. As already
the end. The sad truth about exotic pets, particularly birds, described, the bird could be on its last leg. Serious signs
include sitting quietly on the bottom of the cage, sleeping
constantly on the perch, complete loss of appetite, difficulty
moving around, and anything else significantly different from
the individual’s normal behavior.
3. Practice preventative maintenance. Do regular check-
ups, ideally on at least an annual basis. Chronic illness can
frequently be detected before it becomes terminal.
Over the decades that I have been practicing, I’ve made a
1 OUT OF 8 I’ve never seen before, and 90 percent of the patients I see
clear observation: 90 percent of the illness I see are in patients
for annual exams never present with terminal illness. Many
causes of illness in pet birds can be avoided simply through
the education that comes with regular veterinary visits. Other
WOMEN terminal. Everyone knows the value of regular check-ups
conditions can often be detected well before they become
in people. Why shouldn’t our feathered family get the same
care? In fact, since they don’t speak well for themselves, sound
physical exams and laboratory diagnostics can speak for them.
Dr. Don J. Harris has joined Palm City Animal Medical
Center as our exotic animal veterinarian after a long career
Established in 1981, Palm City Animal Medical Center
IN THE U.S. WILL DEVELOP in exotic animals.
is dedicated to providing the best possible care for your
pets. With focuses on compassionate care in surgery,
BREAST CANCER physical therapy and rehabilitation, preventative medicine,
extensive diagnostics, and emergency service, Palm City
Animal Medical Center combines exceptional medical
care with a caring philosophy for pets and their owners.
For more information, call 772‑283‑0920, visit www. or find us on Facebook
Myths and Frequently Asked
Questions: Estate Planning
for Single Parents
Submitted by Anné
Breast cancer can strike at any age. In fact, 5% of all Desormier‑Cartwright, J.D.
breast cancer cases occur in women under 40. Myth 1: I do not need
a plan. My children
will automatically get
Get the personalized screenings you deserve, close to home. everything.
If you are single, then
Cleveland Clinic in Florida offers traditional and 3D mammograms you are correct that your
at convenient locations from South Florida to the Treasure Coast. children will get everything.
Our breast health experts are here for you. For empowerment. However, it may not be
automatic. Without an estate
For peace of mind. For every care in the world. plan, your loved ones will
have to go through the probate process to appoint a guardian
for your children (if they are minors) and distribute the
Coral Springs | Weston West Palm Beach money and property you own individually to the appropriate
recipient — in this case, your minor children. However,
because a minor cannot manage their own financial affairs
(unless the minor is emancipated), a court will have to
choose someone to do this for them. Also, once your
Schedule your mammogram today. Call 877.463.2010 children reach the age of majority (18 or 21 depending on
your state law), the money and property will be handed
or visit over to them without any protections. To ensure that you
get to choose who raises your children, who manages
their inheritance, and how and when they receive their
inheritance, you need an estate plan.
Myth 2: I am of modest means. I do not need a formal
estate plan.
Estate planning is not just about what happens to your
money and property at your death. An estate plan also
provides a way for you to name the people you want to care
for your minor children if you are unable to, whether that
is because you are out of town, unable to make your own
decisions, or have passed away.
Lifestyles from page 22