Page 19 - The Jewish Voice - October '23
P. 19

The Jewish Voice, Page 19


      Cameron Jax Aronowitz                             Ben Kahn                                           Ayden is collecting gently used children’s books, which will
         Cameron  Jax Aronowitz                            Ben Kahn became a Bar                           be donated to the Literacy Coalition of Palm Beach County.
      is always his most authentic                      Mitzvah on October 7 at Temple
      self  and  fiercely  loyal  to  his               Beth Am. Ben is in seventh grade                   Brielle Walder
      friends and family. He has a                      at  Meyer  Preparatory  School,
      love for all things outdoors                      where he is a proud member of                         Brielle Vanessa Walder will
      and nature, especially fishing!                   the  robotics  team.  Ben  is  the                 be called to the Torah as a Bat
      His big heart and kindness will                   ultimate Survivor fan and plans                    Mitzvah at Temple Beth Am on
      spread the love this world so                     to  apply  to  be  on  the  show  as               October 28. Brielle is in seventh
      desperately needs.                                soon as he turns 16.                               grade at Jupiter Middle School,
                                                                                                           where she plays the euphonium
      Olivia Barsky                                     Roman Levine                                       in the school band, loves to read,
                                                                                                           and is a creative writer for the
         Olivia Barsky became a Bat                        Roman Levine will become a Bar                  journalism team. For her mitzvah
      Mitzvah at Temple Beth David                      Mitzvah on November 18 at Temple                   project, Brielle has been fostering
      on September 2. Olivia is an                      Beth Am. Roman is a seventh grade                  rabbits for the past couple of
      eighth grader at Arthur I. Meyer                  student at The Benjamin School                     years, graciously taking care of them until they find a forever
      Jewish Preparatory School and                     and enjoys spending time with his                  family. Her love for animals has led her to be a junior naturalist
      participates in basketball, soccer,               family and friends. Some activities                at Busch Wildlife. Brielle is a good friend, brilliant, creative,
      volleyball, and track. She was an                 he enjoys include playing basketball               and hard-working.
      Honorable Mention recipient in                    for The Benjamin School, playing
      the 2023 Palm Beach County’s                      golf for The North Palm Beach                      Ellie Zimmerman
      Science  Fair.  In  her  spare                    County Club, playing video games,
      time, Olivia enjoys swimming,                     cooking with his family, and hanging out with friends. Roman      Te m pl e   Be t h  Da vi d
      cooking, and baking. Olivia will be working with the Palm   spends his summers in Lake Beach, PA, at Trail’s End Camp,   announces the Bat Mitzvah of
      Beach County Food Bank for her mitzvah project.   where he has been a camper for several years.      Ellie Zimmerman on October 20.
                                                                                                           Ellie is an eighth grader at Arthur
      Blake Berg                                        Ayden Santelli                                     I.  Meyer  Jewish  Preparatory
                                                                                                           School and a member of the
         Blake  Berg  is  an  eighth                       Ayden Santelli became a Bar                     National Junior Honor Society.
      grader at Meyer Preparatory.                      Mitzvah on September 2 at Temple                   She competes in cross-country,
      Outside of school, Blake is an                    Beth David. Ayden attends Jupiter                  track,  soccer,  and  horseback
      avid photographer and a Cadet                     Middle and is a straight A student.                riding. Ellie’s hobbies include
      Airman First Class in the Civil                   He has been playing travel baseball                art, reading, going to the beach,
      Air Patrol, an auxiliary of the                   since he was eight years old. When                 and spending time with her friends and golden retriever. For her
      United States Air Force. She loves                he is not playing baseball, Ayden                  mitzvah project, Ellie will be organizing a pet supply drive at
      cars — namely, fast ones— often                   enjoys video gaming and hanging                    Meyer Prep and Temple Beth David.
      spending time at local car shows.                 with his friends. For his mitzvah
      Her heart is in the Berkshire                     project, Ayden, along with the help                   Send us your simchas! The Jewish Voice welcomes
      Mountains each summer at Camp                     of his baseball team, collected over               announcements of life‑cycle events in the local Jewish
      Watitoh, where she has been a camper since the age of 6. Blake   2,500 pairs of used shoes to donate to third world countries and   community. The copy deadline is the 15th of the month. Send
      is honored to become a Bat Mitzvah at Temple Judea.  were featured on ESPN in May for their generosity. In addition,   text and images to
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