Page 17 - The Jewish Voice - October '23
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The Jewish Voice, Page 17
Community Calendar from page 16 Saturday, Nov. 25 treatment. This is a great volunteer opportunity for teens, families
9:30 a.m. – Weekly Torah Study – We discuss the English text for with children ages 10+ and people of all ages. Call the office to
classes) – Explore Jewish holidays and values as we sing, move, the Torah portion of the week. In-person with a breakfast nosh and register at 624-4633.
use a variety of sensory materials and create artistic keepsakes. A also available via Zoom. Free and open to all. Sunday, Nov. 5, 9 a.m.
wonderful opportunity for conversation about how Judaism can Tuesday, Nov. 28 TJ Tots with Cantor Abbie
shape your parenting and home. Snacks and time for connections 9 a.m. – Jewish Beginnings for ages 0-3 years (7th of 8 weekly For ages 0 – Pre-K and their parents and grandparents who love
included! For more info and to register, go to classes) – Explore Jewish holidays and values as we sing, move, them. Celebrate Judaism in the language of children with music,
7 p.m. – Mussar in Action (1st of 6 monthly classes) – One of the use a variety of sensory materials and create artistic keepsakes. A movement and rituals.
core principles of Mussar is to become the best version of ourselves wonderful opportunity for conversation about how Judaism can Wednesday, Nov. 8, 12 p.m.
by learning about ourselves, incorporating lessons of our traditions shape your parenting and home. Snacks and time for connections Lunch and Learn Mysteries of the Torah with Rabbi Feivel – “Jewish
and strengthening the bonds of our community. Facilitated by Dr. included! For more info and to register, go to Dogma and Beliefs”
Barry Horowitz and Rabbi Howard Shapiro. In-person with optional Wednesday, Nov. 29 $22 / person. Reservations Required. Call 561-624-4633
virtual access. For more info and to register, go to 9:30 a.m. – Mat Yoga in-person and via Zoom – Relaxing techniques Friday, Nov. 10, 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Nov. 15 for both the mind and body, with stretching, balancing and Shabbat Dinner
9:30 a.m. – Mat Yoga in-person and via Zoom – Relaxing techniques strengthening. For more info or Zoom access, call (561) 833-8421. $30 Adults $20 Children ages 5-12
for both the mind and body, with stretching, balancing and 10:30 a.m. – Chair Yoga in-person and via Zoom – Physically and Reservation Required to Randi at or 561-624-4633
strengthening. For more info or Zoom access, call (561) 833-8421. mentally relaxing, with gentle stretching and balance postures to Monday, Nov. 14, 4 p.m.
10:30 a.m. – Chair Yoga in-person and via Zoom – Physically and strengthen your body through the use of a simple chair! For more Healing Service with Cantor Abbie
mentally relaxing, with gentle stretching and balance postures to info or Zoom access, call (561) 833-8421. Tuesday, Nov. 14 - Help Feed the Hungry
strengthen your body through the use of a simple chair! For more To benefit St. George’s Food Kitchen. Please consider making
info or Zoom access, call (561) 833-8421. Temple Judea sandwiches at home - on white, whole wheat, or whatever bread
12 p.m. – Adult Ed: Jews in Sports – More Than Just a Pamphlet 4311 Hood Road, Palm Beach Gardens with peanut butter and jelly or turkey and cheese or 3 slices of any
(3rd of 3 classes) – Join Rabbi Ryan Daniels and author Ed Sherman 624.4633, cheese and small amount of mustard. No need to cut the sandwiches.
for an inside look at Jews in sports, sharing inspiring stories of Mondays Beginning October 16 2:00 p.m. Put each one in a baggie. One loaf of bread makes 10 sandwiches.
perseverance in overcoming extreme challenges in pursuit of Beginners Conversational Hebrew with Rabbi Feivel They distribute 300 sandwiches a day – so any amount is greatly
greatness. RSVP at Monday, Oct. 16, 5 p.m. appreciated. Drop off your sandwiches at temple – main door on
Thursday, Nov. 16 A Taste of Torah with Rabbi Yaron any time from 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Questions? Call the office at
7 p.m. – TI Reads Online Book Club: “Wonder Boys” by Michael “Genesis. In Hebrew, B’reishit. This book recounts the story of (561) 624-4633.
Chabon – This monthly group offers invigorating, mind-expanding creation and the lives of the patriarchs and matriarchs of the Jewish Thursday, Nov. 16, 10:30 a.m.
and stimulating conversation on selected books from the past 100 people.” Women in the Torah with Rabbi Rose
years in Jewish literature. Call (561) 833-8421 for Zoom access. Future Dates: November 27, December 18, January 22, February Torah Toxic Love: Controversial relationships in the Torah: Samson
Friday, Nov. 17 12, March 11, April 15 and Delilah, Jonathan and David, Judah and Tamar
9 a.m. – Shalom Everybody for ages 0-3 years (6th of 8 weekly Wednesdays Beginning Oct. 18, 2 p.m. Bagel Brunch – RSVP required! Call 561-624-4633
classes) – An engaging music and movement program to develop Intermediate Conversational Hebrew with Rabbi Feivel Monday, Nov. 27, 5 p.m.
innate musicality. Following singing and dancing, we’ll have challah Thursday, Oct. 19, 10:30 a.m. A Taste of Torah with Rabbi Yaron
and get to know each other and celebrate Shabbat. For more info Women in the Torah with Rabbi Rose Exodus. In Hebrew, Sh’mot. This book details the story of slavery
and to register, go to “David’s Divas” – Analyzing the Significant Political Influence of in Egypt, the Exodus, and the Ten Commandments.
6:30 p.m. – Shabbat Worship Service – In-person and livestreamed King David’s Named Wives: Michal, Bathsheba and Abigail Future Dates: December 18, January 22, February 12, March 11,
to our Facebook page (Temple Israel, West Palm Beach). Enjoy Bagel Brunch – RSVP required! Call 561-624-4633 April 15
uplifting music and prayer, followed by an oneg dessert reception. Friday, Oct. 20, Pet Shabbat – Weather Permitting Fridays
Open to all. For more info, call (561) 833-8421. In honor of Parshat Noah, Celebrate Shabbat and Bless Your Pet Shabbat Worship Through October 27
Saturday, Nov. 18 5:30 p.m. Treats for People and Pets 5:30 p.m. Pre-oneg
9:30 a.m. – Weekly Torah Study – We discuss the English text for 6 p.m. Worship 6:00 p.m. Shabbat Worship
the Torah portion of the week. In-person with a breakfast nosh and Bring Your Own Chairs Please!! Shabbat Worship Beginning November 3
also available via Zoom. Free and open to all. In the event of inclement weather, we will hold services indoors, 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Worship
Wednesday, Nov. 22 in the sanctuary and regrettably, no animals are allowed inside. Dessert Oneg Following Services
9:30 a.m. – Mat Yoga in-person and via Zoom – Relaxing techniques Candid Conversation for Women with Marcia Grobman, LCSW Minyan
for both the mind and body, with stretching, balancing and Candid conversations regarding various issues we face in our day Mondays
strengthening. For more info or Zoom access, call (561) 833-8421. to day lives. 9:30 a.m. via Zoom
10:30 a.m. – Chair Yoga in-person and via Zoom – Physically and Open to all TJ Women Thursdays
mentally relaxing, with gentle stretching and balance postures to Thursdays at 1 p.m. 9:30 a.m. in person and via Livestream
strengthen your body through the use of a simple chair! For more Oct. 26 – Achieving Inner Peace Saturdays
info or Zoom access, call (561) 833-8421. Nov. 9 – Motivating My Memory 9 to 11 a.m. Torah Study via Zoom
Friday, Nov. 24 Nov. 30 – Challenging Ageism
6:30 p.m. – Shabbat Worship Service – In-person and livestreamed Friday, Oct. 27, Pet Shabbat Rain Make Up Date
to our Facebook page (Temple Israel, West Palm Beach). Enjoy Sunday, Oct. 29, 3 p.m
uplifting music and prayer, followed by an oneg dessert reception. Volunteer opportunity at Quantum House at St. Mary’s
Open to all. For more info, call (561) 833-8421. Children’s Hospital. Prepare a meal for families with children getting
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