Page 19 - Southern Exposure - September '23
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Southern Exposure, Page 19

      SYmphonY newS from page 18                        the current season include dates with Ilya Rashkovsky in Taiwan,   community outreach programs with children’s concerts, student
                                                        Tomoki Sakata in Japan and Evgeny Bozhanov in Duisburg. The   coaching sessions and master classes, instrument donations
      San Francisco Ballet, the New York Philharmonic, Boston   Washington Post reported, “Her big, focused, almost piercing   and free public concerts. For more information, visit www.
      Symphony, Chicago Symphony, the Cleveland Orchestra, the   tone took over, carving sonic space, a race car driver weaving in
      Philadelphia Orchestra, San Francisco Symphony and the Los   and out of (and even cutting off) traffic.”    Proud sponsors of Palm Beach Symphony include Max and
      Angeles Philharmonic; in Europe by the Orchestra de Paris,     A gifted composer and arranger, Gerard Schwarz has   Christine Ansbacher, Mrs. James N. Bay, Alan Benaroya, JoAnne
      Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, BBC Symphony Orchestra,   expanded his compositional activities in recent years. He   Berkow, David C. and Eunice Bigelow, Leslie Rogers Blum,
      Hamburg Radio Symphony, National Symphony of Russia,   completed five new arrangements of holiday music that was   James R. Borynack and Adolfo Zaralegui/FINDLAY Galleries,
      Warsaw Symphony, Copenhagen Philharmonic, National   recorded by the Palm Beach Symphony for CBS12 in 2022, and   Braman Motorcars, Thomas and Carol Bruce, CIBC Private
      Symphony of Spain and Orchestra of National Opera of Greece;   his latest version of In Memoriam for Euphonium and Orchestra   Wealth, The Colony Hotel, The David Minkin Foundation, The
      and in Asia by New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, Sidney   was premiered at the Eastern Music Festival in 2022 with   Frederick A. DeLuca Foundation, Echo Fine Properties, Bill
      Symphony Orchestra, Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, Seoul   Demondrae Thurman as soloist. His Trio for Violin, Horn and   and Kem Frick/The Frick Foundation, Inc., Morgan Glazar/
      Philharmonic, Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and China   Piano, released on Good Child Recordings, was called a work   Tom James Company, Paul and Sandra Goldner, Peter and
      National Symphony.                                of “sophistication and intelligence” (Seattle Post-Intelligencer).   Felicia Gottsegen/Gottsegen Family Foundation, Irwin and Janet
        • Wednesday, Dec. 13 at 7:30 p.m.; Akiko Suwanai, violin,   Earlier works include In Memoriam and Rudolf and Jeanette   Gusman, Thomas E. Harvey & Cathleen P. Black Foundation,
      and conducted by Gerard Schwarz’s Masterworks Series at   (dedicated to the memory of his grandparents who perished   Doris Hastings Foundation, John Herrick, Addison Hines
      Dreyfoos Concert Hall, Kravis Center for the Performing Arts,   in the Holocaust) – both recorded by Naxos; Human Spirit,   Charitable Trust, George Hines, HSS Florida, IYC, Charles
      701 Okeechobee Blvd., West Palm Beach, FL 33401. Tickets   a composition for choir and orchestra and his duos for violin   and Ann Johnson/The C and A Johnson Family Foundation,
      are $25 to $95.                                   and cello which were called “redolent of the gentle humanism   Barbara and William Karatz Fund/William Karatz and Joan G.
        Tchaikovsky: Violin Concerto                    central to much of the music Schwarz loves to conduct” by The   Smith, Leonard and Norma Klorfine Foundation, The Kovner
        World premiere of a composition by Gerard Schwarz   Seattle Times. A Journey, a large-scale orchestral tone poem,   Foundation, Gary and Linda Lachman/The Lachman Family
        Dvořák: Symphony No. 9 “From the New World”     received its world premiere at the Eastern Music Festival in   Foundation, Patricia Lambrecht, Tova Leidesdorf, Lugano
        Palm Beach Symphony presents a concert that will transport   July 2012. Schwarz’s work for concert band Above and Beyond   Diamonds, The Honorable Bonnie McElveen-Hunter, The
      audiences with works from great composers inspired by their   was premiered by The United States Marine Band in 2013 and   McNulty Charitable Foundation, David Moscow, NetJets, Palm
      travels and journey into the repertoire’s future with a world   is now available on Naxos, recorded by the Marine Band for   Beach Design Masters, Patrick and Milly Park/Park Foundation,
      premiere. Acclaimed violinist Akiko Suwanai performs   broadcast on PBS in November 2018. His newest work for that   Nancy and Ellis J. Parker, III, PNC Private Bank, Lois Pope,
      Tchaikovsky’s only Violin Concerto, a bravura and lyrical work   ensemble, a new version of Rudolf and Jeannette was premiered   Provident Jewelry, Ari Rifkin/The Len-Ari Foundation, Karen
      inspired by that composer’s visit to Switzerland. The Palm Beach   in February 2016. His orchestral work, A Poem, was given its first   and Kenneth Rogers, Ronald Rosenfeld, David Schafer, Seth
      Symphony accompanies Dvořák on his travel to the United States   performance by the Hartford Symphony. In 2018 his Triptych for   Sprague Foundation, Robin B. Smith, Kimberly Strauss, Dodie
      with Symphony No. 9 “From the New World,” a work filled with   violin and cello was premiered at Bargemusic and his work for   and Manley Thaler and the Thaler/Howell Foundation, Jerome
      diversity that matches the nation itself and one of the greatest ever   euphonium and band, based on In Memoriam, was premiered in   and Carol Trautschold, Sieglinde Wikstrom/The Wikstrom
      composed here. Maestro Schwarz will lead the symphony in a   Korea, as was his Rhapsody for Cello and Orchestra. Adagio,   Foundation, and The Ann Eden Woodward Foundation/James
      world premiere of his own composition commissioned for the   based on Webern’s Langsamer Satz premiered at the Eastern   and Judy Woods. Programs are also sponsored in part by the State
      Palm Beach Symphony by Don and Mary Thompson in honor   Music Festival in July 2019.                 of Florida, Department of State, Division of Arts and Culture,
      of the 50th Anniversary of the Palm Beach Symphony.   About Palm Beach Symphony                      and the Florida Council on Arts and Culture.
        Japanese violinist Akiko Suwanai has established herself     Palm Beach Symphony is South Florida’s premier orchestra     Website for tickets:
      as one of the most sought-after artists of her generation. Since   known for its diverse repertoire and commitment to community.     Phone number for tickets: (561) 281-0145
      winning the International Tchaikovsky Competition in 1990 she   Founded in 1974, this 501(c)(3) nonprofit arts organization     Box Office: Tickets are also available at the Palm Beach
      has enjoyed a flourishing career, performing chamber music   adheres to a mission of engaging, educating, and entertaining   Symphony Box Office weekdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 400
      worldwide and engaging at the highest-level with orchestras and   the greater community of the Palm Beaches through live   Hibiscus Street, Suite 100, West Palm Beach.
      conductors worldwide. In the 2022/23 season, Suwanai tours with   performances of inspiring orchestral music. The orchestra is     Venues and ticket prices: See individual listings. Tickets to
      the Rotterdam Philharmonic/Shani and performs with the BBC   celebrated for delivering spirited performances by first-rate   individual Masterworks Series concerts will go on sale Sept. 5.
      Symphony Orchestra/Bringuier, Sinfonieorchester Basel/Bolton,   musicians and distinguished guest artists. Recognized by     All dates, times, programs, artists and ticket prices are subject
      Duisberg Philharmoniker/Bellincampi, Hong Kong Symphony   The Cultural Council for Palm Beach County with a 2020   to change without notice.
      Orchestra/van Zweden and National Symphony Orchestra/  Muse Award for Outstanding Community Engagement, Palm
      Märkl, to name a few. Also a regular recitalist, performances in   Beach Symphony continues to expand its education and   Symphony News on page 20
         Keep Kids Safe As They Head Back To School

         Center For Child Counseling Launches            smart choices in all areas as they become healthy, powerful  Palm Beach and Martin Counties.
         Bekidsafe.Org Platform To Ensure All            adults.                                            For teachers, schools, districts, and parents interested
         Children Grow Up Safe From Abuse                  CampSafe   ultimately serves the same purpose as Stay  in learning more about how to be proactive in preventing
                                                         KidSafe!™ but is training for camp leadership and staff.  and responding to child sexual abuse, visit

           Twenty-eight states, including Florida, and D.C. have  For summer 2022, more than 7,000 camp staff across 54  or email to learn more.
         passed legislation mandating instruction within schools  camps participated in the CampSafe  training program.      Layman emphasized, “Education is the key to prevention
         on child sexual abuse awareness and prevention, as of    Sexual abuse and human trafficking can have long-  – we must empower our schools, homes, and communities
         January 2023. Unfortunately, 14 states have no laws in  lasting  physical  and  emotional  effects,  including:  with the tools to teach children and adults how to keep kids
         place. With the start of the new school year, Center for  depression, eating disorders, self-blame, self-destructive  safe. It’s time we move beyond awareness and take action
         Child Counseling (CFCC) wants to ensure every student  behaviors, intergenerational cyclical abuse, learning  to stop sexual abuse before it happens so kids can grow up
         throughout Florida, and across the United States, is  disabilities, drug abuse.                  to be healthy, powerful adults!”
         protected and safe from abuse. To attain this goal, the    “As devastating as this public health crisis is, sexual
         Palm Beach Gardens-based agency recently launched  abuse and these long-term effects can be prevented through – an online platform with prevention  education. We created to make it easy for  About Center For Child Counseling
         education for all adults who work with children.   ALL adults to become trauma-aware and recognize and    Center for Child Counseling has been building the
           Every nine minutes, a child is a victim of sexual abuse  stop childhood trauma and abuse in its tracks,” stated Renée  foundation for playful, healthful, and hopeful living for
         and assault ( Florida ranks third in the nation  Layman, CEO for Center for Child Counseling.  children and families in Palm Beach County since 1999.
         in calls to the National Human Trafficking hotline. It is    The training programs and workshops offered on  Its services focus on preventing and healing the effects of
         reported far too often—teachers, coaches, pastors, priests, were developed by professionals with  adverse experiences and toxic stress on children, promoting
         family members, friends, neighbors, political and business  expertise in sexual abuse prevention and training. Center  resiliency and healthy family, school, and community
         leaders charged with sexual assault. One in four girls and  for Child Counseling partnered with experts in learning  relationships., Twitter: @
         one in thirteen boys will report they were sexually abused  and development, using the most up-to-date elearn method  ChildCounselPBC Facebook: @CenterforChildCounseling,
         by the age of 18. 70 to 90 percent of commercially exploited  utilizes engaging, child-friendly content, including  Instagram: @childcounselpbc
         youth have a history of child sexual abuse. Awareness of  professionally animated
         these offenders and those victims being grotesquely violated  videos and age-appropriate
         and trafficked is not enough: the abuse needs to be stopped  safety skills and lessons.
         before it happens!                                Stay KidSafe!™ is available
  is a platform for educators, camp staff,  at no cost to child-serving
         and other child-facing professionals to easily access online  organizations and schools in
         training programs, like Stay KidSafe!™ and CampSafe ,  Palm Beach County, Fla., and
         and workshops to learn how to keep children safe through  reduced cost to other schools
         effective strategies that prevent abuse, build safety and  and districts throughout the
         communication skills, promote positive relationships and  state and country thanks
         resilience, and identify risk early.            to financial support from
           Stay KidSafe!™ is an online training designed to provide  partner organizations, such as:
         educators and students with the awareness and knowledge  Impact the Palm Beaches, the
         needed to prevent child sexual abuse. Since 2009, the Stay  Morgridge Family Foundation,
         KidSafe!™ program has empowered more than 60,000  Boca Regional Hospital, Boca
         children with personal safety education and has taught  West Children’s Foundation,
         more than 50,000 parents, guardians, teachers, and child-  The Batchelor Foundation,
         serving professionals how to keep kids safe. In addition  First  Horizon Foundation,
         to protecting children from sexual abuse, KidSafe teaches  Florida Blue Foundation, and
         children safety tools and skills that help them make safe and  Community Foundation for
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