Page 15 - Southern Exposure - September '23
P. 15

Southern Exposure, Page 15

                                                                  All About KidS

                                              Inflexible Children Struggle

                                                               By Jim Forgan, Ph.D., School Psychologist

        “We don’t spring any unexpected changes on him or he   can’t get it out. They perseverate. Their brain is like a train   be bossy when playing and
      has a huge meltdown,” explained one mom. Her 8-year-old   riding down a track and it can’t make a shift to a new track   want to do things their way.
      son had daily tantrums when things did not go his way. Mom   until it gets to a junction. Unfortunately for some people,   This inflexibility can create
      was concerned he might have ADHD so we evaluated him to   their brain goes on for “miles” before it reaches a junction.   friendship issues with same
      determine the root cause of his meltdowns. Our evaluation   As a parent you might think, “Just get over it and move on,”   age peers and inflexible
      showed it was not ADHD but rather he had executive   but it is not that easy for your child.         children might prefer to play
      functioning difficulty with shifting attention and cognitive     Inflexible children often have difficulty making   with younger children whom
      flexibility.                                      transitions at home and at school. They often see things   they can boss around.
        Perhaps you’ve heard the saying, “That person has a   their way and have difficulty going with the flow. This     The term executive
      one-track mind.” That saying captures what happens when   contributes to their meltdowns and stubbornness. Inflexible   functioning describes
      inflexible people get something stuck in their minds and they   children are not always pleasant to be around. They can   our brain’s management
                                                                                                           system. Kids with executive
                                                                                                           functioning difficulty need to learn skill rather than take
                                                                                                           pills to help them. Mom was happy medication was not the
                                                                                                           answer for her child. My Day is Ruined!: A Story Teaching
                                                                                                           Flexible Thinking by Bryan Smith is a book you can read
                                                                                                           with your child to teach skills.
                                                                                                             Call to discuss your child as we test for executive
                                                                                                           functioning difficulty, autism, dyslexia, dysgraphia,
                                                                                                           ADHD, depression, and anxiety . Visit or
                                                                                                           call (561) 625-4125.

                                                                                                             mediCAl mAtterS from page 14

                                                                                                             within 24 hours of receiving a diagnosis, allowing them
                                                                                                             to jump-start their journey to beat cancer.
                                                                                                               In fall 2023, the health system’s highly anticipated,
                                                                                                             90,000-square-foot Johnny and Terry Gray Surgical
                                                                                                             Institute is slated to open, meeting the needs of the
                                                                                                             growing community. The institute will have 16 operating
                                                                                                             rooms; “smart” rooms will accommodate complex and
                                                                                                             robotic surgeries, while the hybrid suites will offer
                                                                                                             surgeons the ability to transition from a minimally
                                                                                                             invasive surgery to an open procedure when necessary,
                                                                                                             providing patients and their families with more options.
                                                                                                             The “operating rooms of the future” will use leading
                                                                                                             edge technology that is digitally integrated, enabling the
                                                                                                             surgical team to send real-time updates to the patient’s
                                                                                                             family or caregiver.
                                                                                                               For more information about Jupiter Medical Center,
                                                                                                             visit, or follow Jupiter Medical Center
                                                                                                             on Facebook and Instagram @jupitermedicalcenter. For
                                                                                                             a next day oncologist appointment call (561) 263-4400.
                                                                                                             About Jupiter Medical Center
                                                                                                               Rated No. 1 in the region for quality, safety and
                                                                                                             patient experience, Jupiter Medical Center is the leading
                                                                                                             destination for world-class health care in Palm Beach
                                                                                                             County and across the Treasure Coast. Jupiter Medical
              2023 PLAYOFF                                                                                   Center’s state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge
                                                                                                             technologies enable its award-winning physicians to
                                                                                                             provide a comprehensive continuum of inpatient and
                  TICKETS ARE                                                                                outpatient health care services. Jupiter Medical Center’s
                                                                                                             specialty centers of excellence include: comprehensive
                                                                                                             cancer care, cardiovascular care, orthopedics,
                                                                                                             neurosciences, and women’s and children’s services. For
            ON SALE NOW!                                                                                     more information about Jupiter Medical Center, please
                                                                                                             call (561) 263-2200 or visit

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