Page 13 - Southern Exposure - September '23
P. 13

Southern Exposure, Page 13

                                                               mediCAl mAtterS

                       Advancing Vascular Health: A Closer Look At

                                Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center’s

                                    Premier Vascular Surgery Program

        Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center and its Heart                                                    Preventing Vascular Disease
      and  Vascular Institute (Palm Beach Gardens Heart                                                      Prevention is key in maintaining vascular health.
      and  Vascular Institute) provides some of the latest                                                 Making lifestyle changes, such as losing weight, adopting
      treatments for vascular disease. Spearheaded by surgeons,                                            a balanced diet, engaging in regular exercise, maintaining
      Dr. Richard Faro and Dr. Christopher Boyes, this                                                     a healthy weight, and avoiding smoking, can significantly
      program provides hope for patients seeking advanced                                                  reduce the risk of vascular disease and associated
      vascular health solutions. Let us explore the program’s                                              complications. Boyes emphasizes, “Preventive measures
      features, including their expertise in transcarotid artery                                           are a cornerstone of our approach. We work closely with
      revascularization (TCAR), and learn more about the risk                                              our patients to develop personalized strategies to reduce
      factors associated with vascular disease and preventive                                              risk factors and maintain overall vascular health.”
      measures.                                                                                            Conclusion
      The Expertise Of Doctors Faro And Boyes                                                                With a focus on patient-centricity and the expertise
        At the helm of the  Vascular Surgery Program are   Dr. Richard Faro      Dr. Christopher Boyes     in innovative techniques like TCAR, the program is at
      two surgeons, Faro and Boyes. Both bring a wealth of                                                 the forefront of advancing vascular health. It serves as
      experience and expertise to the table, ensuring patients   procedure offers a safer alternative for patients who may   a reminder that vascular disease can affect anyone, and
      receive  a  high  quality  of  care.  Faro  emphasizes  the   not be suitable candidates for traditional carotid surgery.   early detection, preventive measures, and utilizing some
      importance of their patient-centric approach, stating,   By using advanced technology and innovative approaches,   of the latest treatments are vital for maintaining a healthy
      “Our priority is to understand each patient’s unique needs   we aim to enhance patient safety and recovery.”  and fulfilling life.
      and concerns, tailoring our treatments accordingly. By   Vascular Disease: A Concern For All Ages      Rest assured, your heart is in experienced hands
      working collaboratively with our patients, we achieve     It is essential to recognize that vascular disease can   at Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center. To request a
      better outcomes and lasting results.”             impact  individuals  of  all  ages,  although  the  risk  tends   complimentary referral to a vascular surgeon, please call
      Transcarotid Artery Revascularization (TCAR)      to increase with age. Various risk factors contribute to   (844) 968-4570 or visit
        One standout feature of Palm Beach Gardens Medical   the development of vascular disease, including family   cardiovascular/find-a-vascular-surgeon.
      Center’s Vascular Surgery Program is its proficiency in   history, pregnancy, illness or injury, prolonged periods of
      transcarotid artery revascularization (TCAR). TCAR is   inactivity, and conditions like diabetes or high cholesterol.   Medical Metters on page 14
      a minimally invasive procedure designed to treat carotid   Lifestyle factors, such as smoking and obesity, also play
      artery disease, which is a leading cause of stroke. This   a significant role in vascular health. Faro advises, “Being
      technique involves temporarily reversing blood flow   proactive about your vascular health is crucial, regardless
      away from the brain to protect against potential stroke   of your age. Regular checkups, a healthy lifestyle, and
      while placing a stent to open the narrowed artery. Boyes,   knowing your family medical history can aid in early
      a vascular surgeon, explains the benefits of TCAR, “This   detection and prevention.”

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