Page 22 - Southern Exposure - September '23
P. 22

Page 22, Southern Exposure

                                                          elder eStAte plAnning

                                 Are You Single With A Minor Child?

                                    If So, You Need A Plan Part 2 Of 2

                                                             Submitted by Anné Desormier-Cartwright, Esq.

        Last month we talked                            influx of money and property. Also, you may have certain   to your close friends. These people may already be a large
      about nominating a guardian                       things that you want the money to be used for. With a trust, you   part of your child’s life and may understand your wishes.
      for your minor child (for                         can draft instructions for exactly how you want the inheritance   Lastly, if you do not have someone who you would want to
      the care and custody of                           to be used. You can create a revocable trust or include these   serve as a trustee, you can hire a professional trustee, though
      your minor child) and why.                        instructions in your will (known as a testamentary trust). The   be aware that professional trustees charge for their services.
      This month we will address                        important distinction between these two options is that a will   While all trustees are entitled to compensation, a professional
      providing for the financial                       has to be filed with the probate court, and the proceedings will   trustee may be more expensive and have set fees.
      aspect of leaving assets to                       be public and overseen by a judge. A properly drafted and     Although Florida state law will provide your child with
      your minor child. By creating                     funded revocable trust, on the other hand, can be managed   a  guardian,  someone  to  manage  their inheritance,  and
      an estate plan, you can                           without probate, and no documents need to be made public.  a distribution plan for their inheritance, this is the least
      address your minor child’s                          There are many options available to you when crafting   desirable result. You have the power to design an estate plan
      care and custody and provide                      instructions for how your child’s inheritance should be   that is unique to your child’s circumstances and allows you
      instructions about how your money and property should be   managed and distributed. Your minor child can receive a   to choose the most trusted individuals to guide them if you
      used for their care should something happen to you. Note, this   percentage upon reaching a specific age (e.g., 50 percent at   are no longer able to. We would love the opportunity to help
      article does not address the intricacies of homestead property   30 years old and the remainder at 50 years old). You can also   you create the best plan for you and your child or to update
      in the state of Florida which has unique issues.  structure your child’s trust as an incentive trust to allow the   your existing plan. Call us to schedule an appointment.
                                                        trustee to give your child money only after they meet certain     Call our office today at (561) 694-7827, Elder & Estate
            Rules For Your Child’s Inheritance          goals (e.g., successfully completing postsecondary education,   Planning Attorneys PA, 480 Maplewood Drive, Suite 3,
                                                        being sober for one year). Alternatively, you can leave the   Jupiter, FL 33458.
      Who Will Be In Charge?                            decision of how and when to give out the funds exclusively     The content of this article is general and should not be relied
        A minor child cannot handle their own financial affairs   up to the trustee’s discretion. This is sometimes referred   upon without review of your specific circumstances by competent
      (unless they are emancipated); they need an adult. If you pass   to as a discretionary trust. Because your child will not be   legal counsel. Reliance on the information herein is at your
      away without an estate plan, the other legal parent may be in   guaranteed a specific amount of money or piece of property,   own risk, as it expresses no opinion by the firm on your specific
      charge of managing the money and property you have left   the funds will be better protected from any future creditors   circumstances or legal needs. An attorney client relationship is
      to your child. If the other legal parent is unable to manage   or divorcing spouses that your child may have. However,   not created through the information provided herein.
      your child’s inheritance, then the court will have to appoint   when deciding to use a discretionary trust, it is important to     To comply with the U.S. Treasury regulations, we must
      someone to serve as guardian over these assets. An estate plan   choose your trustee wisely and provide clear guidelines for   inform you that (i) any U.S. federal tax advice contained in
      allows you to name the person you want to control the money   the trustee to consider.               this newsletter was not intended or written to be used, and
      and property. Without an estate plan, the judge can only use     When considering who to select as the trustee of your   cannot be used, by any person for the purpose of avoiding
      state law and the people who appear in court to determine   minor child’s trust, you can choose a family member who   U.S. federal tax penalties that may be imposed on such person
      who will manage the inheritance.                  knows your child and understands your wishes. If you do not   and (ii) each taxpayer should seek advice from their tax
      When  And How  Will  Your Child Receive  Their    have family that you would like to fill this role, you can look   advisor based on the taxpayer’s particular circumstances.
        If you do not have an estate plan, your child’s inheritance
      will be managed for their benefit until they reach the age of
      majority, and then it will be given to them outright. Although
      they will be a legal adult, they may not be prepared for a large

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