Page 21 - Southern Exposure - September '23
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Southern Exposure, Page 21
SYmphonY newS from page 20 Amy L. Collins served both institutional clients and the Catholic Charities of The Diocese of Palm Beach.
high-net-worth individuals during her 20-year career in McNulty’s leadership and strategic insights have created
recently, from 2015 until his retirement in 2018, Brekus the financial services industry as a senior equity trader a lasting positive impact in Palm Beach County and have
served as global director of product strategy for General with Series 7 and 63 licenses at Kidder, Peabody and contributed to the success of numerous initiatives aimed
Motors where he and his team defined the future strategy Co., Paine Webber and Co., and UBS. Active in the at fostering cultural enrichment, enhancing educational
for Cadillac to take them to 100 percent electric vehicles community, Collins is a member of The Society of the opportunities and nurturing young talent. McNulty
and to reestablish Cadillac in the luxury vehicle space. He Four Arts, The Everglades Club and Palm Beach County received a bachelor’s degree in accounting from the
holds an undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering Women’s Tennis Association as well as The Wianno University of Miami, which she followed with advanced
from Lafayette College in Pennsylvania and a Master of Club and The Hyannisport Club in Massachusetts. She studies in accounting and real estate.
Business Administration from the University of Chicago received her undergraduate degree from the University of Karen L. Rogers enjoyed a celebrated career in which
Graduate School of Business with concentrations in both Michigan and a Master of Business Administration with she performed principal roles in major opera houses
finance and marketing. a concentration in finance from Boston University. throughout North America including The Metropolitan
Nannette M. Cassidy currently serves as chief financial With a keen appreciation for the transformative Opera, New York City Opera, San Francisco Opera,
officer of Multi Parts Supply USA, LLC, headquartered power of music, Marietta Muiña McNulty is an active Houston Opera, Cincinnati Opera, Pittsburgh Opera,
in Jupiter. Her extensive experience in finance and supporter of Palm Beach Symphony who serves as chair Washington Opera, Los Angeles Opera, Boston Opera,
accounting includes serving as vice president of finance of the Palm Beach Symphony Ladies’ Guild and is the Baltimore Opera, Chicago Opera, Columbus Opera,
and accounting at John C. Cassidy Air Conditioning, visionary founder of the annual Holly Jolly Symphony Kansas City Opera, Kentucky Opera, Canadian Opera,
senior treasury analyst for W.R. Grace & Co., and as Fête. Together with her late husband and Board Montreal Opera, Michigan Opera, Santa Fe Opera, Tulsa
controller for First Capital and Club Sports International. President, Dale Archer McNulty, she has been integral Opera, and New Jersey State Opera. European appearances
Cassidy received her Bachelor of Science in accounting in guiding the symphony’s development into one of the include Constanze in Mozart’s Abduction from the Seraglio
from Villanova University and a Master of Professional state’s top cultural institutions. Actively involved in at the Hamburg Staatsoper and in Valencia, Spain; the title
Accounting from the University of Miami. the community, she is the immediate past president of role in Massenet’s Cendrillion as her Paris opera debut;
Ann Trulove in Stravinsky’s The Rake’s Progress with
Opera Du Nord (Lille); and Nannetta in Verdi’s Falstaff
for Lyon Opera. Rogers is an accomplished oratorio
and recital singer and has performed with the New York
Philharmonic, Houston Symphony, Dallas Symphony, New
SECOND OPINIONS Jersey Symphony and St. Louis Symphony Orchestra.
Rogers, who retired from the stage in 1998, earned an
undergraduate degree in music from North Texas State
and a master’s degree in music from the University of
Michigan. She is also an alumna of the Juilliard American
Opera Center and the Metropolitan Opera Studio.
CommiSSioner’S updAte
SAVE Recycling Right
LIVES The mission of the Solid
By Commissioner Maria Marino
Waste Authority (SWA), for
which I serve as vice chair,
is to manage the materials
discarded by residents
and businesses of Palm
Beach County according
to legislative mandate and
following applicable local,
state and federal ordinances,
regulations and laws.
Our goal is to reduce the
amount of waste that goes to landfills for disposal, and
provide services that are environmentally responsible and
fiscally sound. An important part of meeting that goal is
CHOOSE A LEADER IN our recycling program. This involves separating materials
from the waste stream, either at the source or by recovering
CARDIAC SURGERY FOR materials from mixed waste prior to disposal, and turning
those materials into commodities.
Palm Beach County achieved the highest recycling
YOUR SECOND OPINION rate of Florida’s 67 counties for calendar year 2022, at an
overall recycling rate of 80 percent. This is a result of the
highly successful residential and commercial recycling
programs, and the performance of waste-to-energy
Make Cleveland Clinic in Florida your first choice for facilities in recovering metals and energy from waste.
a second opinion on cardiac surgery. From pioneering Further contributing to this success was the performance
research to robotic-assisted cardiovascular surgery, of permitted partners, for-profit, and not-for-profit entities
who recovered and put yard waste, construction and
trust the heart experts at Cleveland Clinic demolition debris, and concrete into beneficial use.
Weston Hospital for every care in the world. It has been our mission at SWA over the years to
preserve landfill capacity, recover valuable resources, and
manage the county’s waste right here. Most importantly,
thanks goes to the residents and businesses of Palm
Call 855.881.1972 to schedule an appointment. Beach County for supporting what we do at SWA, and for
“recycling right.”
Please contact me if I can assist you at (561) 355-2201
or by email at