Page 16 - The Jewish Voice - September '23
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Page 16, The Jewish Voice

      Community Calendar from page 14                      Enjoy uplifting music and prayer, followed by an oneg   Pre-K and their parents and grandparents who love them.
                                                        dessert reception. Open to all. For more info, call (561)   Celebrate Judaism in the language of children with music,
      Thursday, Oct. 19                                 833-8421.                                          movement and rituals.
      7 p.m. – TI Reads Online Book Club: “Bread Givers” by   Saturday, Oct. 28                            Tuesday, Oct. 3, 9 a.m. to Noon
      Anzia Yezierska                                   9:30 a.m. – Weekly Torah Study                     Volunteer Opportunity at the Palm Beach County Food
         This  monthly  group  offers  invigorating,  mind-     We discuss the English text for the Torah portion of the   Bank with Rabbi Rose
      expanding and stimulating conversation on selected books   week. In-person with a breakfast nosh and also available via      Work as a team to stuff backpacks delivered to hundreds
      from the past 100 years in Jewish literature. Call (561)   Zoom. Free and open to all.               of hungry children each week. Volunteers need to be able
      833-8421 for Zoom access.                         Tuesday, Oct. 31                                   to stand for two hours and closed toe shoes are required.
      Friday, Oct. 20                                   9 a.m. – Jewish Beginnings for ages 0-3 years (4th of 8 classes)  Call 561-624-4633 to register.
      9 a.m. – Shalom Everybody for ages 0-3 years (2nd of      Explore Jewish holidays and values as we sing, move,   Friday, Oct. 6, Simchat Torah – TEMPLE MEMBERS
      8 classes)                                        use  a  variety  of  sensory  materials  and  create  artistic   ONLY
         An engaging music and movement program to develop   keepsakes. A  wonderful  opportunity  for  conversation   5:30 p.m., Pre-oneg and Drinks
      innate musicality. Following singing and dancing, we’ll   about how Judaism can shape your parenting and home.   6 p.m., Worship
      have challah and get to know each other and celebrate   Snacks  and  time  for  connections  included!  Tuesdays   7 p.m., Unrolling of the Torah
      Shabbat. Friday 10/13-12/8 except 11/24. For cost and to   10/10-12/5 except 11/21. For cost and to RSVP, call (561)   8 p.m., Dessert Oneg
      RSVP, call (561) 833-8421.                        833-8421.                                          Wednesday, Oct. 11, 12 p.m.
      6:30 p.m. –Worship in Pink & Teal Shabbat Service                                                    Lunch and Learn
         A special service in recognition of breast and ovarian   Temple Judea                             Mysteries of the Torah with Rabbi Feivel – “The Aleppo
      cancer awareness, with heartfelt experiences shared by                                               Codex”
      survivors and families who have lost a loved one. Open   4311 Hood Road, Palm Beach Gardens          $22/person. Reservations Required. Call 561-624-4633
      to the entire community. In-person and livestreamed to   624.4633,                      Friday, Oct. 13, 7:15 p.m. following services
      our Facebook page (Temple Israel, West Palm Beach).   Tuesday, Sept. 12 - HELP FEED THE HUNGRY       Shabbat  Dinner  –  Salad  –  baby  kale,  sweet  potatoes,
      Enjoy uplifting music and prayer, followed by an oneg      To  benefit  St.  George’s  Food  Kitchen.  PLEASE   goat  cheese,  pecans,  cranberries,  Dijon  vinaigrette;
      dessert reception. For more info, call (561) 833-8421.  CONSIDER making sandwiches at home - on white, whole   Mediterranean Chicken Marbella – with green olives, prunes
      Saturday, Oct. 21                                 wheat, or whatever bread with PEANUT BUTTER AND    and white wine sauce; Cheese Ravioli – with a brown butter
      9:30 a.m. – Weekly Torah Study                    JELLY or TURKEY AND CHEESE or 3 slices of ANY      sage sauce and Roasted Root Vegetables and Balsamic
         We discuss the English text for the Torah portion of the   CHEESE and small amount of mustard. No need to cut the   Roasted Brussel Sprouts
      week. In-person with a breakfast nosh and also available   sandwiches. Put each one in a baggie. One loaf of bread   $30 Adults $20 Children ages 5-12
      via Zoom. Free and open to all.                   makes 10 sandwiches. They distribute 300 sandwiches a   Reservation Required to Randi at or 561-
      Tuesday, Oct. 24                                  day – so any amount is greatly appreciated. DROP OFF   624-4633
      9 a.m. – Jewish Beginnings for ages 0-3 years (3rd of 8   YOUR SANDWICHES AT TEMPLE – MAIN DOOR any   Monday, Oct. 16, 2 p.m.
      classes)                                          time from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Questions? Call the office   Beginners Conversational Hebrew with Rabbi Feivel
         Explore Jewish holidays and values as we sing, move,   at (561) 624-4633.                         Monday, Oct. 16, 5 p.m.
      use  a  variety  of  sensory  materials  and  create  artistic   Friday, Sept. 15, 7:30 p.m.         A Taste of Torah with Rabbi Yaron
      keepsakes. A wonderful opportunity for conversation about   Erev Rosh Hashanah Service               Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2 p.m.
      how Judaism can shape your parenting and home. Snacks   Tickets Available. Call the office at 624-4633  Intermediate Conversational Hebrew with Rabbi Feivel
      and time for connections included! Tuesdays 10/10-12/5   Saturday, Sept. 16, 8:45 a.m. and 11:45 a.m.  Thursday, Oct. 19, 10:30 a.m.
      except 11/21. For cost and to RSVP, call (561) 833-8421.  Rosh Hashanah Morning Service              Women in the Torah with Rabbi Rose
      Wednesday, Oct. 25                                Tickets Available. Call the office at 624-4633     “David’s  Divas”  – Analyzing  the  Significant  Political
      10:30 a.m. – Chair Yoga in-person and via Zoom    Candid Conversation for Women with Marcia Grobman,   Influence of King David’s Named Wives: Michal, Bathsheba
         Physically and mentally relaxing, with gentle stretching   LCSW                                   and Abigail
      and balance postures to strengthen your body through the   Candid conversations regarding various issues we face in   Bagel Brunch – RSVP REQUIRED! Call 561-624-4633
      use of a simple chair! Free and open to all. Call (561) 833-  our day to day lives.                  Friday, Oct. 20, Pet Shabbat – Weather Permitting
      8421 for location info.                           Open to all TJ Women                               In honor of Parshat Noah, Celebrate Shabbat and Bless
      Friday, Oct. 27                                   Thursdays at 1 p.m.                                Your Pet
      9 a.m. – Shalom Everybody for ages 0-3 years (3rd of 8   Sept. 21 – Relationships and Boundary Issues  5:30 p.m., Treats for People and Pets
      classes)                                          Oct. 12 – Managing My Emotional Baggage            6 p.m., Worship
         An engaging music and movement program to develop   Oct. 26 – Achieving Inner Peace               Bring Your Own Chairs Please!!
      innate musicality. Following singing and dancing, we’ll have   Nov. 9 – Motivating My Memory            In the event of inclement weather, we will hold services
      challah and get to know each other and celebrate Shabbat.   Nov. 30 – Challenging Ageism             indoors, in the sanctuary and regrettably, no animals are
      Friday 10/13-12/8 except 11/24. For cost and to RSVP, call   Friday, Sept. 22, 6 p.m.                allowed inside.
      (561) 833-8421.                                   Shabbat Worship and Tashlich at Carlin Park – Weather   Friday, Oct. 27, Pet Shabbat Rain Make Up Date
      6:30 p.m. – Shabbat Service – In-person and livestreamed to   Permitting                             Sunday, Oct. 29, 3 p.m
      our Facebook page (Temple Israel, West Palm Beach).   Saturday, Sept. 23, 6 p.m.                        Volunteer  opportunity  at  Quantum  House  at  St.
                                                        Havdalah and Tashlich at Carlin Park – Weather Permitting  Mary’s Children’s Hospital. Prepare a meal for families
                                                        Sunday, Sept. 24, 6 p.m. and 8 p.m.                with children getting treatment. This is a great volunteer
                                                        Kol Nidre Service                                  opportunity for teens, families with children ages 10+ and
                                                        Tickets Available. Call the office at 624-4633     people of all ages. Call the office to register at 624-4633.
                                                        Monday, Sept. 25, 8:45 a.m. and 11:45 a.m.         Ongoing Events
                                                        Yom Kippur Morning Service                         Fridays
                                                        Tickets Available. Call the office at 624-4633     5:30 p.m., Pre-oneg
                                                        Friday, Sept. 29, Sukkot Shabbat                   6 p.m., Shabbat Worship
                                                        5:15 p.m., Complete the mitzvah of shaking the lulav and   Minyan
                                                        smelling the etrog!                                Mondays
                                                        6 p.m., Shabbat Worship                            9:30 a.m., via Zoom
                                                        Sunday, Oct. 1, 9 a.m.                             Thursdays
                                                        TJ Tots with Cantor Abbie                          9:30 a.m., in person and via Livestream
                                                           For our youngest members and their families to enjoy a   Saturdays
                                                        very special program designed just for them. For ages 0 –   9 to 11 a.m., Torah Study via Zoom


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