Page 14 - The Jewish Voice - September '23
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Page 14, The Jewish Voice

      Community Calendar from page 13                   Sunday, Oct. 1                                     through the use of a simple chair! Free and open to all.
                                                        12 p.m. – Pizza in the Hut for Sukkot              Call (561) 833-8421 for location info.
      Monday, Sept. 25                                     Enjoy pizza in the sukkah, shake the lulav and etrog,   Friday, Oct. 13
      9 a.m. – Family Yom Kippur Experience             and participate in hands-on Sukkot activities. For more   9 a.m. – Shalom Everybody for ages 0-3 years (1st of 8
         This  one-hour  family  program  includes  a  half-hour   info and to RSVP, call the Office at (561) 833-8421.  classes)
      prayer  experience  with  accessible  readings,  prayers,   Wednesday, Oct. 4                           An engaging music and movement program to develop
      music and age-appropriate story, followed by snacks for   10:30 a.m. – Chair Yoga in-person and via Zoom  innate musicality. Following singing and dancing, we’ll
      the children and hands-on activities. Free and open to all.      Physically  and  mentally  relaxing,  with  gentle   have challah and get to know each other and celebrate
      An RSVP is requested.                             stretching and balance postures to strengthen your body   Shabbat. Friday 10/13-12/8 except 11/24. For cost and to
      10:30 a.m. – Yom Kippur Morning Worship Service   through the use of a simple chair! Free and open to all.   RSVP, call (561) 833-8421.
         Rabbi  Ryan  Daniels  will  offer  a  sermon.  Call  the   Call (561) 833-8421 for location info.  6:30 p.m. – Shabbat Service
      Temple Office for detailed information including to obtain   Friday, Oct. 6                             In-person  and  livestreamed  to  our  Facebook  page
      tickets  for  High  Holy  Days  services  (required):  (561)   6:30 p.m. – Erev Shabbat and Simchat Torah Celebration  (Temple Israel, West Palm Beach). Enjoy uplifting music
      833-8421.                                            Services and a celebration with festive Klezmer music,   and prayer, followed by an oneg dessert reception. Open
      1 to 3 p.m. – Live Music in our Sanctuary         singing and dancing with the Torah. For more info and to   to all. For more info, call (561) 833-8421.
         Music to inspire meditation and meaning. The holy ark   RSVP, call the Office at (561) 833-8421.  Saturday, Oct. 14
      will be open for individuals and families’ private prayer.  Saturday, Oct. 7                         9:30 a.m. – Weekly Torah Study
      1 p.m. – Special Teen Program                     9:30 a.m. – Weekly Torah Study                        We discuss the English text for the Torah portion of the
      1 p.m. – Study with Rabbi Emeritus Howard Shapiro     We discuss the English text for the Torah portion of the   week. In-person with a breakfast nosh and also available
      2  p.m.  –  “Is This  the  Fast  I  Desire”  Discussion  about   week. In-person with a breakfast nosh and also available   via Zoom. Free and open to all.
      community, social justice and hope                via Zoom. Free and open to all.                    Tuesday, Oct. 17
      4 p.m. – Yom Kippur Worship Service               10:30 a.m. – Yizkor Service and BYO Lunch          9 a.m. – Jewish Beginnings for ages 0-3 years (2nd of
         Contains readings of the Torah portion Kedoshim as      A meaningful Yizkor service to remember loved ones,   8 classes)
      well as the Story of Jonah, followed by a conversation on   followed by BYO Lunch in our courtyard. For more info      Explore Jewish holidays and values as we sing, move,
      the passages’ contemporary applications. Call the Office   and to RSVP, call the Office at (561) 833-8421.  use  a  variety  of  sensory  materials  and  create  artistic
      for detailed information including to obtain tickets for   Tuesday, Oct. 10                          keepsakes. A  wonderful  opportunity  for  conversation
      High Holy Days services (required): (561) 833-8421.  9 a.m. – Jewish Beginnings for ages 0-3 years (1st of 8   about how Judaism can shape your parenting and home.
      5  p.m.  – Yizkor  Memorial  Service  &  N’ilah  Closing   classes)                                  Snacks  and  time  for  connections  included!  Tuesdays
      Services                                             Explore Jewish holidays and values as we sing, move,   10/10-12/5 except 11/21. For cost and to RSVP, call (561)
         Rabbi Howard Shapiro will deliver a Yizkor message.   use  a  variety  of  sensory  materials  and  create  artistic   833-8421.
      The final service features the opportunity to come up onto   keepsakes. A  wonderful  opportunity  for  conversation   Wednesday, Oct. 18
      the bimah for prayer, Havdalah and the final shofar blast.   about how Judaism can shape your parenting and home.   10:30 a.m. – Chair Yoga in-person and via Zoom
      Please  call  the Temple  Office  for  detailed  information   Snacks  and  time  for  connections  included!  Tuesdays      Physically  and  mentally  relaxing,  with  gentle
      including to obtain tickets for High Holy Days services   10/10-12/5 except 11/21. For cost and to RSVP, call (561)   stretching and balance postures to strengthen your body
      (required): (561) 833-8421.                       833-8421.                                          through the use of a simple chair! Free and open to all.
      6:30 p.m. – Break-the-Fast meal (approximate time)  Wednesday, Oct. 11                               Call (561) 833-8421 for location info.
         Please call the Temple Office for detailed information,   10:30 a.m. – Chair Yoga in-person and via Zoom
      cost and to RSVP (required by Sept. 18).             Physically  and  mentally  relaxing,  with  gentle   Community Calendar on page 16
      Wednesday, Sept. 27                               stretching and balance postures to strengthen your body
      10:30 a.m. – Chair Yoga in-person and via Zoom
         Physically  and  mentally  relaxing,  with  gentle   Have Medicare questions? I have answers.
      stretching and balance postures to strengthen your body
      through the use of a simple chair! Free and open to all.
      Call (561) 833-8421 for location info.
      Friday, Sept. 29
      6:30 p.m. – Erev Shabbat and Sukkot Celebration
         Join  us  to  celebrate  with  a  joyful  worship  service                Kathy Olejniczak
      followed  by  a  festive  dinner.  For  more  info,  call  the
      Temple Office at (561) 833-8421.                                             Licensed Sales Agent
      Saturday, Sept. 30                                                           561-212-7640, TTY 711
      9:30 a.m. – Weekly Torah Study
         We discuss the English text for the Torah portion of the
      week. In-person with a breakfast nosh and also available
      via Zoom. Free and open to all.
      10:30  a.m.  –  Smoothies  in  the  Shack:  Brunch  in  the
         Gather for learning followed by fruit smoothies and   Y0066_21SPRJ55188_C
      light  brunch  outside  in  the  sukkah  with  our  beautiful
      Intracoastal water view. Free and open to all. For more
      info and to RSVP, call the Temple Office at (561) 833-

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