Page 12 - The Jewish Voice - September '23
P. 12

Page 12, The Jewish Voice

      Community Calendar from page 11                   3:30 p.m., Rosh Hashanah Children’s Service at Perry   Tuesday, Oct. 3
                                                        Como Pavilion at Ocean Cay Park                    5 p.m., Religious School
      Temple Beth Am                                       Free and open to the community; no ticket required.      For  more  information,  contact Alissa  at  afrankel@
                                                        For  details,  contact  Alissa  Frankel  at  afrankel@
      2250 Central Blvd., Jupiter                                                Wednesday, Oct. 4
      747.1109,                    4:30 p.m., Family-Friendly Tashlich at the Beach at Ocean   1 p.m., Mah Jongg
      Friday, Sept. 15                                  Cay Park (Marcinski Road and A1A)                     For information about weekly Mah Jongg, contact the
      10 a.m., Toddler Enrichment Program                  Free and open to the community; no ticket required.   office at or 561.747.1109
      For information, contact Yael Lawrence at ylawrence@  For details, contact the office at   Thursday, Oct. 5                                  or 561.747.1109                                    10 a.m., Toddler Enrichment Program
      8 p.m., Erev Rosh Hashanah Evening Service        Tuesday, Sept. 19                                     For information, contact Yael Lawrence at ylawrence@
      Free ticket required; contact the office at 561.747.1109  10 a.m., Yoga with Yael (virtual and in-person)
      Saturday, Sept. 16                                   For information, contact Yael Lawrence at ylawrence@  1 p.m., Canasta
      10 a.m., Rosh Hashanah Morning Service                                        For  information  about  weekly  Canasta,  contact  the
         To  purchase  a  ticket,  contact  the Temple  Beth Am   5 p.m., Religious School                 office at or 561.747.1109
      office at 561.747.1109. Also streaming live at livestream.     For  more  information,  contact Alissa  at  afrankel@  Friday, Oct. 6
      com/templebethamjupiter                                                    10 a.m., Toddler Enrichment Program
                                                        Wednesday, Sept. 20                                   For information, contact Yael Lawrence at ylawrence@
                                                        1 p.m., Mah Jongg                        
                                                           For information about weekly Mah Jongg, contact the   5:45 p.m., Yizkor Service
                                                        office at or 561.747.1109        Also   streaming   live   at
                                                        Thursday, Sept. 21                                 templebethamjupiter
                                                        10 a.m., Toddler Enrichment Program                6 p.m., Early Service and Simchat Torah Celebration
                Medicare                                                           templebethamjupiter
                                                           For information, contact Yael Lawrence at ylawrence@

                                                                                                             Also   streaming   live   at
                                                        1 p.m., Canasta
                                                                                                           Sunday, Oct. 8
                                                           For  information  about  weekly  Canasta,  contact  the

                                                                                                           9:30 a.m., Religious School
                                                                                                             For  more  information,  contact Alissa  at  afrankel@
        open enrollMent                                 office at or 561.747.1109
                                                        Friday, Sept. 22
                                                        10 a.m., Toddler Enrichment Program
                                                                                                           Monday, Oct. 9
                                                           For information, contact Yael Lawrence at ylawrence@

                                                                                 10:30 a.m., Book Club

                                                                                                             To sign up, contact Edie Wolf at
                                                        6:45 p.m., September Birthday/Anniversary Champagne
                                                                                                           Tuesday, Oct. 10
                    for 2024                            Toast with Clergy                                  5 p.m., Religious School
                                                        7 p.m., Shabbat Service

                                                                                                             For  more  information,  contact Alissa  at  afrankel@
                                                           Also   streaming   live   at

                                                                                                           Wednesday, Oct. 11
                cHecK For                               Sunday, Sept. 24                                   1 p.m., Mah Jongg
                                                        8 p.m., Kol Nidre Evening Service
                                                                                                             For information about weekly Mah Jongg, contact the

                                                           To  purchase  a  ticket,  contact  the  office  at

                   eXcItInG                             561.747.1109. Also  streaming  live  at  office at or 561.747.1109
                                                                                                           Thursday, Oct. 12
                                                                                                           1 p.m., Canasta
                                                        Monday, Sept. 25                                      For  information  about  weekly  Canasta,  contact  the
                                                        10 a.m., Yom Kippur Morning Service                office at or 561.747.1109
          neW PLanS                                       office at 561.747.1109. Also streaming live at livestream.  Friday, Oct. 13
                                                           To  purchase  a  ticket,  contact  the Temple  Beth Am
                          and                           com/templebethamjupiter                            6:30 p.m., Shabbat Social
                                                                                                             Open to all, no RSVP needed

                                                        1:30 p.m., Yom Kippur Family Service
                                                                                                           7 p.m., Shabbat Service
               aLL neW                                    For  more  information,  contact Alissa  at  afrankel@    templebethamjupiter
                                                           Free and open to the community; no ticket required.
                                                                                                             Also   streaming   live   at
                                                                                                           Sunday, Oct. 15
            BeneFItS                                    3 p.m., Yom Kippur Children’s Service              9:30 a.m., Religious School
                                                           Free and open to the community; no ticket required.

                                                                                                             For  more  information,  contact Alissa  at  afrankel@

                                                        For  more  information,  contact Alissa  at  afrankel@
                    YoU are                                                      Tuesday, Oct. 17
                                                        4:15 p.m., Yom Kippur Afternoon Service with Yizkor
                                                                                                           5 p.m., Religious School
                                                        followed by Break-the-Fast at 6:30 p.m.

                                                                                                             For  more  information,  contact Alissa  at  afrankel@
                                                           Free ticket required; contact the office at 561.747.1109.
               entItLed to                                Also streaming live at
                                                                                                           Wednesday, Oct. 18
                                                        Tuesday, Sept. 26                                  1 p.m., Mah Jongg
                        neW!                            10 a.m., Yoga with Yael (virtual and in-person)      office at or 561.747.1109
                                                                                                             For information about weekly Mah Jongg, contact the
                                                           For information, contact Yael Lawrence at ylawrence@

                  maY cHanGe PLanS                                               Thursday, Oct. 19
                                                        5 p.m., Religious School
                                                                                                           1 p.m., Canasta
          JanUarY 1 tHrU marcH 31, 2024                    For  more  information,  contact Alissa  at  afrankel@     For information about weekly Canasta, contact the office
              caLL WItH QUeStIonS                                                at or 561.747.1109
                                                        Wednesday, Sept. 27
                                                                                                           Friday, Oct. 20
                                                        1 p.m., Mah Jongg                                  5:30 p.m., Pet Shabbat
                                                           For information about weekly Mah Jongg, contact the      Also streaming live at
           Peter Gratzon                                office at or 561.747.1109     Sunday, Oct. 22
                                                        Thursday, Sept. 28                                 9:30 a.m.. Religious School
              toP IndePendent                           10 a.m., Toddler Enrichment Program        
                                                                                                             For  more  information,  contact Alissa  at  afrankel@
                                                           For information, contact Yael Lawrence at ylawrence@

               medIcare aGent                                                    Tuesday, Oct. 24
                                                        1 p.m., Canasta                                    5 p.m., Religious School
                 561-361-7173                             office at or 561.747.1109
                                                           For  information  about  weekly  Canasta,  contact  the
                                                                                                             For  more  information,  contact Alissa  at  afrankel@
              c: 561-289-9396                           Friday, Sept. 29                                   Wednesday, Oct. 25
                                                        10 a.m., Toddler Enrichment Program
                                                                                                           12 p.m., Seeking Everyday Holiness (An Introductory Mussar
                                                           For information, contact Yael Lawrence at ylawrence@  Program)
                                                                                    For information, contact the office at tba@templebetham.
             time for a supplemeNtal plaN?              6:30 p.m., Social in the Sukkah                    com or 561.747.1109
                                                           No cost, RSVP to the Temple Beth Am office at tba@
                        choose aNy               or 561.747.1109                 1 p.m., Mah Jongg
                                                                                                             For information about weekly Mah Jongg, contact the
             doctor/hospital/No referrals               7  p.m.,  Kabbalat  Shabbat  in  the  Sukkah  followed  by     Temple  Beth Am  office  at  or
                aNywhere iN the couNtry                 Indoor Service                                     561.747.1109
                                                           Also   streaming   live   at  Thursday, Oct. 26
        appoiNted with major iNsuraNce carriers         templebethamjupiter                                10 a.m., Toddler Enrichment Program
                                                        Sunday, Oct. 1                                        For information, contact Yael Lawrence at ylawrence@
                    No obligatioN/                      9:30 a.m., Religious School              
                         No fees/                          For  more  information,  contact Alissa  at  afrankel@  1 p.m., Canasta
                                                                                                             For  information  about  weekly  Canasta,  contact  the
                    No commissioN                                                  office at or 561.747.1109
                                                        6 p.m., Fourth Annual Brisket-Off
          call for iN-home appoiNtmeNt                     For  information,  contact  the  office  at  tba@
                                               or 561.747.1109                   Community Calendar on page 13
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