Page 21 - The Jewish Voice - September '23
P. 21

The Jewish Voice, Page 21

      Lifestyles from page 20                           Benefits of Minimally                              transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) procedure
                                                                                                           has revolutionized management of this condition. It is now
         You may also be able to reduce or consolidate your   Invasive Heart Valve Surgery                 a treatment option for some patients with severe aortic
      debts. Start by understanding how much and what kinds   Include a Smaller Scar,                      stenosis  who  are  too  ill  to  have  traditional  open-heart
      of  debt  you  have. Then,  consider  ways  to  lower  your                                          surgery to replace the aortic valve.
      payments,  such  as  refinancing. For  example, if  you’re   Lower Risk of Infection,                MitraClip
      carrying a balance on multiple credit cards, you might be                                               Mitral valve degenerative disease is often treated with
      able to transfer the amounts you owe onto a single card   and Shorter Hospital Stay                  medical  therapy.  However,  patients  for  whom  medical
      with a more favorable interest rate.                                                                 therapy  fails  and  for  whom  surgery  is  too  much  of  a
         Here’s  another  move  to  consider:  Adjust  your      Open-heart  surgery  has  long  been  the  standard  of   risk may be candidates for less invasive, catheter-based
      investment mix to possibly provide you with more income   care for most patients with valve disease. More recently,   options, such as MitraClip, the first device approved by
      in retirement. During your working years, you may have   however,  minimally  invasive  procedures,  such  as   the  FDA  to  treat  high-risk  patients  with  degenerative
      invested primarily for growth — after all, you could be   robotically assisted valve repair, transcatheter aortic valve   mitral regurgitation. Cleveland Clinic participated in the
      retired for two or more decades, so you’ll need to draw   replacement (TAVR) and the MitraClip  procedure, have   COAPT clinical trial for MitraClip, which has shown the
      on as many financial assets as possible. But once you’re   emerged as safe and effective alternatives for patients with   device provides a tremendous benefit and improvement
      retired, your investment focus may need to shift somewhat   advanced and complex valve disease.      in survival and quality of life when used in patients with
      toward income-producing opportunities. Keep in mind,      There are a variety of minimally invasive approaches   reduced heart function.
      though, that you’ll still need some growth potential  to   to  valve  repair  or  replacement,  but  all  offer  the  same      Not all patients are candidates for minimally invasive
      help keep ahead of inflation.                     benefits:  a  smaller  scar,  lower  risk  of  infection,  less   treatment for structural heart or valve disease. Cleveland
         One final suggestion: Let your children know if you   bleeding and trauma, a shorter hospital stay and a shorter   Clinic  Florida’s  multidisciplinary  team  evaluates  each
      already have a strategy in place to meet the potentially high   recovery period.                     patient for the appropriate solution to their structural heart
      costs of long-term care, such as a nursing home stay. This   Robotically Assisted Valve Repair       disease or valve problems.
      burden is certainly something you won’t want your children      For  people  who  need  a  mitral  valve  repair,  studies      To  schedule  an  appointment  with  a  Cleveland
      to take on.                                       have shown that robotic surgery may be better than other   Clinic  Florida  specialist,  call  (877)  463-2010  or  visit
         By informing your children about your financial picture,   minimally invasive approaches for many reasons – it is
      and how you’re trying to improve it, you can ease everyone’s   associated with less bleeding, trauma, chance of infection,
      minds — so keep the lines of communication open.   and need for blood products.                      It’s the Law!
         By knowing exactly what to expect from Social      Cleveland Clinic Florida is one of the few centers in the
      Security, including the tax effects, you can more effectively   country offering a robot-assisted approach to minimally   Did You Know That, in Florida…
      incorporate your benefits into your overall retirement   invasive valve repair or replacement, which is the most
      income planning – and the better your plans, the more   advanced approach available. Cleveland Clinic Florida   By Adam S. Gumson, Esq.
      you’ll be able to enjoy your life as a retiree. This article   surgeons use a state-of-the-art robotic surgical system that      Child support  is  not
      was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward   has been approved by the FDA for use in many surgical   “a  wash”  if  the  parents’
      Jones Financial Advisor, Edward Jones, Member SIPC.  procedures.                                     time-share  arrangement  is
         Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in      Using the robot offers the surgeon a wider range of   on a 50/50 basis unless the
      all states and Washington, D.C., through Edward D.   motion  and  more  precision  in  employing  the  surgical   parents’ respective incomes
      Jones & Co., L.P., and in California, New Mexico and   instruments, along with a more detailed, magnified 3-D   are  equal.  Otherwise,
      Massachusetts through Edward Jones Insurance Agency   view of the surgical field than in an open procedure. The   determining  child  support
      of California, L.L.C.; Edward Jones Insurance Agency of   robotically assisted technique utilizes incisions that are   involves using a formula to
      New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward Jones Insurance Agency   often less than 2 inches – smaller than the incisions used   calculate the greater wage
      of Massachusetts, L.L.C.                          for conventional minimally invasive surgery (about 3 to   earner’s  obligation  based
         Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors   4 inches).                                   on pro rata percentages. In
      cannot provide tax advice. You should consult your qualified   Transcatheter Valve Replacement (TAVR)   addition to child support, the parents are often obligated to
      tax advisor regarding your situation.                Open  procedure  valve  replacement  has  been  the   contribute to health insurance and/or additional childcare
         Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, AAMS,   standard of care for most patients with aortic stenosis.   or daycare costs.
      1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.  However,  in  recent  years  the  minimally  invasive   A registered  agent  is  appointed  by  a  corporation,
                                                                                                           foreign or within the State of Florida, to accept service
                                                                                                           of process, notices or demands received.
                                                                                                              Original wills must be deposited with the Clerk of Court
                                                                                                           within 10 days after the person holding the will is informed
                                                                                                           of the death of the signatory. The Clerk of the Court will
                                                                                                           hold the original will in original form for a minimum of
                                                                                                           20 years.
                                                                                                              While the grantor of a revocable trust is of capacity
                                                                                                           and living, the grantor retains all duties and privileges
                                                                                                           of the trustee. Upon the death of the grantor, a revocable
                                                                                                           trust becomes irrevocable. The successor trustee assumes
                                                                                                           the duties of the trustee, but not all rights the grantor held
                                                                                                           will pass to the successor trustee.

                                                                                                               Fall is Coming!

                                                                                                                             First Day of Autumn

                                                                                                                                  September 23

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