Page 3 - The Jewish Voice - July '23
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The Jewish Voice, Page 3
LocaL happenings
Chabad of Palm Beach As soon as they began writing the Torah, healing began to out of solid silver and gold instead of the traditional wooden
spread throughout all the participants.
base that Torahs typically have.
Gardens Torah Gala It was this directive that inspired Chabad of Palm Beach The scribe was Rabbi Shneior Vigler, cousin of Rabbi
Gardens to commission their own Torah scroll named the Safer Dovid Vigler, who flew from Israel especially for the occasion.
Chabad of Palm Beach Gardens recently held its annual Torah for a Safer World, so all members of the community
gala dinner — The Safer Torah Finale Fête — as they could experience the blessings it yields.
welcomed the new Torah they began writing a year ago. Community members were able to dedicate letters,
The writing of the new Safer Torah was conceived during words, verses, aliyahs, parshas, or entire books of the
the pandemic as a united spiritual effort to channel G-d’s Torah, allowing everyone to participate on a level they
blessings of health and healing to a world that was hurting. were comfortable with. In fulfillment of the prophecy of
It was inspired by a story of the Baal Shem Tov, founder Daniel, a special Torah Journal was printed and distributed
of Chasidism: When a plague hit the town of Mezibuz, to all attendees of the Safer Torah Finale Fête that listed the
Ukraine, 270 years ago, the saintly Baal Shem Tov urged the names of the participants. This Torah Journal will be used
townspeople to write a new Torah in which everyone would weekly to honor the dedicators of each portion.
participate. Quoting the prophetic verse in Daniel 12:1, “And The event began with a dinner that allowed guests to mix
it shall be at that time, all those who are inscribed in the scroll and mingle. Meanwhile, all guests were invited onto the bimah
will be spared,” he promised that all who participated in the to inscribe the final letters of the Safer Torah with the assistance
Torah would be healed. And that is precisely what happened: of a scribe. Guests were stunned to see the Safer Torah made
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Local Happenings on page 4
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