Page 2 - The Jewish Voice - July '23
P. 2

Page 2, The Jewish Voice

                                                         From the rabbi

      You Can’t Help Getting                               The Rebbe is the one who puts this puzzle into perfect

      Older, but You Don’t                              perspective as he states that longevity is a gift from G-d, not a
                                                        nuisance that needs to be endured. Don’t ever make the mistake
      Have to Get Old!                                  of regretting getting older — it’s a privilege denied to many.
                                                        Contrary to the scorn with which modern society views the
      We Don’t Stop Working Because We Get Old,         elderly, the Torah teaches us that every moment given to us is
      We Get Old Because We Stop Working                on purpose — to utilize with wisdom and grace. Age is simply
                                                        the number of years that the world has been enjoying you!
      By Rabbi Dovid Vigler                                When asked for his advice on retirement, the Rebbe always
         A quarter of a million                         discouraged people from doing so. We don’t stop working
      people showed up at a funeral                     because we get old, we get old because we stop working. Man is
      last week in Israel. They came                    like a machine in the sense that overworking him will break him,   Rabbi Gershon Edelstein, 100, teaching a Torah class on the
      to pay their final respects to                    but underworking him will cause him to rust. When someone   last day of his life
      Rabbi Gershon Edelstein, one                      protested that he was already seventy-five years old, the Rebbe
      of the great Torah leaders of                     quipped that he still had forty-five good years ahead. Your best   our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but giving up your
      our time, who passed away at                      years are ahead of you — look forward always; once you look   enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.
      the age of 100. I was deeply                      behind you, you’re old!                               Deflect the voices that tell you that you’re no longer relevant.
      moved by this photo of his                           In describing graceful aging, the Torah tells us that Abraham   Throw yourself into making a difference. whether it’s in your
      last day on Earth, showing                        and Sarah were “old, coming on in days” (Genesis 18:11). This   field, career, or some other contribution to society and to this
      that he insisted on delivering                    unusual expression sheds light on the enigma of sagacity as the   world. There is no time to waste. Utilize the gift wisely.
      his regular Talmud lecture, which he had taught for over 75   Torah informs us that Abraham and Sarah were sure not just to      And if you are already retired, there is so much that you can
      years, despite being in the ICU. He passed away in the midst   count their days — they made each day count. If G-d has given   do to enrich your life and others. Devote your time to spiritual
      of preparing his next Talmud lecture.             you the gift of time, it’s for you to use it to fulfill your Divine   growth, learning, reading, and all the things you never had time
         While many of us eagerly look forward to retirement, the   purpose on this Earth for one more day.   for previously.
      Torah, in contrast, takes a fascinating and counter-intuitive      You’re not over the hill. You have great value, experience,      My favorite age is right now — it’s time to make a twinkle
      approach to this deeply personal life experience, which I   and wisdom to share with the world. If you view yourself as   in your wrinkle!
      thought you’d find enlightening.                  aged, the world will treat you in kind. If you take yourself      Rabbi Dovid Vigler is spiritual leader at Chabad of Palm
         With regards to the Levites serving in the Holy Temple,   seriously, others will do the same. Nobody grows old by   Beach Gardens and host of the Jewish Schmooze Radio Show.
      the Torah states (Bamidbar 8:24-26): “This is [the rule]   merely living a number of years — we grow old by deserting   Email him at
      concerning the Levites: From the age of twenty-five years
      and upwards, he shall enter the service to work in the Tent
      work legion, and do no more work. He shall minister with  Experience Dentistry with a Woman’s Touch
      of Meeting. From the age of fifty he shall retire from the

      his brethren in the Tent of Meeting to keep the charge, but
      he shall not perform the service; thus shall you do for the
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      work, they were more than welcome to continue for as long
      as they were able to. Why would the Torah allow the elderly
      to work and not simply send them home to enjoy their sunset     Joanne Green, D.D.S.
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       Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by
       the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.

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