Page 8 - The Jewish Voice - July '23
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Page 8, The Jewish Voice


      Chabad of Palm Beach Gardens Temple Beth Am                                                            email
                                                                                                             For information about Temple Beth Am’s Men’s Club,
      6100 PGA Blvd., Palm Beach Gardens                2250 Central Blvd., Jupiter                        Tuesday, Aug. 1
      624.2223,                   747.1109,                     7 p.m., Foundations of Judaism with Rabbi Alon
      Daily Morning Services                            Tuesday, July 18                                      To register, contact the Temple Beth Am office at tba@
      Sundays, 9 a.m.                                   12 p.m., Sisterhood Lunch Out at Olive Garden or 561.747.1109.
      Monday to Friday, 7:30 a.m.                          For information about Temple Beth Am’s Sisterhood,   Wednesday, Aug. 2
      Rebbetzin Chana’s Daily Mitzvah Minute            email          1 p.m., Mah Jongg
      Sunday to Friday, 10 a.m. via  7 p.m., Foundations of Judaism with Rabbi Alon     For information about weekly Mah Jongg, contact the
      Mondays                                              To register, contact the Temple Beth Am office at tba@  Temple Beth Am office at or
      8:30 a.m., Insights into the Weekly Torah Portion w. Rabbi or 561.747.1109.       561.747.1109.
      Vigler                                            Wednesday, July 19                                 Thursday, Aug. 3
      9 a.m., Hebrew 1.0 RIIH - Read It In Hebrew       9:30 a.m., Music Together                          1 p.m., Canasta
      5 p.m., Evening Services & Interactive Learning      To register visit        For information about weekly Canasta, contact the Temple
      Tuesdays                                          10:30 a.m., Music Together                         Beth Am office at or 561.747.1109.
      8:30 a.m., Chassidus: Chabad Philosophy w. Rabbi Vigler     To register visit  Friday, Aug. 4
      9 a.m., Hebrew 2.0 - Hebrew Reading               1 p.m., Mah Jongg                                  6 p.m., Shabbat Service Followed by “Almost Back to
      11 a.m., Hebrew 4.0 Language through Tehillim/Psalms w.      For information about weekly Mah Jongg, contact the   School” Pizza Dinner
      Korina Nadel                                      Temple Beth Am office at or      No cost, but RSVP for dinner by 8/2 to the Temple Beth
      1 p.m., Ladies’ Mah Jongg, Scrabble & Cards       561.747.1109.                                      Am office at or 561.747.1109; also
      Wednesdays                                        Thursday, July 20                                  streaming live at
      8:30 a.m., Insights into the Weekly Torah Portion w. Rabbi   1 p.m., Canasta                         Monday, Aug. 7
      Vigler                                               For information about weekly Canasta, contact the Temple   10:30 a.m., Book Club
      9 a.m., Hebrew 3.0 - Comprehension                Beth Am office at or 561.747.1109.     For  information  about  Book  Club,  contact Edie at
      Thursdays                                         Friday, July 21                          
      8:30 a.m., Chassidus: Chabad Philosophy w. Rabbi Vigler  6 p.m., Shabbat Service                     Wednesday, Aug. 9
      9 a.m., Hebrew 3.0 - Comprehension                   Also streaming live at  1 p.m., Mah Jongg
      11 a.m., Shul Orientation Seminar w. Korina Nadel  Wednesday, July 26                                   For information about weekly Mah Jongg, contact the
      Fridays                                           9:30 a.m., Music Together                          Temple Beth Am office at or
      8:30 a.m., Video Farbrengen with the Rebbe           To register visit     561.747.1109.
      7 p.m., Friday Night Services w. Beer, Biltong & Blessings  10:30 a.m., Music Together               Thursday, Aug. 10
      Shabbos                                              To register visit     1 p.m., Canasta
      9:30 a.m., Shabbos Service                        1 p.m., Mah Jongg                                     For information about weekly Canasta, contact the Temple
      11:15 a.m., Children’s Shabbos Service               For information about weekly Mah Jongg, contact the   Beth Am office at or 561.747.1109.
      11:30 a.m., Rabbi’s Sermon                        Temple Beth Am office at or   Friday, Aug. 11
      12:15 p.m., Community Kiddush Luncheon            561.747.1109.                                      6:30 p.m., August Birthday/Anniversary Champagne Toast
      JKidz Summer Sundays                              Thursday, July 27                                  with Clergy Before Service.
      Sundays, July 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 @ 10 a.m.         1 p.m., Canasta                                    7 p.m., Shabbat Service
         This summer, don’t let your children forget their Jewish      For information about weekly Canasta, contact the Temple      Also streaming live at
      Heritage. Come interact with other young Jewish families at   Beth Am office at or 561.747.1109.  Sunday, Aug. 13
      Chabad of Palm Beach Gardens every week at J-day! With   Friday, July 28                             10 a.m., Temple Beth Am Open House
      memorable interactive Jewish education and a different mega   6 p.m., Shabbat Service                   RSVP to the Temple Beth Am office at tba@templebetham.
      outing every week such as ice-skating, trampoline parks and      Also streaming live at  com or 561.747.1109.
      mini golf, J-day is the perfect summer break Sunday that   Saturday, July 29                         10 a.m., Religious School Open House
      your child does not want to miss! For Children 3 and up*,   6:30 p.m., Men’s Club Summer Dinner at Marquis Restaurant
      parents welcome (children under 5 must be accompanied   at the Tiara                                 Community Calendar on page 9
      by an adult, 5 and up can be dropped off). Sign up today at For more info contact youth@ or 561 624 2223 ext 8.
      Bereavement Group
      Bi-monthly Wednesdays, July 5 & 19 @ 3 p.m.
         Sadly, death is a part of life that we cannot ignore. As a
      community, we are grateful to have each other for support
      during difficult times.
         Led by experienced psychotherapist Dr. Sandi Reiken
      together with Rabbi Dovid Vigler, our bereavement group is
      a safe and intimate setting to share your story with other like-
      minded individuals or just to listen and observe if that is more
      comfortable for you.For info: Elaine Collins: 201.400.9218
      Women’s Tehillim Group
      Shabbos, July 15
         The power of women’s prayer is legendary in our tradition,
      particularly when they recite the Psalms of King David on
      the last Shabbos of the Jewish Month.
      Tisha B’av: Talmudic Tales of the Destruction of our
      Wednesday, July 26
      Bereavement Group
      Bi-monthly Wednesdays, Aug. 2, 16 & 30 @ 3 p.m.
         Sadly, death is a part of life that we cannot ignore. As a
      community, we are grateful to have each other for support
      during difficult times.
         Led by experienced psychotherapist Dr. Sandi Reiken
      together with Rabbi Dovid Vigler, our bereavement group is
      a safe and intimate setting to share your story with other like-
      minded individuals or just to listen and observe if that is more
      comfortable for you. For info: Elaine Collins: 201.400.9218
      National Jewish Retreat
      8 to 13, Tuesday to Sunday | Palm Springs, CA        ~ Bathing, Dressing, Personal Care               ~ Fall Risk Prevention
         Demanding schedules and hectic days often leave us   ~ Medication Reminders, Doctor Visits         ~ Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Care
      with little time to explore our spiritual side. At the National
      Jewish Retreat, experience Judaism and community in its   ~ Shopping, Errands, Companionship          ~ Transition Home from Hospital or Rehab
      most exhilarating form. Indulge your mind and spirit with   ~ Meal Preparation, Light Housekeeping    ~ Hourly to 24-Hour Care
      meaning, self-discovery and plenty of good laughter.  ~ Pet Friendly                                  ~ Rigorous Background Checks
      Women’s Tehillim Group
      Shabbos, Aug. 12
         The power of women’s prayer is legendary in our tradition,
      particularly when they recite the Psalms of King David on   Respectful of Jewish Traditions.
      the last Shabbos of the Jewish Month.
      Conclusion of Talmud—Tractate Gittin
      Shabbos, Aug. 19
      Hebrew School Open House & Splash Party                                       561-328-7611
      Sunday, Aug. 27
      31 Thursday: Men’s Club                                              
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