Page 13 - The Jewish Voice - July '23
P. 13

The Jewish Voice, Page 13

      Lifestyles from page 12                               • Look for shortcuts: Creating meals from scratch is not   Security number is no longer a valid identifier.
                                                         always possible for busy families. In fact, 56 percent of      Real estate is  conveyed by a deed signed by two
                                                         Americans want shortcuts to plant-based meals. Luckily,   witnesses and a notary public and is recorded in the county
                                                         there are a growing number of convenient vegan meal   where the property is located.
                                                         options available. Amy’s Kitchen, for example, is founded      JUPITER LAW CENTER is a private neighborhood
                                                         on the principle that everyone should be able to enjoy   law firm located in the RiverPlace Professional Center,
                                                         a delicious, convenient meal, even those with dietary   1003 W. Indiantown Road, Suite 210, Jupiter, FL. (561)
                                                         restrictions, which is why they don’t use meat, peanuts,   744-4600, The firm provides peace
                                                         fish, shellfish, or eggs in any of their recipes, and why they   of mind by solving problems with integrity and compassion
                                                         offer gluten-free and kosher options. The brand, which   in the areas of Estate Planning (Wills & Trusts, Powers of
                                                         works with farmers using organic and regenerative farming   Attorney, Health Care Surrogates, Living Wills, Probate
                                                         practices to lessen its impact on the planet, has an expanding   Estates, Succession  Planning,  Contracts  &  Purchase/
                                                         vegan menu that includes snacks, breakfast, lunch, and   Sale Agreements), Family Law (Divorce, Paternity, Child
                                                         dinner options, making it easy to ensure your diet aligns   Support & Time Sharing, Alimony, Property Distribution,
         Every individual may have their own unique reasons, but   with your values and your desire to eat healthfully.  Modifications, Collaborative Law, Pre/Post Nuptial
      the survey revealed Americans’ most common motivators      •  Get  creative:  To  reduce  prep  work,  test  out   Agreements) and Real Estate (Community Association Law,
      for purchasing or eating plant-based foods were their   supermarket-available prepared vegan foods and   Residential & Commercial Transactions, Deeds, Closings).
      health (55 percent), a desire to protect the environment (34   incorporate them into your recipes.
      percent), and a preferred taste of plant-based ingredients      “Whether you choose to go fully vegan or simply want   Tip of the Tail
      (28 percent). No matter why you’re considering a vegan   to incorporate more plants into your diet, rely on solutions
      lifestyle, actually adopting one is not always easy. In fact,   that make it easy, convenient, and delicious,” says Chef   Help Your Pup Feel Less Anxious During a
      72 percent of parents in households with dietary restrictions   Fred.                                Storm
      say finding prepared foods that meet their family’s needs is      Source: StatePoint
      very or extremely challenging.
         “Cutting down on meat and incorporating more plant-  It’s the Law!
      based foods into your diet doesn’t have to be complicated
      or restrictive,” says Chef Fred.                  Did You Know That, in Florida…
         Whether you’re transitioning to a vegan diet,
      incorporating meatless Mondays into your routine, or   By Adam S. Gumson, Esq.
      simply curious about meatless cooking, Chef Fred offers      If a child is adopted by
      tips to help you get started:                     someone other than the
         • Don’t restrict yourself: While going vegan may sound   biological father, liability of
      like it’s all about cutting foods out, think about it as an   the biological father for child           Thunderstorm anxiety is a form of noise phobia that can
      opportunity to explore new flavors and ingredients you   support is terminated.                      occur in dogs. It’s characterized by fear and anxiety when
      may not have tried before and to indulge in vegan-friendly      A guardian advocacy is               there are loud noises like thunder, fireworks, or gunshots.
      cuisines from around the world, such as Indian food and   a form of guardianship for a               Common signs of thunderstorm anxiety include: excessive
      Thai food. Plus, these days, vegan alternatives to a number   person with developmental              barking or whining, hiding, destructive behavior (chewing
      of favorite comfort foods, like enchiladas, pizza, and even   disabilities who is not fully          on furniture), and panting.
      mac and cheese, abound.                           incapacitated, but needs                              You may be able to prevent thunderstorm anxiety
         • Keep it simple: As you build your repertoire of go-  assistance in handling their               in certain dogs by creating a positive association with
      to vegan meals, take a mental inventory of your family’s   person or property. It is less restrictive than a formal guardianship.  thunderstorms. This can be done by exposing your dog to
      favorite dishes. Many of them may already be vegan, or      An estate’s executor is referred to as a personal   loud noises and storms by playing recordings of storms in
      able to be made vegan with a few tweaks. Also, be sure to   representative (PR). Often, the PR applies for an employer   their presence. You’ll want to start at a low volume to gauge
      check online resources offering vegan meal plans, which   identification number (EIN) for tax filing purposes because   their response.
      can help ensure your overall diet is balanced, satisfying,   the person who died (decedent) is no longer the tax payer
      and delicious.                                    — the estate is — and, therefore, the decedent’s Social   Lifestyles on page 14

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