Page 8 - Palm City Spotlight - April '23
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Page 8, Palm City Spotlight

                                             iN Your CoMMuNitY

      City Of Stuart Reminds                             purposes no more than once per week, and the

      Residents/Businesses                               run time should not exceed 10 minutes per zone.
                                                           Watering of new landscaping is permitted
      Year-Round Conservation                            up to 90 days following the installation of new
                                                         lawns and landscaping as follows:
      Measure Limit Landscape                              • On the day new landscaping is installed,
                                                         new plantings and the soil may be irrigated
      Irrigation To No More Than                         once without regard to the normally allowable

      Two Days Per Week                                  watering days and times. Soil irrigation is also
                                                         allowed immediately prior to planting.
                                                           • New plantings that have been in place
      Water Consumption Is Up – Conservation Requested   for 30 days or less may be watered on
        The months of March and April historically are dry seasons   Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
      throughout south Florida, and rainfall numbers for February   Saturday and/or Sunday, only before 10
      were below average. Water usage monitoring systems are   a.m. and/or after 4 p.m.
      indicating water consumption has increased in the morning     • New plantings that have been in place
      hours and code enforcement officials have observed irrigation   for 31 to 90 days may be watered on Monday,
      taking place on days irrigation is not allowed.    Wednesday, Thursday and/or Saturday, only
        The City of Stuart reminds residents and businesses in city   before 10 a.m. and/or after 4 p.m.
      limits to limit irrigation to no more than two days a week.     • Irrigation is limited to the areas containing new landscape     Per the South Florida Water Management District resources,
        City Ordinance No. 2202-10, which went into effect   only. An entire irrigation zone may be watered only if new   the following sprinkler system runtimes will keep lawns and
      July 1, 2010, mandates:                            landscaping is planted on at least 50 percent of that zone. If new   landscape healthy:
        •  Odd  street  addresses  may  irrigate  lawns  and   landscaping is planted on less than 50 percent of an irrigation
      landscapes on Wednesday and/or Saturday before 10 a.m.   zone, only the new plantings may be watered.  Sprinkler System Runtimes
      and/or after 4 p.m.                                  The City of Stuart code enforcement and police officers
        • Even street addresses, no street addresses, or those   in conjunction with water usage monitoring systems, will     May through  October through
      that irrigate both even and odd addresses within the same   be identifying and notifying offenders of the year-round    September     April
      zones, which may include multifamily units and homeowner   landscape ordinance. Violators will be provided no more than
      associations, may irrigate lawns and landscapes on Thursday   one written warning. The penalty for the first violation is $25;   Rotors and Rotary  40 to 60  15 to 45
      and/or Sunday before 10 a.m. and/or after 4 p.m.   second violation, $50; third and subsequent violations, $100
        • Any plant material may be watered using low-volume   for each violation. Each day in violation of the ordinance will   Sprays  15 to 25  10 to 15
      irrigation such as drip or micro-irrigation systems, rain barrels,   constitute a separate offense.
      container or hand watering with a hose and automatic shut-off     The two-day-a-week restrictions allow enough water to     Conserving water year-round is an integral part of
      nozzle and is permitted anytime.                   maintain healthy landscapes year-round. A healthy landscape   managing and protecting water supplies for today and
        Landscape irrigation systems may be operated during   only needs 1 inch to 1.5 inches of water per week during the   for our future generations.
      restricted days and/or times for cleaning, maintenance, and   summer growing season and only as needed to supplement     For more information or clarification on the year-round
      repair purposes with an attendant on site in the area being tested.   rainfall. During the winter season, when a lawn goes dormant,   irrigation ordinance, call (772) 600-1206.
      Landscape irrigation systems may routinely be operated for such   it requires even less.
                                                    art HappeNiNgs

      A Magical Gala Benefits                            Beach offer free programs, technology, and workshops   opportunities to the community. For more information,
                                                         designed to enhance life skills, earning potential, health,
                                                                                                           visit or call (772) 286-4673. Updates and
      House Of Hope In February                          and overall well-being. House of Hope also operates the   announcements can also be found on Facebook, https://
                                                         Growing Hope Farm in Palm City and several nutrition; Instagram, https://www.
        Breathtaking feats of agility by the artists of the   gardens that provide sustainable sources of fresh produce; and Twitter, https://
      Lollipop Lyra, cocktails on the patio, and a sumptuous   for clients as well as nutrition education and vocational
      dinner earned rave reviews from the 140 guests at the
      House of Hope’s inaugural gala “Cirque du Soirée” on
      Feb. 18.
        With the Pedersen Family Foundation as the presenting
      sponsor, the gala featured acrobats, jugglers and a tarot
      card reader throughout the evening at  Willoughby
      Golf Club. Guests enjoyed dancing with DJ Todd from
      Sound Choice DJ and both a silent and live auction with
      intriguing items like seven nights at the stunning Palm
      Springs Tennis Club, a NASCAR racing experience,
      tickets to hear Nashville star Jon Langston, and a cowboy
      hat signed by Cole Hauser –“Rip” from Yellowstone.
        “We’re grateful to everyone who helped make our very
      first gala a success,” House of Hope CEO Rob Ranieri said.   Timothy Pfister, Cory Pfister, House of Hope CEO Rob Ranieri,
      “It’s always a great evening when our generous friends   Kari Pedersen, and Stephen Pedersen of the Pedersen Family   Amazing acrobats entertained guests at the House of Hope
      and supporters come together to enjoy a fun event and   Foundation celebrate the great success of the very first House   Cirque du Soirée Gala to raise funds to support the House
      raise funds for an important cause.”               of Hope gala in February at Willoughby Golf Club.  of Hope’s work in the community.
        The gala raised more than $101,000 to support House
      of Hope’s Project HOPE (“Help Others Progress through
      Empowerment”). This outreach program provides services
      directly to clients, including individual case management,
      enrichment opportunities, financial assistance through a
      crisis, support through the job-searching process, and the
      distribution of healthy foods to clients and the community.
        In addition to the Pedersen Family Foundation, the gala
      was also sponsored by Ashley Capital, Meritage Homes,
      Three Lakes, Davies + Co., the Firefly Group, Carr Riggs
      & Ingram, HBKS Wealth Advisors, the Jensen Beach
      Garden  Club,  O’Donnell  Impact Windows and  Storm
      Protection, One Martin, and RE/MAX of Stuart.
      About House Of Hope
        Founded in 1984, House of Hope is a 501(c)(3)
      nonprofit  organization  that  empowers  Martin  County
      residents to overcome hunger and hardship. House of
      Hope touches the lives of more than 7,000 people each
      month helping with basic needs such as food, clothing,
      furniture, financial assistance, as well as longer-term case
      management services that help build life skills for a more
      self-sufficient future. The organization has service centers
      in Stuart, Hobe Sound, Indiantown, and Jensen Beach, and
      Thrift Shops in South Stuart, Hobe Sound and Indiantown.
      House of Hope’s Enrichment Centers in Stuart and Jensen
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