Page 10 - Palm City Spotlight - April '23
P. 10
Page 10, Palm City Spotlight
Waitangi To Kerikeri: Where Busby’s main goal was to keep the British
in proper political position to continue to
It All Began take advantage of the whaling and sealing
activities in the bay. He had grandiose ideas
Previously submitted by the for establishing a city at Waitangi, which
late Don Kiselewski, MCC, included a name change of the area. The
D.S., Palm Beach Gardens new city was to be called Victoria, with
Travel Leaders streets named for both English and Māori
Unless you’re a student heroes. Everything seemed bright until
of New Zealand history, it is Dec. 9, 1835, when a letter arrived from
doubtful if you have ever heard French Baron Charles de Thierry in which
of either Waitangi or Kerikeri. he declared himself the “Sovereign Chief of
These two dots on the map are New Zealand.” The letter also said that he
located in the Bay of Islands was sailing to the Bay of Islands to claim Māori waka (war canoe) on the beach at Waitangi in the Bay of Islands
on the far northwestern tip them. He had purchased some 40,000 acres Photo by Don Kiselewski
of the North Island of New through an intermediary the year before,
Zealand. As insignificant as these two settlements may be in which he was using as the basis for his claim. As a side note, Te Pai,” is celebrated
today’s scheme of things, it wasn’t always that way. the intermediary purchased the land for 36 axes, and pocketed annually, marking the
Long before the European settlers arrived, the Ngāpuhi tribe the Ɫ800 he was to use for the purchase. signing of the treaty. The
gradually achieved dominance of the area around Waitangi. The Again, a Frenchman caused a reaction by the Māori. Busby Great Māori war canoe,
Ngāpuhi traced their roots to Chief Rāhiri, who had driven the prepared a Declaration of Independence, which after much Ngātokimatawhaorua, is
former inhabitants, the Ngāti Awa tribe, from the area, thus controversy and discussion was signed in Waitangi on Oct. 28, launched from Hobson’s
establishing the Ngāpuhi ascendancy. The Ngāti Awa tribe 1835. This was the second major step in the progression toward Beach to mark the occasion.
traced their ancestry back to Nukutawhiti, who came to Aotearoa the Treaty of Waitangi, Busby’s efforts in uniting the Māori into Hand carved from the kauri
(New Zealand) on the canoe Mamati from Hawaiki (Hawaii). the United Tribes of New Zealand paid off, and Baron de Thierry tree, the current canoe is 115
These are thought to be the first inhabitants of New Zealand. was unable to carry out his scheme. In the end, the Baron came feet long and is propelled
Like many places in New Zealand, Waitangi has a long to the island with 60 immigrants, but no army. by 80 warriors. Although
oral record of history, created by the inhabiting tribes. The On Jan. 29, 1840, the British sign of military might sailed the day is supposed to
name “Waitangi” comes from folklore and means “weeping into the Bay of Islands. The 20-gunned frigate H.M.S. Herald, reflect harmony between
water.” Perhaps it was named for Haruru, the waterfall in the commanded by Admiral Sir Joseph Nias, had arrived to bring the British and the Māori,
Waitangi River. stability to New Zealand. Although all the Māori chiefs did the celebration has become
The first known European to record his visit to the Bay of not agree, the majority somewhat of a lopsided
Islands was Captain James Cook. He wrote about the great felt that England was now affair with very few Māori
cape from his ship, the Endeavor, on the 27th of November, protecting them. In the showing up to participate. Māori statue.
1769. At the tip of the cape was Motu Kōkako, the pierced next few days, the “Treaty Current feelings appear to Photo by Don Kiselewski
rock or rock with a hole in it. He renamed the island, calling of Waitangi” was drafted be quite strained, with the
the rock “Piercy Island,” and also named the cape after Sir and after a long night Māori people feeling that they have come up on the short end
Piercy Brett, calling it Cape Brett. When Cook sailed away, his of discussion between of the deal. This sounds similar to some of the treaties that we
log contained nothing but praise for the bay, and encouraged the chiefs, it was signed have made with our Native Americans.
further use for shipping. Feb. 6, 1840. Governor What is most impressive about the area is its freedom from
Two years later, two French ships stumbled upon the islands William Hobson signed on artificiality. No overcrowding, garish signs or other urban
in their journey from Mauritius to Tahiti. At first, all went well behalf of Queen Victoria. clutter hampers the simple life of the residents. Don’t be
with the French and Māori encounter, however after a short There were 46 chiefs surprised if the local residents stop you on the street and start
period of time, numerous conflicts broke out and bloodshed present at the signing up a conversation. They love to talk to outsiders and make
followed. When the Mascarin and Marquis de Castries, sailed in Waitangi, however them feel welcome.
out of the Bay of Islands on July 12, 1772, it was without missionaries carried the Ngāpuhi Kaumatua Kingi Tairua Plan to visit and sit a spell.
their leader and 26 of their seamen. Needless to say, the Māori document around the looks on as New Zealand Prime The late Don Kiselewski wrote from his personal
suffered much greater losses because they fought muskets with country gaining more Minister John Key is welcomed experiences, having traveled in 122 countries and cruised the
their wooden spears. These conflicts formed the basis for later than 500 signatures from onto Te Tii Marae on Feb. 5, 2009 oceans, seas and rivers of the world. Palm Beach Gardens
actions that led to the British taking control of New Zealand. other Māori leaders. The in Waitangi, New Zealand. Waitangi Travel Leaders, his family owned and operated agency, is
By 1805, the Bay of Islands had become a major port for treaty made New Zealand Day is the national day of New located at Mirasol Town Square, 11360 North Jog Road,
both whaling and sealing. Traffic in the bay averaged 150 ships a Crown Colony and part Zealand and a public holiday held Building A, Suite 102-6, Palm Beach Gardens. The agency
per year – approximately one every other day. Axes were the of the British empire. on Feb. 6 each year to celebrate the has been serving the travel needs of the South Florida area for
original unit of trade with the Europeans, but these were soon Waitangi Day, signing of the Treaty of Waitangi. over a quarter of a century. Contact them at (561) 694-9696
replaced with muskets. Now armed, the Māori could stand on “Takoto Te Pal, Takoto Photo by Sandra Mu or
their own when conflicts erupted between them and seamen,
whalers and missionaries. Kororāreka, across the bay from real estate
Waitangi, became known as the “Hell Hole of the Pacific.”
In October of 1831, the first step in the process that placed
New Zealand under British rule occurred. The action was
prompted when the heavily armed French ship, La Favorite, Treasure Coast Real Estate be going away. But no, it will not cause ocean-access real
sailed into the harbor. The Māori quickly recalled their estate west of the railroad trestle to collapse.
encounter with the French and sought protection from the Report First of all, there is only so much ocean-access real estate
English. A compelling letter to King William IV, prepared by and unless sea levels rise 8 feet, there won’t be any more.
Reverend William Yates and signed by 13 Māori chiefs, asked Brightline Is Unlikely To Cause Prices For Ocean Access We can turn farmland into a subdivision, but we can’t turn
the king to extend his protection to New Zealand. Properties West Of The Railroad Trestle To “Crash” it into ocean-access waterfront. Secondly, much ocean
The king acted in 1832, but not in a very forceful manner. access property west of the railroad trestle is in the form
Intending to bring a sense of order to the area, James Busby By Jim Weix of manmade canals, which can no longer be done. These
was appointed by the crown to serve as the “British Resident” This is a subject that canals offer safe mooring sites during storms. In fact, all
for New Zealand. The intent of the position was to settle the nobody wants to address, ocean-access waterfront property west of the railroad trestle
nerves of the Māori and keep relations between the British particularly if they own offers better protection from major storms than the ocean-
and Māori on an even keel. However, absolutely no authority ocean access property west access waterfront east of the railroad trestle.
came with the title. Busby found himself as a mediator in most of the railroad trestle. I Some will say that Brightline is causing waterfront
situations and was able to gain the respect of the Māori and even hesitate to address it prices to go down. In reality, the only thing going down
their support on most items. However, he was a long way from in this column. It would be are the super-inflated asking prices that were based on
a judge and executioner, so some things still were handled in a much safer for me to simply prices during the super-inflated housing market in 2021
lawless manor. Interestingly, Busby’s home was prefabricated in scribble something about and the beginning of 2022. Higher mortgage rates and
Sydney, shipped across the Tasmania Sea and set up at Waitangi. painting your front door, common sense, not Brightline, are causing prices to
planting flowers to improve correct themselves.
curb appeal, or some other trivial subject. The St. Lucie River is an important navigable waterway.
However, the planned closings scheduled for repairing Although there will be some changes and inconveniences,
the 100-year-old railroad trestle have brought the subject waterfront owners and others will continue to have easy
Captain’s was established in 1980 servicing of Brightline front and center. It is coming. That means access to the ocean.
Palm Beach County and is a privately that there may be 50 daily closures, which take 20 minutes Feel free to call me if you would like to discuss your
owned and managed company. each, for a total of 16.6 hours per day. When discussing options. I can be reached at (772) 341-2941 or jimweix@
Captain’s is committed to providing the issue with owners of ocean-access property west of
dependable, reliable and professional the railroad trestle, there is either a general denial that
ground transportation to and from all Jim Weix is a broker associate with The Keyes
South Florida Airports and Seaports. PBCVH212 there may be a problem, or they are somewhat panicked. Company. Jim has 25 years of experience selling real
To reserve your vehicle: I think the truth is in the middle. estate full time. If you have questions or want the services
561-798-2180 or 800-634-7890 Yes, 50 daily closures will create issues for boaters. of an experienced expert, you can reach Jim at (772) 341-
Brightline is also a multi-billion dollar reality that won’t 2941 or