Page 4 - Palm City Spotlight - April '23
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Page 4, Palm City Spotlight

          CleVelaNd CliNiC MartiN HealtH News

      Four Myths About COPD                              – affecting more than 11                          Medications include inhalers that open your airways or
                                                         million Americans  and                            reduce airway inflammation, supplemental oxygen, and
        Breathing comes to us naturally and (usually)    another estimated 24 million                      alpha-1-antitrypsin (A1AT) infusions if you have an
      pretty easily. However, if you have chronic obstructive   who go undiagnosed.                        inherited deficiency. PDE4 enzyme inhibitors can reduce
      pulmonary  disease,  better  known  as  COPD,  you  have     If you were recently                    inflammation in some patients, too.
      trouble doing what connects us to life – you can’t easily   diagnosed with COPD,                     Myth 3: If You Have COPD, It’s Too Late To Quit
      breathe.                                           your mind may be spinning                         Smoking
        The disease can affect your airways, air sacs or   with questions. Cleveland                         Fact: It’s never too late to quit smoking.
      both. It’s the third leading cause of death in the United   Clinic Florida sheds light on              While the lung damage that characterizes COPD is
      States, according to the American Lung Association   four common myths about                         cumulative, there’s still a lot of benefit to quitting because
                                                         COPD and why it’s often                           it will slow the progression of the disease. And if you quit
                                                         misunderstood:                                    smoking early enough, near-normal lung function may return.
        Piper’s Landing from page 1                      Myth 1: Only Smokers Get                          Myth 4: Exercise Is Too Hard If You Have COPD
                                                         COPD                     Fatima Pozuelo, M.D.,      Fact: If you find that shortness of breath makes it too
        included a luncheon with a live auction conducted by     Fact: While  COPD  Pulmonary Medicine     difficult to be physically active, there are further steps
        Mik Panavas, silent auction and a tea cup raffle of over   is often associated with                you can take.
        60 items and a talk by SpaceSafe CEO Teresa Albizu.   smoking, and rightly so, there are a substantial number of     Talk to your doctor if they recommend pulmonary
          The event raised $26,335 which included over $3,000   people with this condition who never smoked. According   rehabilitation, where specialized respiratory therapists
        from about 50 PLWGA members who paid to buy      to the National Institutes of Health, 42 percent of COPD   teach breathing techniques, exercises and proper nutrition
        welcome bags/purses containing personal hygiene and   sufferers are former smokers, 34 percent are current   to make living with COPD easier. Moderate exercise
        toiletry items to give to domestic violence victims when   smokers and the rest – which make up 24 percent — never   will not hurt your lungs; in fact, it can lessen COPD
        they enter the emergency shelter, many of whom come   lit a cigarette.                             symptoms, strengthen your heart and reduce stress.
        with nothing but the clothes they are wearing. This helps   Myth 2: There’s No Treatment For COPD  Not Sure If You Might Have COPD?
        defray the costs of about 50 bags SafeSpace will give to     Fact: There is a lot that can be done for COPD patients.     Be aware of any symptoms. The first signs of COPD
        victims who come to the shelter for safety.        COPD is treatable, and if you have symptoms, there   may include a hacking cough with phlegm, shortness of
          Albizu shared that besides a hotline and emergency   are many options to help you feel better.   breath, wheezing when you breathe or tightness in your
        shelters, SafeSpace also provides a wide range of other     It’s important to quit smoking, eat a healthy diet,   chest.
        services to victims seeking help inside and outside the   get plenty of exercise and keep up on your influenza     If you notice any of these symptoms, see your doctor
        shelter such as, safety planning, mental health counseling   and pneumonia vaccines to prevent serious illness.   for a spirometry test, a simple outpatient procedure that
        for victims and their children, legal assistance, financial   Taking care of yourself in these ways, plus taking your   assesses your lung function by measuring how much air
        literacy training, child protective services, youth violence   medications, can sometimes help offset the complications   you’re able to breathe in and out.
        prevention education, and more – all free of charge.   of COPD.                                      Call (844) 630-4968 to schedule an appointment, or
          “Federal and state grants cover only about half of the     Your doctor will help tailor medications to your needs.   visit to learn more.
        agency’s expenses,” says Albizu, “so SafeSpace is very
        grateful to Piper’s Landing for raising over $26,000 to
        help us sustain the programs and services that will help                      Club News
        victims become survivors and transition to a life free from
          The charity event would not have been successful
        without the donations of items for the auctions and raffles   Discover When Stuart Was               A fifth generation Floridian, Sandra Thurlow came
        from PLWGA members and Piper’s Landing staff, as well   Potsdam With The Martin                    to Martin County in 1961. She and her late husband,
        as from others in the Martin County community: Diane                                               Tom, devoted decades to researching, collecting and
        Anthony’s Permanent Make Up, Frank Bianco/Miracle   County Genealogical Society                    sharing local history. She published books showcasing
        Jewelry Exchange, Marjorie Collins Massage Therapist,                                              Sewall’s Point, Stuart, Jensen Beach and Eden with
        Cat Kaltenhauser Personal Trainer, Dr. Charles Oliveri/    Ever  wonder  what  the Treasure  Coast  was  like   photographs collected from pioneer families and
        Spinal Health & Wellness Center, Michelle Radich/Alyce   when the first settlers arrived? At the Martin County   community leaders. Sandra also published Gilbert’s
        & Co., Sailfish Point Golf Club, Lourdes Cortina/Tapas   Genealogical Society’s (MCGS) May meeting,   Bar House of Refuge with her daughter-in-law, Deanna
        by Lourdes, The Gafford and The Lyric Theatre.     Sandra Thurlow will provide a glimpse into Stuart’s   Thurlow, and co-authored U.S. Life-Saving Service:
          Piper’s Landing could not have held this fundraiser   earliest  years.  Presenting  “When  It  was  Potsdam:   Florida’s East Coast with Timothy Dring. It is Sandra’s
        without the help of its many volunteers. They are: Susan   Stuart’s German Founders,” she will share images   hope that MCGS members will use their expertise to
        Ash, Zenta Barger, Nancy Bowden, Michele Bragg,    collected from members of the founding Stypmann   augment what local historians compiled before the age
        Lois Brooks, Sue Chase, Sandra Conley, Micki Dion,   and Schroeder families. In 1892, the Stypmann   of the Internet.
        Pattie Dunn, Sonita Farr, Barbara Flynn, Ann Grace,   brothers, Ernest, Otto and Albert, founded Potsdam,     Free and open to the public, the meeting will be at
        Linda Harlan, Maryann Kiely, Shirley Kohl, Gretchen   the settlement that evolved into Stuart, and opened   the Blake Library, 2351 S.E. Monterey Road in Stuart,
        Kundahl, Deborah Lovequist, Shirley MacDonald, Judy   the Potsdam Post Office on the St. Lucie River. A   from 1 to 3 p.m., Friday, May 19. To participate via
        Papayanakos, Nancy Patterson, Leslie Robinson, Mary   year later, their nephew, Curt Schroeder, joined them.   Zoom, go to and register by May
        Sabbatelli, Mary Simpson, Ellen South and Helene Young.   Although he  spoke only German, Curt became  the   18.
                                                           region’s historian, and his detailed columns published     The Martin County Genealogical Society offers
                                                           in the 1940s were eventually compiled into a book-  a variety of services at the Genealogy Room in the
                                                           length feature in the Stuart News. The presentation is   Blake Library including an extensive research library,
                                                           offered in conjunction with Martin County Historic   access to several genealogy websites and assistance
                                                           Preservation Month, coordinated each May by the   from MCGS volunteers. For more information about
                                                           Martin County Historic Preservation Board.      membership, activities and services go to


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