Page 20 - The Jewish Voice - March '23
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Page 20, The Jewish Voice

      Community Calendar from page 18

      Ladies’ Loaves of Love                            CTeen Regional Challah Bake                        the value of the Jewish soul and how to connect with our
      Thursday, March 30 @ 6:30 p.m.                    Sunday, April 23                                   creator. They also learn practical skills like how to light
         Join together with our LiLi ladies as we mix and   Standing Below; Connected Above                shabbat candles and make challah. For info: Rabbi Yisroel
      mingle, knead and shape at this fun social event that results   Wednesday, April 26 @ 4 p.m.         Uzvolk: 561.624.2223 ext 8 or
      in delicious challah and wonderful friendships, led by   Spiritual Preparation to Visit the Rebbe’s Ohel
      Rebbetzin Chana Vigler!                              A spiritual presentation to help understand the value   Temple Beth Am
      April                                             of a visit to the Rebbe’s holy resting place (the Ohel)—
      Conclusion of Talmud - Tractate Nazir             in preparation for our Community’s visit to the Ohel in   2250 Central Blvd., Jupiter
      Shabbos, April 1                                  Queens, N.Y. on Sunday May 7.                      747.1109,
      JKidz Model Matzah Bakery                         Ladies’ Loaves of Love                             Wednesday, March 15
      Sunday, April 2 @ 10 a.m.                         Thursday, April 27 @ 6:30 p.m.                     11:30 a.m., Lunch ‘n’ Learn with Rabbi Alon
      Make your own Matzah from scratch!                   Join together with our LiLi ladies as we mix and   1 p.m., Mah Jongg
         Grind the wheat, mix the dough, and roll out your own   mingle, knead and shape at this fun social event that results   6 p.m., Teen Nights
      matzah! An immersive Pesach experience for the whole   in delicious challah and wonderful friendships, led by   Thursday, March 16
      family that will bring the Seder to life like never before!  Rebbetzin Chana Vigler!                 1 p.m., Canasta
      CTeen University                                  Bat Mitzvah Club                                   Friday, March 17
      Tuesdays, April 4, 18 & 25 @ 4:30 p.m.            Thursday, April 27 @ 4:30 p.m.                     6:30 p.m., Shabbat Social
         In this thought provoking, life changing Torah course,      In these group sessions, your tween girls get to learn   7 p.m., Shabbat Service
      teens (grades 10-12) are given the tools and pride to stand   together on a fun interactive level. Group discussions are
      up in the face of anti-semitism for their Jewish pride and   generated on various topics such as the purpose of life,   Community Calendar on page 21
      identity. We have partnered with Yeshiva University in
      N.Y. to create CTEENU— a 7 week interactive course (75
      minutes per week) where teenagers will learn everything
      they need to know about their Jewish identity and to defend
      it in the public sphere. College credits are awarded to all                                     A
      participants who pass. For info: Rabbi Yisroel Uzvolk:
      561.624.2223 ext 8 or
      Pesach Community Seders
      Wednesday, April 5 & Thursday, April 6
      Experience the timeless traditions of Pesach at our        COLONOSCOPY
      uplifting and inspirational Seders
         Pesach means “the mouth that speaks” because the
      Mitzvah of the evening is to talk to our friends and family
      about our rich Jewish heritage. At Chabad, we pride           CAN SAVE YOUR LIFE.
      ourselves on making Seder experiences that are equally
      uplifting and nurturing for souls and engaging for minds,
      as they are pleasing to palates.
      Junior Congregation - Pesach Edition
      Shabbos, April 8 @ 11:15 a.m.
      Empowering the Leaders of Tomorrow
         Junior Congregation takes place on selected Saturday
      Mornings at 11:15 a.m. in the Shul’s schoolhouse, with
      the adult service taking place simultaneously in the main
      sanctuary. In addition to the classic games, songs and
      prizes, our children (ages 3-13) are also empowered to lead
      and take part in a highly memorable and exciting Junior
      Shabbat service of their own. For info: Rabbi Yisroel
      Uzvolk: 561.624.2223 ext 8 or
      Yizkor Memorial Service
      Thursday, April 13
      Matzah, Mindfulness & Moshiach
      Thursday, April 13 @ 6:45 p.m.
      Higher Consciousness: Hope for a brighter tomorrow
         The last day of Pesach is particularly associated with
      the future redemption and the coming of Moshiach. The
      Baal Shem Tov instituted the custom of partaking of a
      “Moshiach’s meal” on the afternoon of the last day of
      Passover, to help actualize and realize the fulfillment of
      this vision.                                               DON’T DELAY YOUR CHANCE
      Women’s Tehillim Group
      Shabbos, April 15
         The power of women’s prayer is legendary in our                FOR EARLY DETECTION.
      tradition, particularly when they recite the Psalms of King
      David on the last Shabbos of the Jewish Month.
      Bereavement Group                                                   It’s recommended that adults start getting colonoscopies at
      Bi-monthly Wednesdays, April 19 @ 3 p.m.                         age 45. Our team of colorectal specialists has the expertise and
         Sadly, death is a part of life that we cannot ignore. As a    state-of-the art techniques for diagnosis and treatment of colon
      community, we are grateful to have each other for support
      during difficult times. Led by experienced psychotherapist        conditions, from routine screenings to the most complex care.
      Dr. Sandi Reiken together with Rabbi Dovid Vigler, our            Schedule your colonoscopy with South Florida’s highest ranked
      bereavement group is a safe and intimate setting to share
      your story with other like-minded individuals or just to listen              Gastroenterology and GI Surgery Program.
      and observe if that is more comfortable for you. For info:
      Elaine Collins: 201.400.9218 or
      Holocaust Survivor Klezmer Band
      Friday, April 21 @ 5:30 p.m.
      Friday Night LIVE: Holocaust Harmonies                                           Call 877.384.4944 or visit
         Sol Dreier and Ruby Sosnowicz have been through it
      all. Holocaust Survivors from Poland, they decided, in      
      their nineties, to form a Holocaust Survivors Band that
      would perpetuate the legacy of the victims of the Holocaust                           to schedule online.
      through song and celebration. They had a vision of using
      music to honor the lives of the Jews who were murdered
      in World War II. A musical experience that started with
      clapping spoons and playing drums to keep up morale
      in the camps has now evolved into a full-blown musical
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