Page 16 - The Jewish Voice - March '23
P. 16

Page 16, The Jewish Voice

                                                          aLL about Kids

      Inclusive Family Shabbat at                         high at Temple Beth David
                                                           The  energy  level  was
      Temple Beth David                                 last month, when young
                                                        families gathered for an
                                                        Inclusive Family Shabbat.
                                                        In an ongoing collaborative
                                                        effort between Temple Beth
                                                        David and YAD — a Jewish
                                                        Federation program for
                                                        students with differing
                                                        abilities — parents and
                                                        their children met in Temple
                                                        Beth David’s Rosenblatt
                                                        Chapel for a sensory-friendly (low lights, soft sounds),   The One School Celebrates
                                                        child-friendly family service featuring music, story time,
                                                        and family blessings. Even the food was “friendly” — an   Tu B’Shevat
                                                        allergy-sensitive oneg was served to families following
                                                        services.                                             The One School at Temple Beth Am celebrated Tu
                  simchas                                 Awareness, Acceptance and Inclusion. Temple Beth David   B’Shevat last month with a Shabbat Together. Families were
                                                           February is the month of JDAIM, Jewish Disability
                                                                                                           invited to join their children in the sanctuary to celebrate the
                                                        has and will continue to plan events for the community that   Birthday of the Trees with prayers, music, and fun. The bima
                                                        ensure an atmosphere of welcome and inclusion.     was decorated with beautiful Tu B’Shevat decorations made
       Rachel Brooke Feldman                                                                               by the kids and everyone enjoyed performances by the 3- and
          Ra c he l  Brooke
       Feldman will be called to
       the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah
       on  April 8, 2023, at
       Temple Beth Am. Rachel
       is currently excelling
       as a seventh grader at
       Jupiter Middle School.
       Her outgoing personality,
       laughter, and smile with
       those adorable dimples
       light up any room she is
       in. She is a kindhearted
       soul. Her sensitivity to
       people and the world around her makes anyone lucky to
       know her and even luckier to have her as a friend. Rachel
       loves biking, rollerblading, swimming, going to the beach,
       listening to music, watching and making videos, hanging
       with friends, or just being with her family, bunny, and dog.
       Rachel has always been a talker even before she knew her                         $                   $ 489        Reg.  589     $ 250
       words, with her grandma being her favorite listener. Her                           39Usually  75                 Up to 5 Ducts
       words reflect great wisdom, strong opinions, and strength.                     serviCe Call with     duCt Cleaning speCial     uv light with any
                                                                                                                                      new installation
                                                                                                              includes free sanitizing
                                                                                        any a/C repair
                                                                                                                                         ( 750 value)
       Samantha Goodman                                                              Call for serviCe       Call for serviCe       Call for serviCe
          Samantha Goodman                                                          Not valid with any other discounts,   Not valid with any other discounts,   Not valid with any other discounts,
       will become a Bat                                                            offers, or coupons. Limit 1 discount   offers, or coupons. Limit 1 discount   offers, or coupons. Limit 1 discount
       Mitzvah  at Temple                                                           per transaction. Expires: 4/5/23.  per transaction. Expires: 4/5/23.  per transaction. Expires: 4/5/23.
       Judea on Saturday, April
       1, 2023. Samantha is a
       seventh grader at Duncan
       Middle School, where she
       is on the Cheerleading
       team.  She  also  cheers
       competitively  for The
       Jupiter Mustangs and The
       Jupiter Elite All Stars. She
       loves volleyball, skiing,
       Camp Pinecliffe, her dog
       Chewy, and her friends.
       She raises money each
       year to aid families who cannot afford the cost of cheer
       competitions. She is an amazing big sister to her two
       younger brothers.
       Chad Taylor

          Chad “CJ” Taylor will
       celebrate his Bar Mitzvah
       on April 22, 2023, at
       Temple Judea. Chad is
       a seventh grader at Polo
       Park Middle School and a
       student in the engineering
       program. He is known
       for his friendliness and
       his boundless energy. He
       loves fishing and biking
       and is a car and truck
       enthusiast. Chad would
       rather be out with friends than almost anything else!

          Send us your simchas! The Jewish Voice welcomes
       announcements of life-cycle events in the local Jewish
       community. The copy deadline is the 15th of the month.
       Send text and images to
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