Page 25 - The Jewish Voice - March '23
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The Jewish Voice, Page 25


      Financial Focus                                   But there may be other reasons why “going it alone” as an   Elder Estate

      Should Investors Go It Alone?                     investor might not be desirable.                   Top Ten Long-Term Care Planning Myths

                                                           For example, when the financial markets are down, as was
      By Sally Sima Stahl                               the case for much of 2022, some investors make decisions   Submitted by Anné Desormier-
         If you’re going to enjoy a                     based on short-term volatility, such as selling investments to   Cartwright, Esq.
      comfortable retirement, you                       “cut their losses,” even if these same investments still have   1. I Can Care for My Spouse
      should know, among other things,                  solid business fundamentals and good prospects for growth.   Indefinitely on My Own
      how much money you’ll need.                       But if you work with a financial professional, you might      All too often a primary
      And you may have a much better                    decide to stick with these investments, especially if they’re   caregiver ends up hospitalized
      chance of knowing this if you get                 still appropriate for your long-term strategy. Other times, of   or even predeceasing the
      some professional help.                           course, the advice may be different — but it will always be   unhealthy spouse because he
         Consider these findings from a                 advice based on your goals, needs, and time horizon.   or she failed to acknowledge
      2021 study by Dalbar, a financial                    Furthermore, if you’re investing on your own, you may   the limits of his or her ability
      services market research firm:                    always be measuring your results against the major market   to provide 24/7 care. It is
         • Investors who worked with a financial advisor were three   indexes, such as the S&P 500 or the Dow Jones Industrial   imperative that all involved recognize an illness impacts
      times more likely to estimate what they would have saved at   Average. But in reality, your portfolio should contain a wide   both spouses. In the end, keeping an unhealthy spouse at
      retirement than “do-it-yourself” investors.       range of investments, some of which aren’t contained in these   home can do more harm than good sometimes.
         • More than two-thirds of investors with a financial   indexes, so you might not be assessing your performance   2. Medicare and Medicaid Are  Terms to Be Used
      advisor were satisfied with the amount they would have   appropriately. A financial professional can help you develop   Interchangeably
      saved at retirement, compared to about 27 percent of the   your own, more meaningful benchmarks that can show the      Eligibility for Medicare is determined based solely
      do-it-yourselfers.                                progress you’re actually making toward your goals.   on whether a worker or their spouse paid adequately
         How do financial professionals help their clients in      In some areas of life, going it alone can be exciting — but   during their lifetime. Medicare eligibility does not depend
      these ways?                                       when it comes to investing for your future, you may benefit   on assets or income. On the other hand, eligibility for
         First, consider the issue of determining how much   from some company on the journey.             Medicaid is determined based upon the assets and income
      money will be needed for retirement. It’s not always easy      By knowing exactly what to expect from Social Security,   of the applicant. Whereas the rules governing Medicare
      for individuals to estimate this amount. But financial   including the tax effects, you can more effectively incorporate   eligibility are identical in all states, the rules governing
      professionals can help clients like you arrive at this figure   your benefits into your overall retirement income planning   eligibility for Medicaid differ depending on the state.
      by exploring your hopes and goals. How long do you plan to   – and the better your plans, the more you’ll be able to enjoy   3. Medicare Will Pay for a Nursing Home if I Ever
      work? What kind of lifestyle do you anticipate enjoying in   your life as a retiree. This article was written by Edward   Need One
      retirement? Where would you like to live? How much would   Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor,      Medicare will pay for just 20 days in full following a
      you like to travel? Are you open to pursuing earned income   Edward Jones, Member SIPC.              hospitalization. It can potentially assist for an additional
      opportunities, such as consulting or working part time?      Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in all states   80 days, but only after the resident covers a daily co-
         Next comes the other key question: How much money will   and Washington, D.C., through Edward D. Jones & Co., L.P.,   payment of $133.50. Under no scenario will Medicare
      be available for retirement? This big question leads to many   and in California, New Mexico and Massachusetts through   provide assistance with long-term care beyond 100 days.
      others: How much do you need to save and invest each year   Edward Jones Insurance Agency of California, L.L.C.;   4. Medicaid Will Cover Home Health Care and Assisted
      until you retire? About what sort of investment return will   Edward Jones Insurance Agency of New Mexico, L.L.C.; and   Living Care
      you need to reach your retirement income goals? What level   Edward Jones Insurance Agency of Massachusetts, L.L.C.     Although there are limited Medicaid programs designed
      of risk are you willing to take to achieve that return? What      Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors   to help with home health care or assisted living care, these
      is the role of other income sources such as Social Security   cannot provide tax advice. You should consult your qualified   programs are grossly underfunded and maintain long waiting
      or any pensions you might have?                   tax advisor regarding your situation.              lists. Moreover, under no circumstances will Medicaid pay
         Having a financial professional help you gain a clear idea      Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, AAMS,
      of your retirement income picture can certainly be reassuring.   1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.  Lifestyles on page 26

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