Page 26 - The Jewish Voice - March '23
P. 26

Page 26, The Jewish Voice

      Lifestyles from page 25

      for 24/7 home care. For the most part, home health care and   a punishment and may try to destroy it and it will take much   Wexner, M.D., Ph.D., Director of the Ellen Leifer Shulman and
      assisted living care must be paid for privately.  longer for him to get used to it. Patients can eat, drink, pee,   Steven Shulman Digestive Disease Center at Cleveland Clinic
      5. The Quality of Care Will Suffer If I Go on Medicaid  poop, and sleep with a cone on and absolutely will get used   Florida in Weston. “Patients can live long, quality lives after a
         While it is certainly true that some nursing homes offer   to it.                                 colorectal cancer diagnosis thanks to treatment advancements.”
      better care than others, virtually every nursing home in      There are some alternatives to an E-collar such as wearing   Advanced Surgical Care
      Florida accepts Medicaid. The key is gaining admission to   a T-Shirt or a “Onesie” to protect wounds or surgery sites.      Treatment options for colon and rectal cancers vary
      one of the better homes as a Medicare or private pay resident   But the decision to use an alternative should be made by your   depending upon a person’s health, age and cancer stage. While
      before Medicaid ever becomes necessary. If a resident   veterinarian, not by you. You trusted them to treat or do surgery   surgery is the most common treatment, chemotherapy and
      converts to Medicaid following admission, the facility cannot   on your pet, so trust them to know what is best during the   radiation therapy may be needed as well. The type of surgery
      involuntarily discharge the resident or reduce care provided.  healing process. A quick note on inflatable “donut” collars. I   performed will depend on the extent of the cancer and where
      6. I Have to Be Totally Indigent Before I Can Get Help   like to call them, “Let’s do the surgery again collars”! They   it’s located.
      From Medicaid                                     are appropriate for a very limited number of situations and      Some patients will require the removal of part or all of the
         Medicaid allows recipients to own assets of great value so   patients (those with short noses) and will not prevent a pet from   colon (colectomy) or rectum (rectal resection). Others may
      long as those assets are considered exempt under the eligibility   reaching most areas of their bodies. Never replace an E-collar   require the removal of both. These procedures can be done
      rules. In addition to exempt property, a married couple can own   with a donut collar without consulting your veterinarian.   during open surgery, through one large incision, or using
      non-exempt property valued as high as $148,620. Non-exempt   Some pets’ unique body type, size, or shape may require some   minimally invasive techniques, which include laparoscopy,
      property for a single person is limited to $2,000.  ingenuity. If a standard E-collar will not fit, we have made our   robotic, and transanal endoscopic surgery through a few small
      7. I Must Sell My Home to Pay for Private Nursing Care  own with plastic radiographs, buckets, or flower pots, but these   incisions.
         Your home is the most sacred asset in the Medicaid world   cases are rare.                           “Patients benefit from minimally invasive surgery in many
      with equity of $688,000 being exempt when eligibility is      The E-collar may need to be cleaned. This can be done   ways, including less pain and scarring, a shorter hospital stay, and
      determined. So long as your equity is at or below this amount,   without removing it. Just use a rag or paper towel with warm   quicker recovery,” explains Dr. Wexner, who led the Cleveland
      ownership of the home should not complicate Medicaid   water and wipe up any food or saliva. If it becomes damaged,   Clinic Florida team that pioneered this approach. “Most
      eligibility. The limit does not apply if a spouse still lives in   small cracks can be repaired with duct tape, etc., or just call   importantly, we can perform these less invasive procedures
      the home.                                         your veterinarian for a new one. With a little care and patience,   while still minimizing the risk for cancer recurrence.”
      8. I Would Never Qualify for Medicaid Because my Assets   you will get your pet through the short period of healing time   Preserving Quality Of Life
      Are too Great                                     when the E-collar is required.                        Advancements in surgical care have made it possible for
         Even if your non-exempt assets are currently over the      Established in 1981, Palm City Animal Medical Center is   many patients to achieve normal bowel habits and bowel
      resource limit, it is often possible to achieve eligibility before   dedicated to providing the best possible care for your pets. With   continence after colorectal surgery. Fewer patients today require
      exhaustion of savings with the help of a qualified attorney.   focuses on compassionate care in surgery, physical therapy and   a permanent colostomy, in which stool is diverted from the lower
      Although planning for eligibility can take five years in other   rehabilitation, preventative medicine, extensive diagnostics,   part of the digestive tract by connecting the end of the colon to
      states, eligibility in Florida can usually be achieved much   and emergency service, Palm City Animal Medical Center   an opening in the belly. Thanks to newer surgical techniques
      more efficiently using crisis planning techniques.  combines exceptional medical care with a caring philosophy   developed and/or refined at Cleveland Clinic Florida, it is more
      9. Medicaid Planning Primarily Involves Giving All my   for pets and their owners. For more information, call 772-283-  common for patients to need only a temporary ileostomy to let
      Property to My Children                           0920, visit or find us   the body rest and heal, rather than a permanent colostomy.
         Due to changes affecting how Medicaid penalizes gifts,   on Facebook at     “Preserving and improving the quality of life are always
      gifting now plays a smaller role in Medicaid planning. While                                         our top priorities, and the work being done by my colleagues in
      careful gifting can still be helpful, Medicaid planning in  Living Longer, Living Better             Florida, Ohio, London and Abu Dhabi attest to these priorities,”
      Florida has never really focused on gifting. Rather, Medicaid   After a Colorectal Cancer            says Wexner. “For patients with colorectal cancer, that means
      planning really focuses on the process of reinvesting savings                                        eliminating their cancer while helping them preserve bowel
      in assets that Medicaid considers exempt.         Diagnosis                                          continence whenever possible.”
      10. The Government will Take Everything from Me if I                                                    Cleveland Clinic Florida is home to South Florida’s only
      Go on Medicaid                                       An estimated 150,000 U.S. adults will be diagnosed with   gastroenterology and gastrointestial surgery program ranked
         Florida has an estate recovery program whereby certain sums   colorectal cancer this year. Excluding skin cancer, it is the third   nationally by U.S. News World Report’s “Best Hospitals”
      paid on behalf of a Medicaid recipient will be recovered from   most common cancer diagnosed in both men and women each   rankings (2022/23). Identified as “high performing” in colon
      their estate after death only if there is an asset that is subject to   year in the United States.   cancer surgery by the magazine, the team offers a full range of
      probate. For estate recovery in Florida, homes are exempt even      Now for the good news. The       advanced treatment options for colon and rectal cancers. The
      if owned in another state as long as the recipient claimed the   five-year survival rate for colorectal   Maroone Cancer Center at Cleveland Clinic Florida is an ACS
      home as their residence. IRAs are not subject to estate recovery   cancer has more than doubled since   Commission on Cancer  Accredited Program and Cleveland
      either if there is a person named as the beneficiary.   1970, climbing to 65 percent, due            Clinic Florida in Weston was the first in Florida and second in the
         If you have questions about your estate plan and what   to medical advances and early             nation to earn accreditation from the ACS National Accreditation
      documents you should have in place to plan your estate,   screening. For people with localized       Program for Rectal Cancer.
      schedule a free consultation today by calling our office at   colorectal  cancer  (stage  1)  the       Cleveland Clinic Florida’s Department of Colorectal Surgery
      561-694-7827, Anné Desormier-Cartwright, Esq., Elder &   survival rate is 91 percent.                is world-renowned for achieving excellent outcomes and using
      Estate Planning Attorneys PA, 480 Maplewood Drive, Suite      “Colorectal cancer is both             innovative state-of-the-art treatments for colorectal conditions.
      3, Jupiter, FL 33458.                             preventable and highly treatable                   Learn more at or call at
         The content of this article is general and should not be relied   when we catch it early,” says Steven   (877) 463-2010 to schedule a consultation.
      upon without review of your specific circumstances by competent
      legal counsel. Reliance on the information herein is at your own
      risk, as it expresses no opinion by the firm on your specific
      circumstances or legal needs. An attorney client relationship is
      not created through the information provided herein.
         To comply with the U.S. Treasury regulations, we must
      inform you that (i) any U.S. federal tax advice contained in
      this newsletter was not intended or written to be used, and
      cannot be used, by any person for the purpose of avoiding
      U.S. federal tax penalties that may be imposed on such
      person and (ii) each taxpayer should seek advice from their
      tax advisor based on the taxpayer’s particular circumstances.
      Tip of the Tail

      Elizabethan Collars Are a Must! (Sometimes)
         An Elizabethan
      collar, also called an
      E-collar, lamp shade, or
      satellite dish, is a plastic
      hood  or  cone placed
      around the head to prevent an animal from licking at a surgery
      site, wound, or bandage. It is attached to the pet’s usual collar
      with strings or tabs passed through holes punched in the sides
      of the plastic or just tied around the neck. Every patient doesn’t
      need an E-collar for every situation. But there are certain times
      when it is without a doubt essential to your pet’s recovery. One
      of these situations is eye and eyelid surgeries and wounds,
      when a very fine suture is used and the tissue is thin. A pet can
      completely destroy a surgery in seconds and require a second
      surgery. Another time an E-collar is necessary is when a pet is
      a known chewer/licker, witnessed in the veterinary hospital or
      at home. If your pet is sent home with an E-collar, use it 24/7
      until instructed otherwise.
         Leaving the E-collar on at all times is the best way to get
      your pet used to it and ensure proper healing. If you take it off
      then put it back on when you leave, your pet may take it as
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