Page 9 - Palm City Spotlight - February '23
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Palm City Spotlight, Page 9
Wuxi, China And Life On The Grand Canal from page 8 Another major portion of the canal was completed during Sailing on the Grand Canal, one can appreciate the
the Sui dynasty, at the same time the original canal was importance of this waterway, not only with respect to
was originally named the Shanyang Canal, and was cut being rebuilt. The New Pein Canal was an east-west link the movement of goods, but also to the way of life. The
between the Yangtze and Huang Ho (Yellow) rivers. In between the Huang Ho and Huai Ho rivers. This served the stories of its importance can be felt in the structures and,
recent times this portion of the canal has been called the needs of the Chinese until the 13th century, when during more importantly, the people who live, work and utilize
Southern Grand Canal. the Yuan (Mongol) dynasty, the need to bring the waterway the canal. I am sure that much has changed in the living
to Beijing was fulfilled. standards of the people who live along the banks of
At the time, the capital the canal, however, to outsiders the customs still being
was Beijing, but several practiced seem primitive.
centuries later during the Wuxi will probably never be sold as a travel destination
Ming dynasty, it was moved through the exciting photographs of a travel brochure, but
to Nanjing, which launched for those whose need for knowledge exceeds the pleasures
the building of the various of life in tourist areas, Wuxi offers the experience of a
interconnecting canals until lifetime.
the 19th century. The late Don Kiselewski wrote from his personal
In the 19th century a series experiences, having traveled in 122 countries and cruised
of disastrous floods broke the oceans, seas and rivers of the world. Palm Beach
the dikes of the Huang Ho, Gardens Travel Leaders, his family owned and operated
causing great problems in agency, is located at Mirasol Town Square, 11360 North
the northern sections of Jog Road, Building A, Suite 102-6, Palm Beach Gardens.
the system. These acts of The agency has been serving the travel needs of the South
nature, coupled with the Florida area for over a quarter of a century. Contact
Taiping and Nien Rebellions, them at (561) 694-9696 or
caused the canal to Beijing
to be abandoned; it fell Photos by Don Kiselewski
into disrepair and became
An old vessel docks along the Grand Canal in Wuxi. unusable. It wasn’t until
Communist rule in 1958 that
work began to restore the President’s
canal to its full prominence.
The aim of the reconstruction Day
was to restore the canal to
a state that could handle
2,000-ton ships. Between
1958 and 1965 the canal
was straightened, widened
and dredged. In addition, a
new section some 40 miles
long was constructed. By the
mid-1970s the canal could
accept medium-sized barge
traffic throughout its length. Monday,
Today, the majority of traffic
on the canal is located in the February 20
southern sections, below
Wuxi’s city center Suzhou.
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