Page 10 - Palm City Spotlight - February '23
P. 10
Page 10, Palm City Spotlight
in Your communitY
Salvation Army Provides Legion Posts 40 and 318,
The Grace Place, Martin
Christmas Joy County Tax Collector, Miles
Grant Country Club, Port
Christmas cheer abounded recently as parents picked St. Lucie City Hall, Harbor
up new toys and clothes for their children from the Branch Oceanographic,
Salvation Army of Martin, St. Lucie and Okeechobee Paradigm Precision, Peace
Counties. The nonprofit distributed gifts collected from Presbyterian Church, Girl
donors for 1,722 children, a new record, in the tri-county Scouts and Cub Scouts, St.
area. Lucie Tax Collector, St.
“There were a lot of requests this year, but we did Nicholas Greek Orthodox
it!” said Captain Deanne Jones, corps officer. “We are Church, Advance America,
so grateful to the community for their help. We simply Benjamin Franklin
could not have accomplished this without the support of Plumbing, Children’s
donors and volunteers.” Emporium, Engine World
The Salvation Army’s annual Angel Tree program and Edward Jones. States. Nearly 30 million Americans receive assistance
assists families who fall below 150 percent of the Federal For more information about the services of the from The Salvation Army each year through a broad
Poverty Guidelines by providing toys and new clothes for Salvation Army of Martin, St. Lucie and Okeechobee array of social services that range from providing food
Christmas. Each child in the program is represented by Counties, visit or call (772) for the hungry, relief for disaster victims, assistance for
a tag displayed on Angel Trees at sponsoring businesses 288-1471. the disabled, outreach to the elderly and ill, clothing
and churches in the area, and donors then “adopt” the About The Salvation Army and shelter to the homeless and opportunities for
children to purchase the toys on their wish list. The Salvation Army, an evangelical part of the underprivileged children. Eighty-two cents of every
Sponsors this year included Walmart, Bealls, Dream universal Christian church established in London in 1865, dollar The Salvation Army spends is used to support
Works Realty, Florida Power & Light, Fort Pierce Utilities has been supporting those in need in His name without those services in 5,000 communities nationwide. For
Authority, Martin County Clerk’s Office, American discrimination for more than 130 years in the United more information, go to
book review
An Immense World: How An Immense World helps us to do that. that does not contain
Animal Senses Reveal The Greeted with unanimously rave reviews and high on fascinating facts that
the national bestseller lists, An Immense World is the
will reward you for
Hidden Realms Around Us second book by Ed Yong, a Pulitzer Prize-winning science beginning this reading
writer for such publications as The Atlantic, National adventure. And on
By Nils A. Shapiro Geographic, Scientific American and The New York almost every page the
Most humans are born with Times. While Yong’s first book, I Contain Multitudes: author has included at
five senses: vision, hearing, The Microbes Within Us and a Grander View of Life, was least one asterisked
smell, touch and pain. Many also an instant bestseller and was short-listed for several footnote wit h a n
of the millions, or billions, of major awards, the subject of this newer volume will likely additional, expanded
other creatures with whom appeal to an even wider audience. point of information
we share this planet do not It is a brilliant concept, one that all humans should so interesting that I
share this same combination fully be aware of and understand: found myself looking
of senses – and certainly After an introduction by the author that is more than forward to the next one
not at the same levels. Even simply informative – it is truly entertaining in explaining every time I turned a
more importantly, many of the purpose of this work and approach he has taken – the page.
them rely for their survival book is arranged in 13 sections: 1. Smells and Tastes, 2. Here is but one
on senses completely different from ours, among them Light, 3. Color, 4. Pain, 5. Heat, 6. Contact and Flow, example. The text on page 242 includes the following:
echolocation, ultrasonic, vibrations, electrolocation and 7. Surface Vibrations, 8. Sound, 9. Echoes, 10. Electric “But why do so many insects evolve ultrasonic hearing,
electromagnetic location. The result is that, while we all may Fields, 11. Magnetic Fields, 12. Uniting the Senses, and especially when most of them can’t hear at all? It certainly
inhabit the same planet, we are living in different worlds – 13. Threatened Sensescapes. wasn’t to hear hummingbirds, which are relatively recent
and in order for us to fully understand our world we need to Together, they cover the extraordinary range of senses evolutionary arrivals. It probably wasn’t to hear each
be able to see through other eyes. that the millions of land, sea and air species that share this other since most of them are silent.”
planet with us today have evolved over millions of years The asterisked footnote adds the following:
in order to survive within their individual environmental “Some moths do make ultrasonic courtship calls.
circumstances. Males will follow a female’s pheromone trail, land
In his introduction, author Yong introduces the next to her, and vibrate their wings to produce a volley
Captain’s was established in 1980 servicing term umwelt, which he refers to frequently throughout of ultrasound. These calls are very quiet, almost like
Palm Beach County and is a privately the book, defining it as “specifically the part of those whispers. Like other ultrasonic communicators, these
owned and managed company. surroundings that an animal can sense and experience – its moths are probably making use of ultrasound’s limited
Captain’s is committed to providing perpetual world.” For humans, it is the world that we are range so that they’ll be heard by a prospective mate
dependable, reliable and professional
ground transportation to and from all aware of because of our five senses. For each creature, sitting nearby, but not by a hungry bat flying overhead.
South Florida Airports and Seaports. PBCVH212 its own umwelt may differ. But unlike most songs, ultrasound or otherwise, these
To reserve your vehicle: For example, dogs’ vision enables them to see only calls aren’t meant to be attractive. They’re meant to sound
561-798-2180 or 800-634-7890 the colors blue and yellow, as well as black and shades dangerous. They mimic the calls of bats, prompting the
of gray; they cannot see red, yellow or any colors that females to freeze and allowing the males to mate more
include combinations of them, such as green or purple. easily.”
Southern Exposure Technologies But a dog’s sense of smell is estimated as between The whole is made all the more engaging by the
Computer Install/Setup/Repair 100,000 and several million times more sensitive than author’s presentation of this compelling subject – his
personal on-site research with scientists of many
a human’s, to the point that a dog can identify by the
(561) 315-0144 lingering scent an individual who has passed by a spot disciplines around the world; a clear organization of five days earlier! the information; a writing style that makes scientific
* DSL, Broadband,Wireless Install Birds that migrate thousands of miles high in the air, information fully accessible to even the lay reader, and
* Networking, Troubleshooting and sea turtles that swim incredibly long distances to lay – to his publisher’s credit – a full-size paperback edition
* Instruction their eggs on the same beaches where they were born, rely that includes, in addition to the 355 pages of text, another
* Hardware/Software Installation on electromagnetic location, a sense that enables them 16 pages of color photographs and 100 more reference
* Virus/Spyware/Adware Fix
* Cleanup/Maintenance/Backup to follow “an internal map” using the magnetic field that pages of notes, bibliography and index.
* Business Consult/Startup/Move runs constantly between the North and South Poles as a There are wonders in this world beyond anything most
* Website Design/Maintenance result of our planet’s enormous iron core. of us have ever imagined, and Ed Yong fills his pages
Call S.E.T. to install your “new computer, printer Another creature’s survival depends on its ability to with more than enough reasons why this promises to be
and wireless network”! sense the difference between sound impulses reaching it a truly life-changing experience for readers interested in
GET S.E.T. GO! one millionth of a second apart! Think of it – one millionth knowing more about the many worlds in which we live.
FOR SMALL BUSINESSES FOR AS LOW AS $50.00 AN HOUR, In these pages you will learn about creatures you
OR 2 HOURS A WEEK, OR ON AN AS-NEEDED never knew existed, and of sensory abilities that you will
BASIS RATE OF $75.00 P/HOUR. find literally impossible to believe. Using echolocation,
START YOUR NEW YEAR WITH SECURE BACKUPS, a dolphin can not only pinpoint where a hidden object
QUALITY MAINTENANCE, ATTENTION TO DETAIL AND is – say, one buried under sand – but can also “see” the
(561) 315-0144 hidden object’s shape, recognize and identify it when
CALL S.E.T. TODAY FOR YOUR COMPUTER NEEDS! shown it on a television screen in an experiment.
There is not a single one of the 355 pages of basic text