Page 12 - Palm City Spotlight - February '23
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Page 12, Palm City Spotlight
reaL estate tip of tHe taiL
Treasure Coast Real Estate Preventing Zoonotic Diseases
Report Pets can also transmit skin diseases such as
ringworm to humans. Ringworm is actually a fungal
infection that we often see with cats and can produce
Now Is The Time To Sell Your Home Or lesions on humans as well. This becomes especially
Condo! important when adopting a new cat and introducing
By Jim Weix it into your home. If there are any skin lesions, it is
There is a lot of negative advisable not to introduce them to your other pets
news about real estate sales. (and possibly family members) until you have them
Fortunately, it is based on old evaluated by your veterinarian.
news and doesn’t represent Two important diseases that can cause serious
what is happening on the harm and even death in animals and people include
Treasure Coast right now. leptospirosis and rabies. Leptospirosis is a bacteria
You might read that sales that favors wet conditions, such as rivers, streams
are down from the same and ponds. It is commonly spread through the urine
month a year ago. However, of certain wildlife and can affect multiple organs in
a year ago we were in a low A zoonotic disease is one that can be transmitted the body. If your dog comes in contact with wildlife
inventory and panicked buyer between animals and humans. With regards to our or enjoys being around bodies of water you might talk
frenzy. Competition for existing homes was driving both asking canine and feline companions, there are several to your veterinarian about whether vaccinating against
and selling prices up to unsustainable levels. common diseases that we should be aware of and take the disease is recommended for your pet.
That came to a sudden halt when record-low mortgage precautions against especially when bringing a new pet The most dangerous zoonotic disease that we
interest rates ended. Depending upon which report you read, into your home. The source of infection can be from encounter is most certainly rabies. Rabies is a virus
anywhere from 40 to 75 percent now regret buying a home or viruses, bacteria, parasites, etc. that affects nervous tissue and is almost always fatal,
condo during those crazy times. Common sense has returned A common, but easily preventable, zoonotic disease which is why vaccinating against the virus is so crucial
to the real estate market. source is from fecal matter. Intestinal parasites and in protecting our pets. Even if your pet doesn’t go
Unrealistic and inflated asking prices are dropping. The infectious organisms such as roundworms, hookworms outside amongst other pets or wildlife it is still urged
inventory of real estate for sale is increasing. And “snowbird” and giardia are spread through fecal matter of dogs and required by law. Unfortunately there are reports
buyers have returned. The number of showings for properties and cats. Hookworms can cause cutaneous irritations of rabid animals, such as raccoons or bats making
for sale has increased dramatically. and the roundworms can migrate through the body their way indoors. Additionally, sometimes indoor
This all points to a market where properly priced homes and even end up in the eye. Fortunately they do not animals may sneak outdoors unexpectedly. If your
and condos will sell. It also means that if you sell your home set up residence in our intestinal tracts like they do pet is unprotected, this can be very dangerous. Once
or condo, you should have no problem finding a new address in dogs. Thankfully, the transmission of these can again, your veterinarian can guide you on the best way
at a reasonable price. be limited by using common sense hygiene such as to protect your furry family member, and in turn the
Everybody has heard that to sell a home you need to spruce it washing hands after handling feces or after an animal rest of your family, against transmissible diseases.
up, etc. However, a big issue to consider now is the insurability has licked them. This also becomes important with Established in 1981, Palm City Animal
of your home if someone wants to buy it. There is nothing worse small children and limiting an animal licking them Medical Center is dedicated to providing the
than having your sale moving right along and then the buyer on their face. An important way of limiting the spread best possible care for your pets. With focuses on
can’t get homeowner’s insurance. is to pick up your pet’s stools, whether in a public compassionate care in surgery, physical therapy
It would be a good idea to have a 4-point inspection done. space or even your yard. You can also prevent your and rehabilitation, preventative medicine, extensive
You should be able to get one for under $200. pet from acquiring some common intestinal parasites diagnostics, and emergency service, Palm City
The inspection will cover the condition of your air (and therefore spreading to the human population) by Animal Medical Center combines exceptional
conditioning system, electrical, plumbing, and roof. A buyer keeping them on a routine prevention or deworming medical care with a caring philosophy for pets and
will need to have one done to get insurance and knowing if schedule. Fortunately most of the new heartworm their owners. For more information, call (772)
there are any issues ahead of time will allow you to address preventions protect your pet against the intentional 283-0920, visit www.palmcityanimalmedicalcenter.
them in advance. The biggest issues seem to be polybutylene worms and have greatly cut down on the intestinal com or find us on Facebook at
plumbing, which was widely used between 1978 and mid-1995, parasite problem. Your veterinarian can talk with you PalmCityAnimalClinic.
and the age of the roof. about what will work best for your pet.
Marketing your home or condo properly is also more
important than ever. Most buyers want to see a virtual tour of
homes or condos, before deciding to go to see it. The days of
buyers spending the day with an agent and looking at a dozen
properties, most of which they know they wouldn’t buy the
minute that they walk through the front door, are long gone.
This means that you must have good-quality photos.
However, if you expect your agent to spend money on
professional photos, you need to do your part. Your agent can
help you, but obviously, things like unmade beds, cluttered
kitchen counters, dirty dishes in the sink, and bath towels on
the floor, will not present your property well.
Feel free to call me if you would like to discuss your options.
I can be reached at (772) 341-2941 or
Jim Weix is a broker associate with The Keyes Company.
Jim has 25 years of experience selling real estate full-time.
If you have questions or want the services of an experienced
expert, you can reach Jim at (772) 341-2941 or jimweix@
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