Page 24 - Boca ViewPointe - February '23
P. 24

Page 24, Viewpointe                                                 February 2023
                                                         Have You Just Moved To Boca Pointe?

                                                         By Andrea Gralnick                                lifetime $300 dollars, you and your immediate household
                                                                                                           will be eligible. As you know, normally it can take weeks to
                                                            Would you like to meet some wonderful, interesting, and   get appointments at specialized institutions.
                                                         caring people while also making a difference in finding a      We would love to have you join our chapter. Nearly every
                                                         cure for cancer? The Boca Pointe Pap Corps, Champions for   month we have an exciting program, and all the net proceeds
                                                         Cancer Research, is one of 51 chapters in South Florida with   go directly to Sylvester Comprehensive Care Center.
                                                         a membership of over 22,000 that also contributes millions of      Our Boca Pointe Pap chapter is an open chapter, so
                                                         dollars annually to Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center   you can bring your friends too. Our next exciting event is
                                                         at the University of Miami. Sylvester is the only designated   a Book and Author brunch on Friday, March 10, 2023. We
                                                         National Cancer Institute (NCI) in south Florida.  will feature three local published authors for your reading
                                                            We like to say The Pap Corps, is an organization that   pleasure and a wonderful brunch with an omelet station for
                                                         gives back to you while you are supporting it. Should you   your eating pleasure!
                                                         need it, you are guaranteed a quick appointment through the      If you have questions or want further information call:
                                                         Physician’s Referral Program concerning possible cancer or   Andrea Gralnick, at 561-302-9108 or email at gralnick.
                                                         a cancer diagnosis. As a member, for annual dues of $40, or 

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                                                                               FEBRUARY 23-26

                                                                                WHERE GRIT

                                                                             MEETS GREEN

        Pap’s Annual Card Party a smashing success. Thank you
        all for your constant support.

                             BOCA POINTE
                            THE PAP CORPS            M
                           CHAMPIONS FOR             Y
                         CANCER RESEARCH            CM
              SAVE THESE DATES!                     MY
         â  Our very own Boca Pointe Chapter,       CMY
            Celebrates 25 Year Anniversary-          K
            Wednesday, February 22, 2023,
            Special Luncheon, Honorees and look
            back at 25 years.                                                                                                     Every year,

         â BOOK & LOCAL AUTHORS-Friday,                                                                                          players converge in
            March 10, 2023. Bill Gralnick, Jen
            Fisher and Barbara Pressman. Brunch                                                                                 Palm Beach Gardens
            will be served at Edgewater Estates                     SEPP STRAKA                                                for 72 holes of the
            beautiful dining roon.                                2022 CHAMPION                                               fiercest competition
                                                                                                                              on the PGA TOUR. It’s
         â  May 12, 2023-We're Going to the                                                                                  called The Honda
            Movies: BOOK CLUB II: by lunch.                                                                                 Classic for a reason:
            Back for the 2nd edition: Jane Fonda,                                                                          because the same
            Diane Keaton, Mary Steenburgen,                                                                               challenging spirit that
            Candice Bergen. Flyer add more info
            in March ViewPointe.                                                                                          defines Honda will drive
                                                                                                                         one competitor above all
                                                                                                                        the rest. It’s all happening at
                                                                                                                       the PGA National Resort, on
        Watch Your Speed!                                                                                             “The Champion.” Get your
                                                                                                                       a course fittingly known as

                                                                                                                     ticket to history at
           Speeding fines are being                                                                       
        enforced! Fine schedule: 6-20
        mph over the limit $50 and more
        than 21 mph over the limit $100.
        Please obey the posted speed limit
        signs and drive safely! 
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