Page 23 - Boca ViewPointe - February '23
P. 23

February 2023                                                   Viewpointe, Page 23
      “I’m Mad As Hell

      And I’m Not Gonna’ Take It Any More”

      By Harold Katz, R.Ph.                                 Tomatoes $1.49/pound
                                                            Lox $44.00/pound
         In a 1975 film entitled                            Ice Cream $8.00/½ gallon (now 46 ounces!!)
      Network, the principal character,                     It goes on and on. Grocery shopping brings a constant
      a news reporter, lifted up his                     realization that whatever we thought our net worth was before,
      second story window and                            it is not now. Furthermore, statements implying that this
      shouted this phrase of utter                       inflation is a temporary happening are false. We will never
      frustration for all the world to                   return to former prices.
      hear. In a similar fashion, this                      How did we get into this dollar- shrinking situation? This
      writer is sharing his frustrations                 writer is not an economist. However, it seems clear to me   with a grocery clerk confirms that “all prices are going up.”
      on this topic for all to read.                     that there is an odor of greed amongst the several parties of      Price increases amongst disparate services include:
      INFLATION. I am referring to shopping -in -the- market   distribution in getting these food items onto the shelves for      Oil change and lube $65 to $90
      inflation. I am referring to:                      sale. The farmer asks for more money to cover his increased      House cleaning $20/hour to $45/hr
         coffee $8.00/12 ounces                          expenses on gasoline and supplies. The trucker seeks more to      Haircut $14 to $24
         eggs $5.00/dozen                                cover his gasoline and labor needs. The distributor adds more      It seems that every service and every product has
         Iceberg lettuce $5.00/head                      to recover his increased costs of doing business. The retailer   undergone a price change. This forebodes nothing good for
         Cornflakes $6.00                                raises his prices to make a profit from the more costly items he   2023. For those in business, fine, you’ve compensated for your
         Prunes $5.99/18 oz pkg                          must buy. All the foregoing seems part of the “I got mine, so   shrunk profits and then some (as noted above). However how
         Grapefruit $1.50 each                           I might as well take a little more” syndrome. A conversation   about those beyond work capability? The debilitated man, the
                                                                                                           retired woman with no source of increasing her income, the
        Community Association Meetings Monthly Schedule                                                    marginal families, and all those having sleepless nights as
                                                                                                           they look into their financial future? For these folks I open
                         (All meetings held via Zoom and in person.)                                       my second- floor window and shout to the world, “I’m mad
                                                                                                           as hell, and I’m not gonna’ take it anymore!”
                                                                                                              What do I accomplish by shouting to the world with this
                                                                                                           article? Well. I feel some satisfaction, some recoupment.
           All meetings will be held electronically via Zoom and in person. The following is our regular schedule of   Perhaps other second floor windows will open up for the cause.
        monthly meetings, however, sometimes meetings are cancelled or schedules are revised due to holidays, etc. If   For certain I will query a merchant as to how he can justify a
        you would like to attend, please call the BPCA office, (561) 395-7551, the day before the meeting to request the   $6.00 box of cornflakes.
        Zoom link be emailed to you.                                                                          From my public school studies, I know that these prices will
                                                                                                           moderate when the pipelines are again full and competition
           Access Control & Safety Committee                 2nd Thursday of each month at 9:30 a.m.       enters the market to compete against these inflated prices.
                                                                                                           That’s how the capitalistic system works. Until such time,
           Architectural Control Site Committee              1st Friday of each month at 9:30 a.m.         however, I invite everyone to raise their second-floor window
                                                                                                           and make known to the grocery manager, the barber, almost
           Board of Directors                                3rd Tuesday of each month at 9:30 a.m.        any merchant who may have added a “greedy” component to
                                                                                                           his raised prices. For many of us, that’s all we can do, but just
           Budget & Finance Committee                        The Friday before the third Tuesday of        wait until competition comes back!
                                                             each month at 9:15 a.m.
                                                                                                              Harold Katz R.Ph., Edgewater Estates. 

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