Page 21 - Boca ViewPointe - February '23
P. 21

February 2023                                                   Viewpointe, Page 21

      Additions, Renovations, And Increased Programming

         Pickleball play is underway at
      the Club at Boca Pointe. Members
      celebrated with a Grand opening that
      included introductions to the game
      and fun play for prizes. An array
      of additional programming is now added to the calendar
      with complimentary Pickleball introductions offered every
      Friday. The Club has two certified Pickleball professionals
      that oversee lessons and social programming.
         Boca Pointe card players are thrilled with the latest
      investments by Heritage Golf Group. The card rooms have
      been updated with paint, carpet, card tables and chairs.   Seminars                                  Broadway Series
      Both men’s and ladies’ card rooms have large windows      Romantic Comedies with Dan Hudak, Beatles Part 2 with      Members enjoy season tickets to the Broward Center.
      overlooking holes 1 and 18 creating a natural, beautiful view   Harry Gertzov, Sun Sentinel: Are newspapers and democracy   Annual Club Cruise
      with the addition of a light and bright interior.   dying?, and Dr. Fayne Frey: Author of the Skincare Hoax.  JOINING INCENTIVE FOR BOCA POINTE
      KIDS SUMMER CAMP                                   Dance Classes                                     HOMEOWNERS
         It’s not too early to begin thinking about summer camps      Tango and Contra Dancing                Did you know that Boca Pointe homeowners receive
      for kids. The Club at Boca Pointe is offering an action-packed   Art Classes                         a preferred membership offer? Contact the Membership
      day camp with activities galore! Tennis, Golf, Pool Time,      Watercolor Painting                   Team for all the details. See contact information below.
      Fitness Fun, Arts & Crafts, and Fun Fridays. Contact Ashley   Cards                                  MEMBER SPONSOR INCENTIVE
      Rozo, for details.        Canasta, Bridge and Mah Jongg classes, Canasta Tournaments,      It’s indeed a great time to be at Member at the Club
      ACTIVE GOLF CALENDAR                               Duplicate Bridge play, and expanding games between Members  at Boca Pointe and to sponsor a new Member! When
         Golf Members look forward to February events    Clubs within our Club                             a Member sponsors a new enrollment to the Club, the
      including Men’s and Women’s Member-Guest, Ladies’      The Ladies’ Club offers excursions and on-site events   Members will receive  an exclusive incentive! Contact
      Club Championship, Valentine’s Couples Mixer, Ladies’   twice a month.                               the Membership  Team to schedule your tour today,
      Member-Member, Weekly Ladies’ and Men’s League play      The Men’s Club meets monthly for breakfast,   561.864.8538.
      and complimentary clinics every Saturday.          conversation and guest speakers.                     Roxanne Domer,,
         The LGA Play for Pink raised $6,660 for the Debbie Rand      Adventurer’s Club offers a variety of exciting excursions   Director of Membership
      Memorial.                                          and on-site events for both men and women.           Alexis Robertson,,
      ROBUST SOCIAL CALENDAR                             Monthly Traditions                                Membership Management
         The programming pace continues to offer something      Trivia, Karaoke, Music Bingo, Member Birthday Bash,      Friends become family here at the Club at Boca
      every night of the week for Members to enjoy! Highlights   Sunday Classic Movie Matinees, Live Music Friday and   Pointe! Visit our new website for more Club details and
      include:                                           Saturday Night, Lynn Concert Series, Canasta Tournaments,   information, Follow the fun through
      February Highlights                                Bi-Weekly Duplicate Bridge, Ladies Who Lunch, Weekly   Boca Pointe social media:
         Valentine’s Dinner & Dance, Super Bowl Party,   Poolside Arts & Crafts, What’s Up Speaker Series, Friday   theclubatbocapointe/ and
      President’s Day Pool Party, and Mardi Gras Celebration  Bridge Hands Discussion                      bocapointecc/. n
      Hello From The Boca Pointe “Clowns On Call!”

      By Harriet Rubin, aka
      Florabelle the Clown

         I’m happy to report that
      we are all doing well! No
      surgery, COVID, Falls,
      etc. were reported this past
      month, so we are ready to
      go  full steam!  My  article
      this month will deal with a
      variety of Clown subjects
      that I think will be interesting to those of you who follow
      my column, at least I hope so.
         There are 2 major Clown Organizations in the U.S.,
      World Clown Association (WCA) and Clowns of America
      International, (COAI), both of which I have belonged   JJ and Candy Bar
      to for 30 years. Due to huge increases in printing costs,
      WCA no longer sends out an actual copy of the monthly   respected internationally known clown. She talked about
      magazine, and if I wasn’t somewhat knowledgeable with   the importance of “Clown Patter”, which she described as   JJ, Twinkle Toes, Florabelle, Cutiepie, the late Perky
      computers I would not be able to enjoy reading it. So, I   “the conversation or dialogue while performing a routine.”   and Pretzel
      have found myself spending time going through copies   This is a technique that I have used my entire clown life,
      that I have skipped accessing articles, primarily because I   and unfortunately many clowns either were not trained   “what should I make for you?” and “don’t forget my tip
      have to go on line and find them (which is certainly more   in the technique or just don’t realize its importance. For   box”, if there was no charge for his service. He really
      work than simply picking up a copy), but this is what the   example, when we are twisting balloons at an event with   bothered me, and I was often tempted to approach him
      future looks like.                                 kids, and there is a line waiting for their turn, the worst   and question him as to why he didn’t even try to engage
         Most of the articles contain educational, professional   thing a clown can do is focus on getting that balloon   with the child who was with him, but I never did. Often
      or training topics for clowns to benefit from. Many writers   done in the shortest period of time and not entertaining or   he had a lady clown next to him, who said nothing.
      share their specific experiences in all aspects of Clowning   connecting with the child who is finally with the clown and      So here’s where the “patter” comes in. Simple
      and much can be learned from reading them; however, the   anticipating some interaction. For many years there was a   questions like, “What’s your name, how old are you, Do
      shared information can also re-inforce what someone like   male “tramp” clown who was hired by various promoters   you have a dog, what’s the dog’s name, is that your sister,
      myself who has been clowning and teaching for a very   of events in Boca and Delray to make balloons. I observed   is she a good big sister, does she ever pull your hair????”
      long time knows, my beliefs, strengths and goals.  him on so many occasions (I was not in clown), and his   Every child deserves the clown’s attention, if only for a
         There certainly have been occasions over the years   lack of any clowning skills was devastating to me. He   little while! This is what makes the experience fun and
      when I have questioned my teaching and coaching skills   was a balloon artist, dressed as a clown with full tramp
      and I was really elated in reading a recent article by a very   makeup and dress, and his conversation was limited to   Clowns On Call on page 22
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