Page 18 - PGA Community News - December '22
P. 18

Page 18, PGA C.A.N.!                                                December 2022                                                                                                                                                 December 2022
      Palm Beach County Property Appraiser’s Office

      Dear Taxpayer:                                       As we look forward to 2023, my office is looking to improve   homestead exemption. If there are no changes to the use and/
         As we say goodbye to                           the service we offer to you on our website. The next time you   or ownership of the property, simply keep the card as your
      2022, I want to reflect on the                    visit, please take our survey. Your thoughts   receipt that you have been automatically renewed for another
      past year and share our goals                     will help inform the next iteration of our online offerings.  year. However, if there is a change to ownership due to a
      for the future.                                      The calendar is changing but our mission remains   sale, marriage, divorce, death, or change in property use, call
         This was an interesting                        the same: to value property, administer exemptions, and   our office at (561) 355-2866 or email us at MyExemption@
      year for property valuation                       maintain ownership records for the county fairly, equitably,
      in Palm Beach County.                             and in accordance with Florida law.                   A homestead exemption reduces the assessed value of
      Market property values                               Thank you for allowing me to serve as your property   your property, thereby reducing the amount of property tax
      grew 31 percent from 2021,                        appraiser. I wish you and your families a safe and happy   you pay by an average of $500. Homestead exemption also
      and taxable property values                       holiday season.                                    qualifies you for the 3 percent Save our Homes (SOH) cap.
      rose 15 percent. Westlake,                                                              Respectfully,                            If you’ve not yet filed for a homestead exemption, it’s easy
      Manalapan, and the Village of Golf showed the largest                        Dorothy Jacks, CFA, AAS,  to e-file online. You may also file by mail or in person at one
      percentage of taxable value increase from 2021 to 2022.           Palm Beach County Property Appraiser  of our five service centers. The deadline to file a homestead
      Overall, the market value of all Palm Beach County property                                          exemption application is March 1 of the year after you buy
      is more than $404 billion. More interesting stats and figures   Homestead Exemption Receipt          your home and you may file any time after you take ownership
      can be found at                                                                     of the property and become a permanent resident of Florida.
         As Florida law requires my office to value property   Cards Mailed Late December                  To qualify, you and/or your spouse must not be receiving a
      based on the status of the real estate market and the property                                       residency-based exemption on any other property in Florida
      as  of  Jan.  1  each  year,  my  staff  are  already  gathering      On the last business           or in another state.
      information for 2023 assessments. I want to thank my   day in the month of
      staff for their hard work and commitment to accuracy   December, the property                        Holiday Office Closures
      and excellence. I am proud of every single one of the 220   appraiser ’s office
      qualified public servants in my office, as we retain more   mails a pink and white                      The Palm Beach County Property Appraiser’s Office
      credentialed appraisal experts than any other jurisdiction in   homestead  exemption                 (including our five service centers) will be closed:
      the United States. We determine the taxable value of more   receipt card to every                    Monday, Dec. 26
      than 650,000 parcels and nearly 60,000 tangible personal   property owner in Palm                    Tuesday, Dec. 27
      property accounts in the county.                  Beach County with a                                Monday, Jan. 2, 2023
      Volunteer Opportunities Available

      For 2023 ArtiGras Fine Arts Festival

      Registration Online                                 Annual ArtiGras                                  Palm Beach and 21 other counties within Florida. Hanley
                                                           The 38th
                                                                                                           Foundation is dedicated to working alongside community
      At                               Fine Arts                                          partners to promote healthy lifestyles and to positively
                                                        Festival, Feb. 18                                  influence  attitudes,  norms,  and  values  by  empowering
         The ArtiGras Fine Arts Festival presented by Hanley   to 19, 2023, will                           individuals and families while helping supply need-based
      Foundation is looking for volunteers to make the 2023   be  held  at  the                            treatment scholarships to individuals with demonstrated
      festival a success. It takes more than 600 volunteers to   Gardens North County District Park on 117th Court North.   needs in Palm Beach County.
      run the event smoothly, and volunteers can be 13 years   This year the festival will showcase a juried exhibition of   About Palm Beach North Chamber Of Commerce
      and older. Volunteer applications are available at www.  outstanding fine art and feature activities which include      The Palm Beach North Chamber of Commerce is one                                     live entertainment, a new Culinary Arts Studio, a special   of  the  largest  and  most  active  business  organizations
         “Each year, our volunteers give their time and skills   Amazon ArtiKids Zone and Baptist Health Youth Art   in  Southeast  Florida.  Serving  businesses  in  the  10
      to make everyone’s visit to ArtiGras a fun and enjoyable   Competition. Ranked as a Top 10 fine arts festival by   municipalities  that  make  up  Palm  Beach  North,  the
      experience,” said Noel Martinez, president and CEO of   Sunshine Artist Magazine, ArtiGras offers its patrons the   chamber  fosters  a  partnership  of  private,  public,
      the Palm Beach North Chamber of Commerce, which   opportunity to meet more than 300 of the top artists from   educational  and  civic  organizations  working  together
      produces the ArtiGras Fine Arts Festival. “Now, as the   around the world.                           to  ensure  Palm  Beach  North  is  Florida’s  “Prosperity
      festival grows at Gardens North County District Park, we   About Hanley Foundation                   Coast.” The chamber’s four strategic imperatives are: a
      need more volunteers to make the 2023 edition of ArtiGras      Hanley Foundation combats substance use disorders   prosperous economy, high quality of life for all residents,
      the most memorable.”                              within  our  communities  by  raising  awareness  and   a smart and connected region, and regional leadership.
         Volunteers can choose one of two shifts per day   providing  education  through  quality  substance  use   For more information visit:
      in the following areas: Amazon ArtiKids Zone, Chef   prevention programming in schools and communities in
      Showcase, Parking/Transportation, Artist Relations, Site
      Operations, Volunteer Committee, Baptist Health Youth
      Art Competition Committee, Information Booths and
         Volunteers will also receive a free  T-shirt, free
      admission to the festival before or after their shift the
      day of volunteering, special parking and free food and
      beverages in the volunteer area. Students will also receive
      community service credit for the hours they volunteer.
         For more information on volunteering for ArtiGras
      and details about the festival, visit or
      call (561) 746-7111.

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