Page 22 - PGA Community News - December '22
P. 22

Page 22, PGA C.A.N.!                                                December 2022                                                                                                                                                 December 2022
      Members Of Impact The Palm Beaches Enjoy

      Saks Fifth Avenue Fashion Show Featuring Cinq À Sept

         Nearly 80 members and guests of Impact the Palm      Directly following the fashion show, guests had the   Woman, One Meeting, One Vote.” Designed for women
      Beaches enjoyed an intimate fashion show at Saks Fifth   opportunity to shop the designer’s line of clothing, with 10   who wish to find an efficient and collaborative means
      Avenue, Palm Beach Gardens, on Nov. 2.            percent of the proceeds benefiting Impact the Palm Beaches.   of creating transformational change in their community,
         Suzanne Key, general manager of The Gardens Mall Saks      Impact members each contribute $1,000 annually and   Impact allows women to be as involved as they wish in
      Fifth Avenue, hosted this fashionable cocktail event that   award $100,000 grants to local nonprofit organizations.   the process.
      featured designer Jane Siskin of Cinq à Sept and some of her   Over the last seven years, Impact the Palm Beaches has      Impact the Palm Beaches $100,000 Impact Grant
      beautiful fashions on the runway. Guests also enjoyed music   awarded over $1 million in transformational giving to   Awardees have included:  Vita Nova, Inc., Feed the
      and product thanks to Tammy Fender Designer Skin Care.  nonprofits in our community.                 Hungry Pantry of PBC, Clinics Can Help, West Jupiter
         “Thank  you  to Saks  Fifth Avenue for  this amazing      For  more  information  about  Impact  the  Palm   Community Garden, Center for  Trauma Counseling,
      evening for Impact the Palm Beaches,” said Lauren   Beaches, events, and how to become a member,     Center for Child Counseling, Project LIFT, Palm Beach
      Sterlacci, 2022/23 president of Impact the Palm Beaches.   visit or email info@  Dramaworks, and LIVE Fresh. The 2022/23 Impact Grant
      “We are so grateful for their support and commitment to                     winners will be announced at the annual awards event
      the mission of Impact the Palm Beaches as we work to      Impact 100 is a worldwide organization with more than   scheduled for April 20, 2023.
      double the impact this season!”                   60 chapters and steadily growing. Their motto is “One                             Photos by Capehart

      Carly Augeri, Jen Murtie  Lisa Lickstein, Ann Polya  Ingela O’Brien, Michelle Anne Suzanne McCarthy, Julie Dow  Camille Schumacher, Taylor  Theresa Valinotti, Pamela Ha-
                                                                                                           Materio                 Stevenson

                                                        Unda  Latore,  Karen  Kirk,  Jennifer Ribek, Cathy Polselli,
      Lauren Sterlacci, Jane Siskin, Suzanne Key, Lisa LaFrance  Cristina Urreiztieta  Naemi Coltea        DB Lefferdink, Sherrye Fenton Ricki Birner, Chris Hayes
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