Page 17 - PGA Community News - December '22
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December 2022                                                            December 2022                                                 PGA C.A.N.!, Page 17

      Tax Talk from page 16

      Hurricane Ian Help                                counties are committed to providing essential services to  one year, and if the funds remain unclaimed, we forward
                                                        their residents, and it was an honor and a privilege for  those funds to the appropriate state of last known address.
         The true spirit of the                         us to be in a position to give back to them and provide a     Visit Palm Beach County Unclaimed Funds and State
      holiday season is about                           sense of comfort and healing this holiday season.  of Florida Unclaimed Funds to find out if there is money
      giving and spending                                                                                 waiting for you, but before you start looking to see if you
      time with loved ones.                             Are Unclaimed Funds                               have unclaimed funds, we have a few tips to help you
      Unfortunately, with                                                                                 search the document.
      the recent destruction                            Waiting For You?                                     If you are looking at the document on a desktop, press
      of Hurricane Ian, this                                                                              the keys Ctrl + f (Command + f for Mac users) and it
      holiday season will                                  Did you know there could                       will open a search bar in the document where you can
      be much different for                             be thousands of dollars waiting                   search your name. Different web browsers will bring the
      many than in years                                for you?  Yes, you read that                      search bar up in various locations. In Firefox, the search
      past. Fourteen of our                             right – some clients overpay                      bar is in the bottom left corner. In Google Chrome, it is
      tax collector colleagues in Lee and Charlotte counties  their transactions, and once this           in the top right corner and if you are searching in Safari,
      lost their homes and had their lives changed forever by  happens, we issue a refund for the         the search bar will be in the top right.
      Hurricane  Ian. When my employees and I learned of  amount overpaid. If the refund                     Happy searching!
      this news, we immediately wanted to help. So, we held a  goes undelivered, we will continue to attempt to issue the
      special “Pizza-Palooza” event where employees purchased  refund. Once we have explored all refund options, we post   Noteworthy Dates
      tickets for a pizza lunch, with all the proceeds going to  a list of unclaimed funds online hoping that clients can
      those impacted by the hurricane. Our colleagues in these  reclaim the money due to them. We hold onto these for  Dec. 1 - Tourist Development Taxes Due
                                                                                                          Through March 31 - 2022 Property Tax Payments Due
                                                                                                          Dec. 18 to 26 - Hanukkah
                                                                                                          Dec. 25 - Christmas
                                                                                                          Dec. 26 and 27 - Winter Holiday – Offices Closed
                                                                                                          Dec. 31 - Deadline for Property Tax 3 percent Discount*
                                                                                                          Dec. 31 - Deadline to make IPP Installment Payment No. 3*
                                                                                                          Dec. 31 - New Year’s Eve
                                                                                                          * Florida Statute extends discount/payment deadlines falling
                                                                                                          on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday to the next business day.
                                                                                                          Payment(s) must be received in our office by 5 p.m. or online
                                                                                                          by 11:59 p.m. EST on Tuesday, Jan. 3, 2023.


                 Season Tickets, Mini-Plans, &                                                                      PGA Residents Of

         Group Packages Are On Sale Now!                                                                             Mellowing Years

                                                                                                              A single phone number may help
                                                                                                            you to live confidently and gracefully
                                                                                                            in your own home.

                                                                                        25                    Now there is a volunteer senior
                                                                                                            ambassador within PGA community
            FEBRUARY                                                                                        who is well-schooled in resources

                                                                                           1:05 PM          available  to  help  with  problems
           26           27           28                                                                     of elders. The Alpert family and
                                                                                                            Children’s Services has been helping
                                                                                                            seniors do just that for many years.
              1:10 PM      1:05 PM      6:40 PM                                                               •  You have questions? We may have
                                                                                                              •  You don’t know where to go? We
                                                 1            2            3            4                        can guide you.
            MARCH                                                                                             •  You don’t know what you need?
                                                                                                                 We’re well-versed in that problem.

                                                     1:10 PM     1:05 PM      1:05 PM      1:10 PM            •  Do  you  know  a  neighbor  who
           5            6            7           8            9            10           11                       needs help?
                                                                                                              Don’t wait. Call now. Dorothy
                                                                                                            Weiss, 624-4035. Let’s keep connected
              1:05 PM      1:05 PM      1:10 PM     6:40 PM      1:05 PM      6:05 PM      6:40 PM          with each  other as  a  community.
           12           13           14          15           16           17           18                  All you need is the desire to live
                                                                                                            comfortably in your own home.

              1:05 PM      1:10 PM      1:10 PM      1:10 PM     1:05 PM      1:10 PM      1:05 PM
           19           20           21          22           23           24           25
                                                                                                               F AIRWAY PHYSICAL THERAPY
                                                                                                                              IS NOW
              1:10 PM      1:05 PM      1:05 PM      1:10 PM     1:05 PM      6:40 PM      1:05 PM          FUNXION REHAB
           26           27           28          29           30           31

              1:10 PM                                1:05 PM     1:05 PM                   1:05 PM
                           Times and Opponents are subject to change                                                 Brett Richman, PT Owner

                                                                                                            Physical Therapy Visits also offered
                                                                                                            in the home for convenience at no

                                 HOME GAME                        HOME GAME                                 additional cost!

                                                                                                                       Most Insurances accepted
         FOR MORE INFORMATION: (561) 775-1818                                                              We have moved from Suite 27 to Suite 42
                                                                                                                  LA Fitness Plaza - PGA National

        ROGERDEANCHEVROLETSTADIUM.COM                                                                      (P)561 775-7775 (F) 561 293-2730
   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22