Page 15 - PGA Community News - December '22
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December 2022                                                            December 2022                                                 PGA C.A.N.!, Page 15

      Monaco: Playground Of The Rich And Famous from page 14

      Casino. Facing the sea on the other side of the casino is the   to the Pope). On January 8, 1297, Guelph Francois Grimaldi,   of the principality (known as Monégasque) number about
      convention center (Grimaldi Forum) and auditorium (Auditorium   disguised as a monk, entered Monaco clandestinely. This event   4,500. French is the official language; however, Monégasque,
      Ranier III). The streets between the casino and Mediterranean are   is commemorated on the Grimaldi coat of arms, which features   also a beautiful-sounding dialect, is spoken by the older
      transformed into the raceway that becomes the Grand Prix.  two monks brandishing a sword.            generation. This language is being reintroduced into the schools
         From early antiquity, the Rock of Monaco and natural harbor      Between 1346 and 1355, Charles Grimaldi constituted a   of the principality.
      served as a refuge for primitive people, and later for navigators   veritable domain of the principality by acquiring the seigneuries      Although Monaco produces coins, the Euro is the unit of
      returning from the east. In the sixth century B.C., the Rock was   of Menton and Roquebrune. In 1489, King Charles VIII of   currency. The locally minted coins are not generally accepted
      inhabited by a Ligurian tribe called the Monoïkos (believed to   France recognized the independence of Monaco; however, in   outside the principality. Catholicism is the state religion,
      be the origin of the name of Monaco). Following the Gallic   1793 the principality reverted back to a territory of the French   although the constitution guarantees religious freedom.
      Wars (58 to 50 B.C.), the province fell under Roman control   Republic under the name of Port Hercule, an ordinary township      For the tourist, Monaco offers ultramodern and comfortable
      and Monaco became part of the Maritime Alps province. Julius   in the Maritime Alps province. The prince and his family   hotel facilities (78 percent of the rooms are in the four-star deluxe
      Caesar set sail from Monaco to fight in Greece.   were arrested, their riches were dispersed, and the palace was   category). Monte Carlo is also emerging into the forefront of
         After the fall of the Roman Empire in 500 A.D., the region   converted to a workhouse.            congress and convention towns because of its convention center,
      was ravaged by hordes of barbarians – until 975, when the      On May 30, 1814, the Treaty of Paris reestablished the   auditorium and the international conference center.
      Saracens were expelled from the area, heralding the beginning   Grimaldis and restored their rights. In 1861, the towns of      Monaco offers the traveler a degree of excitement and
      of a new area. In 1162, Frederick Barbarossa, Holy Roman   Menton and Roquebrune were transferred to France, and   opulence that cannot be experienced anywhere else in the world.
      Emperor, granted maritime domination of the region to the   Monaco became totally independent. Five years later, the      The late Don Kiselewski wrote from his personal experiences,
      Republic of Genoa. Until 1419, the Rock was the scene of   former Plateau des Spélugues was given the name Monte   having traveled in 122 countries and cruised the oceans, seas
      fierce fighting between two major adversaries of Genoa: The   Carlo.                                 and rivers of the world. Palm Beach Gardens Travel Leaders,
      Ghibellines (supporting the Emperor) and the Guelphs (loyal      In 1911, Monaco was endowed with a constitution   his family owned and operated agency, is located at Mirasol
                                                        for the first time. This year also saw the creation of the   Town Square, 11360 North Jog Road, Building A, Suite 102-6,
                                                        Monte Carlo Automobile Rally and the first performance   Palm Beach Gardens. The agency has been serving the travel
                                                        of Serge de Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes. The Grand Prix   needs of the South Florida area for over a quarter of a century.
                                                        was inaugurated in 1929.                           Contact them  at (561) 694-9696 or
                                                           The Constitution of 1962 defines the nature of the
                                                        government  of  Monaco  as  a  constitutional  hereditary                     Photos by Don Kiselewski
                                                        monarchy; that is to say it is not an absolute monarchy, but
                                                        the power of the sovereign and his government must be
                                                           The prince is the Head of State. His flag is that of the House  In Memorium
                                                        exercised in the framework of the constitution.

                                                        of Grimaldi, dating from the Middle Ages. He is succeeded by
                                                        his direct and legitimate descendants, in order of age, priority   Cheers, Don
                                                        being given to male descendants of a given degree of kinship.     It is with great
                                                           Prince Rainier III, son of Princess Charlotte and Prince   sadness that we
                                                        Pierre de Polignac, was born in 1923 and acceded to the throne   announce the passing
                                                        in 1949, at the age of 26. He was married seven years later in   of one of our founding
                                                        1956 to Grace Patricia Kelly. As many of us will remember,   members, Donald
                                                        Princess Grace died September 14, 1982, as a result of a tragic   Leo Kiselewski.
                                                        accident when her car missed a curve on the Grande (upper)   Volunteering for the
                                                        Corniche. She is buried in Monaco’s Saint Nicholas Cathedral   Palm Beach Gardens
                                                        next to her husband, who did not remarry and died in 2005.  Historical Society was a passion of his and we’re truly
                                                           The population of Monaco is approximately 35,000 of   grateful for his efforts and contributions over the years.
      The Oceanographic Museum was built into the rocky cliff   whom more than 80 percent are foreigners (French people   Our thoughts and prayers are with the family.
      on the shoreline.                                 account for nearly 47 percent of the total population). Nationals      From all of the members of the Palm Beach Gardens
                                                                                                             Historical Society – “cheers,” Don.
        The 2022-2023 Season At The Eissey                                                                     Seabreeze Publications for 28 years. He was a pioneer in
                                                                                                               Don Kiselewski has written the travel articles for

        Campus Theatre Presents Doo Wop,                                                                     helping shape Palm Beach Gardens political landscape.
                                                                                                             His travel agency, PBG Travel, still run by his daughters
                                                                                                             Chris and Beverly, has served North Palm Beach County
        Motown, And Rock And Roll                                                                            for over 30 years. He was also a personal friend that will
                                                                                                             be missed very much.
                                                                                                                                              M. Sean Reid,
          The Doo Wop Project, January 20, 2023, Love the  You, Rock Rhapsody thrills audiences with the electric                                Publisher
        classic sounds of Frankie Valli, The Drifters and The Del  harmonies, rock riffs and soaring vocals of one of the world’s
        Vikings? Ever wonder what Maroon 5 would sound like if  all-time greatest bands, QUEEN. “Somebody to Love”, “We
        they had lived in the Doo Wop era? The Doo Wop Project  Will Rock You”, “We Are the Champions” and many more.
        begins at the beginning, tracing the evolution of Doo Wop  More than a tribute, Rock Rhapsody is a celebration of
        from the classic sound of five guys singing tight harmonies  everyone’s favorite musical anthems performed by a stellar,
        on a street corner to the biggest hits on the radio today. In  international cast.
        their epic shows DWP takes audiences on a journey from    Majesty of Rock, March 16, 2023, Majesty of Rock is a
        foundational tunes of groups like the Crests, Belmonts and  group of five staggeringly talented musicians who take great
        Flamingos through their influences on the sounds of Smokey  care to re-create the exact sound and feel of the two American
        Robinson, The Temptations, and The Four Seasons all the  super groups: Journey and Styx. The band captures every
        way to DooWopified versions of modern musicians like  nuance of these iconic legends so precisely, they are in
        Michael Jackson, Jason Mraz and Maroon 5. Featuring  constant demand. Judge for yourself. Any way you want
        stars of Broadway’s smash hits Jersey Boys and Motown:  it, Journey with us back to the magical time of arena rock.
        The Musical, the Doo Wop Project brings unparalleled  Come to this show and get caught up in the Majesty of Rock!
        authenticity of sound and vocal excellence to recreate — and    Brass Transit, March 27, 2023, Brass Transit was formed   CIPRIANI DENTISTRY
        in some cases entirely reimagine — some of the greatest  in 2008 and brought together by eight of the most talented
        music in American pop and rock history.         and accomplished award winning musicians. Their sole   Family Owned & Operated
          The Sounds of Soul, February 7, 2023, Get ready to  purpose was to pay tribute to one of the world’s greatest and
        relive the hits of Motown and beyond, as this exciting, high  most successful pop/rock groups of all time, CHICAGO.
        energy group unleashes superior vocals and slick dance  Since then, the group has toured North America dazzling   10887 N. Military Trail, Suite #2
        moves powered by pure soul! The group is composed of  audiences with their flawless performances and spectacular   Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410
        six seasoned performers who have excelled as outstanding  attention to every detail of the CHICAGO songbook. Hits
        singers, dancers, and songwriters. Each member has shared  like: “Saturday In The Park”, “25 or 6 to 4”, “If You Leave
        the national recording spotlight driven by the power of  Me Now” and “You’re The Inspiration” have left crowds in   561-683-3313
        Capital Records, Big Apple Records, and R & S Records  awe and on their feet more than once during a show. Evoking
        to name but a few. The show is a combination of Motown  comments like “Spine-tingling”, “Brought me back to my
        classics mixed with some of the greatest songs of all  youth” and “Perfect in every detail.” Brass Transit goes far
        time. Get ready to soak in the hits of The Temptations,  beyond just imitating the songs, they embody the music.
        The Four Tops, Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston, The  Brass Transit will bring you back to the most memorable   Free Consultation
        Supremes, Lionel Richie, Tina Turner, Barry White, and  times of your life.
        more. The Sounds of Soul are known for their recognizable    All shows at 7:30 p.m. Season subscriptions and single   For New Patients
        choreography, distinct harmonies, and flashy, upscale stage  tickets are on sale now! Call the box office at (561) 207-  Expires 1/31/2023
        persona. The Sounds of Soul are a must see for audiences  5900 or visit 11051 Campus Drive, Palm Beach Gardens
        of all ages!                                    or online at The box office is
          Rock Rhapsody, February 27, 2023, Featuring stars of  open Monday - Friday* 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. & one hour prior   Implants|Crowns|Veneers|Extractions
        the Australian Stage, Broadway and London’s West End,  to curtain.*All programs and artists are subject to change.   Perio Therapy|Dentures
        from hits Jersey Boys to Rock of Ages and We Will Rock  No refunds after purchase.
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