Page 11 - Abacoa Community News - November '22
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Abacoa, Page 11
FAU Features from page 10
FAU-Max Planck Joint
Program Creates Unmatched
Opportunities With New
M.D./Ph.D. Dual Degree
By Bethany Alex
Florida Atlantic University Charles E. Schmidt College
of Medicine and the Schmidt College of Science, along
with the Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience
(MPFI), celebrated today an expansion of the FAU-MPFI
education and research continuum, signing the new M.D./
Ph.D. joint neuroscience program into effect.
The new accelerated academic dual-degree program
is the latest addition to the innovative partnerships
between FAU and MPFI, expanding student opportunities
in South Florida and nationwide. Key leaders from the
collaborative institutions took part in the ceremonious said David Fitzpatrick, Ph.D., CEO and scientific director neurosurgery at FAU. “This new dual-degree program,
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signing, marking of MPFI. “We are thrilled to have the opportunity to expand partnering our region’s only medical school with a
the official launch of the joint program while elevating this experience to those pursuing a career in medicine and peerless international neuroscience institute, will have a
the academic programming and collaborative research look forward to creating new opportunities for exceptional direct and lasting impact on our college’s ability to attract
opportunities provided by the partnership. With this new physician-scientists right here in south Florida.” the best and brightest students.”
effort, FAU-Max Planck Florida Joint Programs offers FAU Jupiter continues to be a premier epicenter, The FAU-Max Planck Florida joint M.D./Ph.D.
solution-oriented research and innovative discovery broadening the research-focused neuroscience and program is an additional element to further the vision of
opportunities from the high school, undergraduate, biomedical opportunities for students, faculty and its the newly announced FAU Health Network, bringing an
graduate, Ph.D. – and now – M.D. levels. community. The M.D./Ph.D. program will continue the academic health network to a population of nearly four
“FAU and Max Planck Florida are joining forces pursuit of providing unparalleled academic curriculum, million in Broward, Palm Beach, Martin and St. Lucie
to accelerate unmatched education and research world-class research laboratories and contributions to counties. With the population of the region continuing to
opportunities,” said FAU President John Kelly. “The new discoveries. grow, and an estimated shortage of 60,000 nurses and more
M.D./Ph.D. program is another step in welcoming top-tier The program is slated to begin in fall 2023 with than 17,000 doctors in Florida, the dual-degree program
neuroscience students to our community and providing graduation in spring 2030, according to the anticipated in part of the FAU Health Network will not only meet
the collaborative cutting-edge experiences to open new course schedule. The physician-scientist students will these growing patient-care needs, but also will address
doors for discovery.” receive a medical degree and a doctorate in integrative these workforce challenges by expanding health-related
As part of the M.D./Ph.D. program agreement, FAU biology – with a concentration in either biomedical teaching and research infrastructure in our community.
and MPFI will work in collaboration to provide the sciences or neuroscience – from FAU’s Charles E. “I am very proud of all that we have accomplished in
physician-scientist program participants with extensive Schmidt College of Medicine and the Schmidt College this partnership so far, and very excited about this new
training in both medicine and biomedical research of Science, respectively, upon program completion. endeavor – the possibilities for our future M.D./Ph.D.
with unique training elements specific to the medical “We are boldly impacting the care and well-being of students are enormous,” said Kelly.
neuroscience career path. our community by developing a health care workforce To learn more about FAU-Max Planck Florida Joint
“Over the last decade, we have been privileged to of clinician-scientists from the community, that will give Program opportunities, visit
provide more than 350 scientific trainees with access to back to the community,” said Julie Pilitsis, M.D., Ph.D., mp-partnerships/.
world-class mentorship and technology, and to encourage dean of the Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine,
them to approach research with curiosity and boldness,” vice president for medical affairs, and professor of FAU Features on page 14
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