Page 7 - Abacoa Community News - November '22
P. 7
Abacoa, Page 7
Commissioner’s Update
Budget Brief reduction was possible without affecting the delivery of excess of fund assets over liabilities; intergovernmental
high quality county services to the public. revenues in the form of grants, entitlements, shared
By County Commissioner Additionally, Palm Beach County received revenue revenues, or payments in lieu of taxes; licenses, permits
Maria Marino replacement dollars through the Federal American Rescue and fees; charges for services; and, inter-fund transfers.
For the first time Plan Act to cover general government expenses and offset The county continuously explores innovative means
in 11 years, the County the impact of the pandemic on our community. This to use taxpayer dollars efficiently and leverage the costs
Commission approved a frees up ad valorem funds to pay for projects previously of providing programs and services through grants and
reduction in the countywide approved by the Board. partnerships. In formulating the FY2023 budget, the Board
millage rate for fiscal year If you notice an increase in the property taxes on your prioritized six strategies. These are the highlights:
2023 – the tax rate per $1,000 bill, please note this is due to higher assessed values of • Economic Development
of your real property’s value real estate, not an increase in the tax rate. Of the 650,420 ○ $4.5M in business incentives
– from 4.7815 down to 4.715 parcels of real property in Palm Beach County as of 2022, • Environmental Protection
mills. At the new millage total market value is $404.3 billion, and total taxable value ○ $4M for natural areas management
rate, a homesteaded property is $255.3 billion. ○ $750,000 for the manatee protection program
at the median value of $365,000 would save approximately The county’s total gross budget is $6.7 billion, of • Housing and Homeless
$21.68 per year. While the savings is not huge, it was which $1.9 billion is in the General Fund. Current property ○ $11.5M for homeless resource centers
important to give people a break as costs all across the taxes fund 24.9 percent of the gross budget. In addition ○ $2.4M for a non-congregate shelter in the Glades
board for goods and services have escalated. The millage to property taxes, revenues include the fund balance – the ○ $10M for affordable housing development
• Infrastructure
○ $59M in capital improvements
Town Of Jupiter News • Public Safety
○ $73.3M for Palm Tran vehicles and operations
○ $743.3M for the Sheriff
By Jim Kuretski, neighborhoods in Jupiter that have more affordable ○ $10.3M toward Animal Care & Control
Mayor, Town of Jupiter housing costs, in efforts to improve the desirability of ○ $2.7M for Emergency Management
The high inflation rate living there. ○ $3.5M for Victims Services
since 2021 has created We had 1,589 affordable housing units constructed • Substance Use and Behavior Disorders
significant financial through Abacoa DRI obligations. The mandated ○ $1M toward the addiction stabilization center
hardships to residents affordability requirements expired after five years. The ○ $1.5M for recovery support
and businesses. The cost five-year period was the governmental standard for ○ $6.3M for financially assisted partner agencies
of housing in Jupiter affordable housing units at the time of Abacoa’s master Expenditures also include an increase in reserves from
and south Florida, has plan approval. $189M in FY 2022 to $261.9M in FY 2023.
been skyrocketing, with We had longer term success with Barcelona, a 351- Beginning in March, county departments were required
property resales occurring unit rental community constructed three years ago. to submit their budgets with service levels at status quo,
in a seller’s market. This Seventy-five workforce housing units were constructed, allowing additional requests only for critical needs.
month’s news report provides insights about Town efforts with mandated affordability requirements, valid for 30 Review continues through April and May, culminating
to (1) have affordable housing units in Jupiter and (2) limit to 50 years. in a budget workshop in June. The millage rate is set at a
cost increases in governmental revenues/taxes to do its part The Town has collected $2.5 million from developers public meeting in July, and two separate public hearings
in controlling the overall costs of living in Jupiter. for inclusionary housing for commercial and industrial occur in September, where members of the public can
Affordable Housing projects. The Town Council is responsible to decide how participate in the process.
Over the past two decades, we have continued to Your comments and questions are welcome, and if I
implement infrastructure improvements in older charter Town Of Jupiter News on page 8 can assist you please contact me at (561) 355-2201 or by
email at
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