Page 10 - Abacoa Community News - November '22
P. 10
Page 10, Abacoa
FAU FeAtUres
FAU Board Of Trustees Select role. He will focus his efforts on two roles that are FAU Schools Awarded $3.1
Interim President important to him: on a personal level, his family, and on Million U.S. Department Of
a professional level, steering FAU to the Carnegie R1
classification for “very high research activity.” Education Grant
By Joshua Glanzer
The Florida Atlantic FAU Center For Autism By Brittany Sylvestri
University Board of A total of 22 Florida Atlantic University High School
Trustees has selected Stacy And Related Disabilities students have been named semifinalists in the National
Volnick as interim president Awarded Grant To Train First Merit Scholarship Competition. These students will join
of the university. She will 16,000 students whose scores placed them in the 99th
begin her new role on Jan. 1, Responders percentile nationally.
2023, after President John More than 3.5 million high school students each year
Kelly steps down at the end By Torica Exume take the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test.
of the calendar year. Her Florida Atlantic University’s Center for Autism and FAU High students to earn this distinction include
appointment was approved Related Disabilities (FAU CARD) received a grant from Amogh Allani, Ryan Cantrell, Ethan Curtis, Olivia
unanimously by the Florida the Florida Developmental Disabilities Council to develop Dandu, Nolan Dang, Nelson Delarue, Marcel Eugene,
Atlantic University Board Stacy Volnick and provide training to law enforcement personnel and Johnathan Fuentes, Kia Ghods, Meghan Kakiel, Ritvik
of Trustees. first responders who encounter, interact and intervene Kesharaju, Jacob Labkovski, Saachi Mody, Eric
Volnick became a member of the university’s with individuals with intellectual and developmental Morales, Chancellor O’Bryant Gary, Valerie Ong-Tua,
administrative staff in 1991, advancing steadily through disabilities (I/DD). The research project will focus on Mikhail Perminov, Daniel Proenca, Juliet Reisch, Lucja
the ranks. In 2013, she became vice president for developing workshops to train responders with different Stawikowska, Hannah Tuttle and Sofia Wiskoff.
administrative affairs and chief administrative officer evidence-based communication strategies such as verbal “I am excited for Florida Atlantic University High
and, more recently, she was promoted to chief operating communication, augmentative devices, appropriate de- School students recently recognized by the National
officer. A Double Owl, she holds a bachelor’s degree in escalation strategies, behavior management techniques and Merit Scholarship Program,” said Joel Herbst, Ed.D.,
communication from the Dorothy F. Schmidt College safe physical management considering physical limitations. superintendent, FAU PK-12 Schools and Educational
of Arts and Letters and a master’s degree in education “Training first responders on how to communicate Programs. “This year 58 of our 173 members of our senior
leadership from the College of Education. She currently with I/DD individuals effectively will help to understand class have been recognized for their scholastic success.”
is pursuing a doctorate in higher education leadership. not only the disorder characteristics but also how to To become a National Merit finalist, each semifinalist
Appropriately, her dissertation will address the challenges interact with them and how to best manage risk in high- must submit a detailed scholarship application, which
facing women college presidents. stress situations with the individual,” said Exume. “For includes their academic record, extracurricular activities,
In her current position, she oversees areas vital to the example, communication challenges may lead to multiple demonstrated leadership abilities, employment, honors
continuing operations of the university. These include opportunities for confusion and actions that may be and awards. They also must be endorsed by a high school
Public Safety, Facilities Management, Environmental misinterpreted or may cause an unnecessary increase in official, write an essay and perform well on the SAT.
Health and Safety, Human Resources, Business escalation during emergencies.” “The National Merit Scholarship Competition is our
Services, Emergency Management, Board of Trustees The grant, totaling to almost $150,000, will fund a nation’s most prestigious scholarship program,” said
Operations, President’s Office Operations, the Eleanor beginning project to appoint an advisory committee; Herbst. “We are delighted with the success of these
R. Baldwin House (the President’s on-campus residence), investigate state legislative rules and policies regarding students and the incredible impact they will have well
and the University Ombudsman. Additionally, she the training of law enforcement personnel, first into the future.”
administratively oversees the offices of the Inspector responders, and emergency medical and mental health For more information on FAU High, visit
General and University Compliance. personnel in I/DD and co-occurring mental health
As a matter of procedure, her appointment is subject diagnoses; as well as develop in-person and virtual
to the approval of the State University System of Florida workshop series in various parts of the state.
Board of Governors. Volnick, as interim, will not apply
to be the permanent president.
President Kelly will continue to serve as university
president emeritus after he steps down from his current
Nov. 25
FAU Features on page 11
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