Page 31 - Southern Exposure - June '22
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Southern Exposure, Page 31

      syMPHony news from page 30

      cello, and double bass) followed in 2023 for brass and   and Manley Thaler and the Thaler/Howell Foundation,   through live performances of inspiring orchestral music. The
      percussion instruments. The deadline to apply is Sept. 1.   NetJets, Lugano Diamonds, Findlay Galleries, HSS   orchestra is celebrated for delivering spirited performances
      Applicants must be 18 to 24 years of age, be enrolled at   Florida, PNC Private Bank, The Colony Hotel, Related   by  first-rate  musicians  and  distinguished  guest  artists.
      an institution of higher education, and reside or attend   Companies, Provident Jewelry, IYC, Palm Beach Design   Recognized by The Cultural Council for Palm Beach County
      college in Palm Beach, Broward or Miami Dade counties.   Masters, Braman Motorcars, CIBC Private Wealth, and Gent   with  a  2020  Muse Award  for  Outstanding  Community
      The selection criteria is based on merit, integrity, artistic   Row LLC are proud sponsors of Palm Beach Symphony.   Engagement, Palm Beach Symphony continues to expand
      performance, potential, and financial need. Eligible students   Programs are also sponsored in part by the State of Florida,   its education and community outreach programs with
      must have household incomes at or below five times the   Department of State, Division of Arts and Culture and the   children’s concerts, student coaching sessions and master
      2022 poverty guidelines. More information is available   Florida Council on Arts and Culture.        classes, instrument donations and free public concerts that
      under the programs tab at  About Palm Beach Symphony                      have reached more than 56,000 students in recent years.
        The Lachman Family Foundation, Patrick and Milly     Palm Beach Symphony is South Florida’s premier   For more information, visit
      Park, Felicia Taylor Gottsegen/The Mary Hilem Taylor   orchestra known for its diverse repertoire and commitment
      Foundation,  DeLuca  Foundation,  Leonard and Norma   to community. Founded in 1974, this 501(c)(3) nonprofit arts           Photos by IndieHouse Films
      Klorfine Foundation, Charles and Ann Johnson/The C and   organization adheres to a mission of engaging, educating,
      A Johnson Family Foundation, Patricia Lambrecht, Dodie   and entertaining the greater community of the Palm Beaches

                              The Symphonia Announces Major Gift

                                                 To Its Endowment Fund

        The Symphonia, South Florida’s premier chamber                                                     Steins have believed in our mission since day one, and we
      orchestra, has announced that longtime supporter and                                                 will be eternally grateful for their passionate support of
      Board of Directors member, Edith Stein, has made a                                                   our organization.”
      $500,000 gift to the organization’s endowment fund in                                                  Next season,  The Symphonia will embark on an
      honor of her late husband, Martin B. Stein.                                                          ambitious series of four performances, each tied to a theme
        The Steins have been involved in The Symphonia since                                               relating to global awareness of our environment – “Fire” on
      its inception, with Martin serving as cofounder of the                                               Nov. 13; “Earth” on Dec. 4 (which includes a multimedia
      orchestra, and honorary chairman until his passing in 2017.                                          presentation played in sync with stunning visuals from
        “After the demise of the Florida Philharmonic in 2003,                                             the documentary, “Terra Nostra”); “Wind” on March 26;
      Martin and I both felt that it was imperative to keep                                                and “Water” on April 30. Season tickets are available by
      classical music alive and available to the South Florida                                             visiting or by calling (561) 376-3848.
      audience,” said Edith. “We were able to financially support                                          About The Symphonia
      the efforts of establishing a new orchestra. It was – and                                              The  Symphonia,  recognized  as  the  region’s  premier
      still is – an honor, a privilege, and a pleasure to continue                                         chamber  orchestra,  provides  high-quality  classical
      help providing funds to this significant cause. This gift                                            music  for  the  enjoyment  and  benefit  of  the  South
      to The Symphonia’s endowment is exactly what Martin                                                  Florida  community.  The  Symphonia’s  performances
      would have wanted.”                               Martin and Edith Stein                             and  educational  outreach  programs  feature  nationally
        The Symphonia established its endowment a decade                                                   and internationally acclaimed conductors and soloists,
      ago and it has grown steadily, enabling the organization to   classical music to underserved communities.   enhancing the cultural lives of area residents, with special
      further expand its programming, explore new performance     “There truly are no words to express our gratitude for   emphasis on its younger citizens.
      venues, and create community collaborations that bring   this incredibly generous gift,” said Annabel Russell. “The
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