Page 28 - Southern Exposure - June '22
P. 28

Page 28, Southern Exposure

                                                          elder esTaTe Planning

                                    Southwood Case Reminds Us That

                                     Incapacity Planning Is Important

                                                             Submitted by Anné Desormier-Cartwright, J.D.

        As we age, our likelihood                       financial accounts due to their incapacity and so could   the trust property according to your written instructions in
      of mental incapacity                              not provide the necessary documentation to the Medicaid   the trust document.
      increases. After all, our                         office in order to get their application for benefits approved.     Why should you be proactive and plan for your
      bodies and minds deteriorate                      The court ruled that the inability to access an account did   incapacity? First, it gives you control. The person you want
      as we age. Mental incapacity                      not render the account an uncountable asset for Medicaid   to handle your affairs will be named. The things you want
      could result from dementia,                       eligibility. Because the resident had the legal right to the   to happen will happen. Second, it will save your family the
      stroke, brain injury, or other                    funds in the account, the account was still countable. The   grief and expense of going through a court process. They
      illness.  What  is  mental                        resident would have to first go through the lengthy court   won’t have to take time off work, they won’t have to get
      incapacity and in what ways                       process to get a guardian appointed, the guardian could   up on the witness stand, and they won’t have the headache
      can you plan to be best                           access this account, and then another Medicaid application   of coming up with thousands of dollars in lawyer’s fees.
      prepared for it?                                  could be submitted.                                Finally, as we learned from the Southwood case, above,
        You are mentally                                  If the nursing home resident had instead planned for his   sometimes you need someone to act quickly for you. If you
      incapacitated if you are unable to carry out your affairs.   incapacity before it happened, he could have been able to   have a plan in place, then things that need to get done can
      Meaning, you can’t make meaningful decisions that are in   have a Medicaid application submitted on his behalf without   be done in a timely manner. Your agent can access financial
      your best interests regarding your finances or your property.   going through the court process of getting a guardian   accounts and records and submit an application for public
      Now that doesn’t mean that if you make financial decisions   appointed. This planning involves creating a Financial   benefits for you, your agent can manage your investments
      that others don’t agree with that you are incapacitated. Just   Power of Attorney.                   so they are taken care of, your bills can get paid on time,
      because you decide to spend your money in an unusual way     A Financial Power of Attorney is a document that you can   and your property can be maintained. Planning is all about
      doesn’t mean that you can’t handle your affairs. Instead,   sign while you still have capacity that allows another to act   peace of mind. If you are one of the lucky ones and never
      some questions to ask are: Do you have a sound reason   on your behalf in the event you later become incapacitated.   become mentally incapacitated, then your agent won’t have
      for this decision? Do you understand the nature of and   This person named in the Financial Power of Attorney is   to act on your behalf. But if you are one of the millions that
      repercussions of this decision? Is this decision detrimental   your agent. As with a guardian, an agent must act in your   will need an agent as you age, you will have a plan in place
      to your financial health?                         best interests and there are consequences if the agent doesn’t   to give you and your family that peace of mind.
        If someone thinks you lack mental capacity, they can sue   do so. But by signing this document before you become     If you have questions about your estate plan and what
      you in a court of law to have a judge issue an order saying   incapacitated, you can bypass a costly court proceeding   documents you should have in place to plan your estate,
      you are incapacitated. In the court proceeding, an evaluation   and simply have your agent act on your behalf in the event   schedule a free consultation today by calling our office at
      will be done on you to determine if a doctor thinks you   you are unable to do so.                   (561) 694-7827, Anné Desormier-Cartwright, Esq., Elder
      are incapacitated. Hearings will be held, witnesses will be     What are some other ways to plan for incapacity?  & Estate Planning Attorneys PA, 480 Maplewood Drive,
      called, and testimony will be examined. In the end, if you     • You can sign a Health Care Power of Attorney. Just as a   Suite 3, Jupiter, FL 33458.
      are found to lack capacity, the judge will appoint someone,   Financial Power of Attorney allows someone to act on your     The content of this article is general and should not be
      a guardian, to now be in charge of your finances. This   behalf if you become incapacitated, so does a Health Care   relied upon without review of your specific circumstances by
      guardian will have complete control over your affairs and   Power of Attorney. The former gives the agent authority to   competent legal counsel. Reliance on the information herein
      will be responsible for taking care of you financially. This   make financial decisions for you; the latter gives the agent   is at your own risk, as it expresses no opinion by the firm
      guardian could be someone you trust (someone you would   the authority to make health care decisions for you.   on your specific circumstances or legal needs. An attorney
      have chosen) or someone you don’t even know.        • You  can  sign  a  HIPAA  document. This  document   client relationship is not created through the information
        If you haven’t been proactive and done planning, then a   gives doctors and other health care providers permission   provided herein.
      guardian could be necessary. And, appointing this guardian   to give information about your condition to the authorized     To comply with the U.S. Treasury regulations, we must
      timely could be needed to obtain Medicaid benefits. In a   recipients that you name.                 inform you that (i) any U.S. federal tax advice contained
      recent case out of Indiana, Southwood Healthcare Center     • You  can  create  a  revocable  living  trust. This  is  a   in this newsletter was not intended or written to be used,
      v. Indiana Family and Social Services Administration, a   contract between you and your trustee to hold and manage   and cannot be used, by any person for the purpose of
      nursing home resident was incapacitated but did not have   property in a certain manner. After you sign the contract,   avoiding U.S. federal tax penalties that may be imposed
      a guardian appointed. The resident could not access their   you transfer your property to the trust. Because you no   on such person and (ii) each taxpayer should seek advice
                                                        longer own property in your personal name, if you become   from their tax advisor based on the taxpayer’s particular
                       Your ad                          incapacitated the successor trustee can step in and manage   circumstances.

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