Page 26 - Southern Exposure - June '22
P. 26

Page 26, Southern Exposure

      Travel from page 25

      has been  stripped from
      the island, causing the
      forests to disappear and
      the rivers to run red with
      the soil that is being
      carried away  from the
      forested land.
        T he  c ount ry i s
      the home of some 50
      species of lemurs, a
      tree-dwelling, monkey-
      like animal. Lemurs are
      primates named for the
      ghosts of the Roman dead
      said to have roamed the
      night. They are the closest
      living descendants of
      the common ancestor
      of monkeys, apes and
      humans. These  squirrel-
      size creatures scurry  A view of Antananarivo, capital city of Madagascar              A field of baobab trees
      about the subtropical
      forest of Madagascar, as they have for the past 50 million   Arabs established trading posts on Madagascar.  The   to overpower Madagascar. Within the last 50 years the
      years. Interestingly, Madagascar was never inhabited by   Portuguese arrived around the year 1500 and the French   island has lost over 50 percent of its forest.
      monkeys, yet lemurs have developed a monkey’s way of   established  settlements  in the  early 17th  century. The     Madagascar was one of the first entries on my wish list
      life. The island of Nosy Komba is known as Lemur Island   French took complete control in 1896, and it became a   of places in the world that I had always wanted to visit,
      and has become an attraction for those who wish to observe   French overseas territory until 1958 when it became the   ever since my sixth grade geography teacher painted that
      these animals in a controlled wildlife environment.  autonomous Malagasy Republic. Two years later in 1960 it   idyllic picture in my mind of what to expect. Perhaps it
        Another creature of Madagascar is the fossa, which is   was proclaimed an independent republic. It is thought that   has been too long since I left the sixth grade or perhaps
      a carnivorous mammal related to the catlike civit, and is   because of these relationships, that the Malagasy people   I hadn’t kept up with this island on the other side of
      about the size of a sheepdog. There are also more than 800   are distinct from those of Africa, and more closely related   the world. One thing is for sure, based upon my visit: I
      species of butterflies on the island and the spiny globefish   to Indonesians. Subsequently, migrations from the Pacific,   would wager that my teacher had never visited the island.
      (also known as the puffer fish or porcupine fish) is found   Africa and Arab countries have separated Madagascar   Needless to say, I didn’t expect to see the picture of the
      in the waters here as well. The most dangerous animal that   into 18 distinct ethnic groups. Over a quarter of the   reality that Madagascar offers today.
      inhabits Madagascar today is the crocodile. It is difficult   Malagasy are Medina, followed closely by Betsimisaraka,     Even though organizations such as the World Wildlife
      to classify the danger that may have existed in the past.   the Betsileo and the Tsimihety ethnic groups. There are   Federation have stepped in, it is believed that it might be
      Many of its larger animals, such as the aepyornis (elephant   also small minorities of Indians, Chinese, French and   too late for a great number of species that originated in
      bird), the world’s largest known bird, disappeared in a   Comorians. Malagasy is a language of Indonesian origin   Madagascar. One might point their finger at the people
      wave of extinction ending some 500 years ago. Eggs of   and it, along with French, is the official language.  and population explosion. However, do they likewise not
      these birds are still occasionally found along stream beds     Although  the  fourth largest island  in  the  world,   have the right to survive as well?
      after heavy rainfalls, having been washed out from deep   Madagascar ranks in the bottom percentile of places     Madagascar in a travel destination that would not be for
      in the natural forests.                            tourists seek out for travel. Why, you might ask? Simply   the majority of our society, but it mustn’t be overlooked.
        The island was probably visited during the first   because of the population explosion that increased today’s   Scientists, botanists and environmental experts are
      century by Indonesians. In the seventh century, the   population to some almost 28 million inhabitants (Source:   diligently attacking the problems of today’s interaction
                                                         CIA World Factbook). Man continues to take the unique   of people and nature. Hopefully, the Malagasy will be
                                                         elements from this island. Fifteen hundred years ago when   able to maintain an environmental status quo and will be
                                                         men first started to inhabit the island, there were countless   successful at turning things around.
                                                         numbers of one-of-a-kind species of fauna and flora, such     Don Kiselewski writes from his personal experiences,
                                                         as the giant tortoise, pigmy hippopotamus, giant lemurs   having traveled in 122 countries and cruised the oceans, seas
                                                         and the elephant bird that stood some 10 feet high, and   and rivers of the world. Palm Beach Gardens Travel Leaders,
                                                         has been estimated to weigh nearly a ton. All of these   his family owned and operated agency, is located at Mirasol
                                                         special creatures started disappearing some 500 years ago,   Town Square, 11360 North Jog Road, Building A, Suite 102-6,
                                                         when people started to converge on the island. It is also   Palm Beach Gardens. The agency has been serving the travel
                                                         thought that perhaps a strange climatic condition aided   needs of the South Florida area for over a quarter of a century.
                                                         in their demise; another El Niño perhaps? Nonetheless,   Contact him at (561) 694-9696 or
                                                         the demands of the impoverished people have continued                      Photos by Don Kiselewski

      The fossa
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