Page 36 - Southern Exposure - June '22
P. 36

Page 36, Southern Exposure

                                      "I Have Hope Again."

        Local resident, Dawn R. had been experiencing the painful effects of Peripheral Neuropathy, “My feet and legs
           were extremely painful and my doctor told me there was nothing they could do. That I would have to take

                     Gabapentin for the rest of my life.”  Then she went to see acupuncturist, Dr. Denise Jacobs.

       Peripheral Neuropathy is the                     You’re struggling with balance                     Palms Acupuncture uses

       pain, discomfort and numbness  and living in fear that you might  the most cutting edge, and

       caused by nerve damage of                        fall. Your doctor told you to "just  innovative integrative medicine.
       the peripheral nervous system.  live with the pain" and you’re                                      Specializing in chronic pain

       Dawn explained that daily                        taking medications that aren’t                     cases, specifically those that

       tasks like opening doors and                     working or have uncomfortable  have been deemed ‘hopeless’
       using the bathroom were                          side effects. Know that there are  or ‘untreatable’, she consistently

       overwhelmingly painful. “How                     options.                                           generates unparalleled results.

       can you live for the next 20                                                                        What was once a missing link in

       years when you don’t even                        Fortunately, three months                          senior healthcare is now easily
       want to get out of bed to do                     ago, Dawn read an article                          accessible to the residents

       simple things?”                                  about Palms Acupuncture and                        of Palm Beach and Martin

                                                        the work being done to treat                       Counties.
       She was experiencing the                         those suffering from Peripheral

       burning, numbness, tingling                      Neuropathy without invasive                        If you’ve missed too many tee

       and sharp pains that those                       surgeries or medications. She's                    times because of pain or you’ve

       suffering with neuropathy often  elated to share how significantly  passed up dancing along to
       describe. “The way that I would  her life has been changed.                                         songs of your youth because

       describe it, it’s equivalent to                                                                     you’re afraid of falling, it’s

       walking on glass.” Dawn hadn’t  “Now when I go to bed at night  time to give yourself a new
       worn socks in five years and                     I don’t have those shooting                        opportunity.

       was wearing shoes two sizes                      pains. I don’t have that burning

       too big so that nothing would                    sensation. I don’t have pain                               It’s time you let your
       ‘touch’ her feet.                                coming up my legs,” Dawn                                         golden years

                                                        enthusiastically describes life                                BE GOLDEN!

       Unfortunately Dawn’s story                       after receiving treatments. “I
       is all too familiar for the over                 can comfortably wear socks

       3 million people in the U.S.                     and shoes and I can enjoy walks

       suffering from Peripheral                        with my dog.”

                                                        Dr Denise Jacobs, founder of

       If you are unfortunate                           Palms Acupuncture & Wellness,

       enough to be facing the same                     is using the time tested science
       disheartening prognosis, you’re  of Acupuncture combined

       not sleeping at night because                    with technology originally

       of the burning in your feet,                     developed by NASA that assists

       you have difficulty walking,                     in increasing blood flow and
       shopping or doing any activity                   expediting recovery and healing

       for more than 30 minutes                         to treat this debilitating disease.

       because of the pain.

               PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY?                                                         2151  S Alt A1A, Suite1400

                        CALL 561-467-0288                                                              Jupiter, FL 33477

           to schedule a Free Consulation!                                       
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