Page 8 - Boca Exposure - May '22
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Page 8, Boca Exposure

      As 2022 Storm Season Approaches from page 7        Intelligent devices can automatically redirect power,      The improvements continue to benefit customers
                                                         self-heal and eliminate or minimize customers affected   across FPL’s service area in many ways. In 2021, the
         • Inspecting 72 main power lines and equipment using   – resulting in more than 10 million outages avoided over   average FPL customer experienced the fewest outages
      infrared technology to detect issues before they cause a   the last decade.                          and momentary interruptions or flickers of any year
      power interruption                                    FPL is also continuing to boost reliability by putting   in company history and the shortest overall duration
         When the planned 2022 work is completed, FPL will   more  power lines underground in  neighborhoods that   of outages ever. FPL in 2021 won the ReliabilityOne ®
      have made the following improvements in and near Boca   can most benefit based on analysis of past hurricane   National Reliability Award for the sixth time in seven
      Raton since the historic 2004/05 hurricane seasons:   outages, vegetation-related service interruptions and   years. Presented by PA Consulting, the award is widely
         • Strengthened 47 main power lines, including those   other reliability data. FPL’s Storm Secure Underground   regarded in the energy industry as one of the most
      that serve critical services                       Pilot Program, launched in 2018, has completed about   prestigious honors and reinforces FPL’s commitment
         • Inspected and maintained vegetation near 1,746 miles   600 neighborhood projects through the end of 2021, and   to provide its more than 5.7 million customers with the
      of power lines – an average of 109 miles per year  FPL plans to bring the benefits of undergrounding to more   nation’s most reliable service.
         • Inspected all 12,193 power poles every eight years  neighborhoods across Florida in the future.   Florida Power & Light Company
         •  Installed  smart  grid  technology,  including  830      “We continue to deploy innovative and industry-     Florida Power & Light Company is the largest
      automated switches on main and neighborhood power   leading solutions that improve the grid – investments that   vertically integrated rate-regulated electric utility in
      lines                                              are paying off for our customers,” said Manny Miranda,   the U.S. as measured by retail electricity produced and
         • Inspected 125 main power lines and equipment using   executive vice president of power delivery for FPL. “We   sold. The company serves more than 5.7 million customer
      infrared technology                                are always looking for new ways to enhance the reliability   accounts supporting more than 11 million residents across
         FPL’s adoption of emerging technology helps improve   of our service. From examining lessons learned from past   Florida with clean, reliable and affordable electricity.
      day-to-day service reliability. Drones and robots are used   storms to incorporating new advancements, we are seeing   FPL operates one of the cleanest power generation fleets
      to conduct regular assessments and locate potential power   the value of our efforts every day.”     in the U.S and in 2021 won the ReliabilityOne  National
      issues to fix many problems before they affect customers.   Strengthening The FPL Grid Throughout Florida   Reliability Award for the sixth time in the last seven years.
                                                            Since 2006, FPL has made significant investments to   The company received the top ranking in the southern U.S.
                                                         harden the grid against hurricanes and extreme weather   among large electric providers, according to J.D. Power’s
                                                         and enhance day-to-day reliability. Highlights include:   2021 Electric Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction
                                                            • Replacing wooden transmission structures with new   Study  and 2021 Electric Utility Business Customer
                                                         ones made of steel or concrete                    Satisfaction Study . The company was also recognized
                                                            •  Hardening  main  power  lines  that  serve  critical   in 2020 as one of the most trusted U.S. electric utilities
                                                         community facilities and services                 by Escalent for the seventh consecutive year. FPL is a
                                                            •  Inspecting  power  poles  and  strengthening  or   subsidiary of Juno Beach, Florida-based N extEra Energy,
                                                         replacing those that no longer meet FPL’s industry-  Inc. (NYSE: NEE), a clean energy company widely
                                                         leading standards for strength                    recognized for its  efforts in  sustainability, corporate
                                                            •  Installing  more  than  195,000  intelligent  devices   responsibility, ethics and compliance, and diversity.
                                                         along the grid to detect and prevent power outages and   NextEra Energy is ranked No. 1 in the electric and gas
                                                         minimize restoration times when outages occur     utilities industry in Fortune’s 2022 list of “World’s Most
                                                            • Conducting daily drone flights (more than 120,000   Admired Companies” and recognized on Fortune’s 2021
                                                         in 2021) to proactively identify potential areas of concern   list of companies that “Change the World.” NextEra
                                                         before an outage occurs and to help us assess damage   Energy is also the parent company of NextEra Energy
                                                         following severe weather                          Resources, LLC, which, together with its affiliated entities,
                                                            • Maintaining trees and other vegetation along more   is the world’s largest generator of renewable energy from
                                                         than 25,000 miles of power lines each year to reduce   the wind and sun and a world leader in battery storage.
                                                         outages                                           For more information about NextEra Energy companies,
                                                            • Placing more neighborhood power lines underground   visit these websites:, www.FPL.
                                                         through the Storm Secure Underground Pilot Program   com,

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