Page 4 - Boca Exposure - May '22
P. 4

Page 4, Boca Exposure
       Pennies For Piano

      Two Boca Raton Sisters Share                       two wrote for the event. Throughout the recital, the girls
                                                         shared the number of notes played during each song, and
      Their Love Of Classical Music                      suggested the audience give one penny for each note. The
                                                         recital raised $500 for The Symphonia.
      To Help Raise Funds For The                            “I’m ecstatic that they’re becoming fluent in the

      Symphonia                                          language of music,” said Seth Edgarde, the girls’ father.
                                                         “It’s something of a lacuna in a modern education, so
                                                         I’m very happy that they are able to use their passion to
         Nine-year-old Julia and seven-year-old Daphne Edgarde   further music education right here in our community.”
      of Boca Raton, students at Donna Klein Jewish Academy,      Since the recital, the sisters have challenged themselves
      started piano lessons three years ago after attending The   to practice piano every day for 500 straight days. At The

      Symphonia’s “Meet the Orchestra.” The program invites   Symphonia’s season finale performance on Sunday, April
      families to attend an orchestra rehearsal followed by an   24, Julia and Daphne will celebrate reaching their goal by
      “instrument petting zoo,” allowing the kids to interact with   meeting world-renowned conductor Alastair Willis and
      the musicians and the instruments they play.       former child prodigy, pianist Lindsay Garritson.
         Last year, the girls combined their newfound love of   About The Symphonia
      classical music with their love of giving back (they are      The Symphonia, recognized as the region’s premier
      active in their school’s Philanthropy for Kids in Action   chamber  orchestra,  provides  high-quality  classical
      program), and created “Pennies for Piano,” a virtual recital   music for the  enjoyment and benefit of  the South
      for friends and family to help raise funds for The Symphonia   Florida community. The S ymphonia’s performances
      and the International Alliance for Women in Music.   and educational outreach programs feature nationally
         Each girl performed seven classical music selections,   and internationally acclaimed conductors and soloists,
      followed by a performance of an original composition the   enhancing the cultural lives of area residents, with special
                                                         emphasis on its younger citizens.                 Schubert (Julia on left) and Chopin (Daphne)

                                                           Dolly’s Dream from page 1                       about this amazing breed and all the love they have to
                                                                                                           offer. This is the dog that dispelled all myths and taught
                                                           X-rays revealed cloudy objects in his abdomen and once   him the importance of adoption. Because of Dolly we

                                                           surgery was performed, two baby pacifiers were removed   strive to continue to save dogs like her. Dolly’s Dream
                                                           from his intestines. Happily, Guapo made a full recovery.   was created to rescue, rehome, and one day help restore
                                                              The Peggy Adams Animal Rescue provided an    the image of all bully breed-type dogs. We partner with
                                                           incentive for 100 dogs that rescue groups took from the   local rescues, shelters, and humane societies to fulfi ll our
                                                           county agency. In addition, 1,261 spay/neuter vouchers   commitment to these innocent and loving animals.
                                                           were issued that included a microchip and vaccinations,   About The Humane Society Of Broward County
                                                           and 237 dogs received medical care from their skilled      The Humane Society of Broward County advocates for
                                                           veterinary staff.                               and improves the lives of animals by providing adoptions,
                                                              Each shelter is limited on what they can offer but   community services and education. The HSBC is a private,

                                                           knowing that the Dolly’s Dream Project is there allows   nonprofit organization that is not affiliated with any local
       Edgarde sisters                                     them to support their communities and partner shelters   or national organization with a similar name. Visit www.
                                                           in ways they would not be able to otherwise. or call (954) 989-3977 to learn more.
                                                              Daniella Jordan, director of the Dolly’s Dream Project,   About The Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League
                                                           is delighted with the success of the program. “Working      The mission of the Peggy Adams Animal Rescue
                                                           with the Humane Society of Broward County and Peggy   League of the Palm Beaches Inc. is to provide shelter to
                                                           Adams Animal Rescue League and the other 13 shelters   lost, homeless and unwanted animals, to provide spay
                                                           over the past five years has been wonderful. It is because   and neuter and other medical services for companion

                                                           of their dedication and resourcefulness that so many bully   animals, and to care for, protect, and fi nd quality homes
                                                           breed dogs were able to find new homes or were able to   for homeless and neglected companion animals, to

                                                           stay with their families.”                      advocate animal welfare, community involvement and
                                                           About Dolly’s Dream                             education to further the bond between people and animals.
                                                              It is our goal to bring communities together by   For more information, visit or call
                                                           leadership, education, community involvement, awareness   (561) 686-3663.
                                                           and rescue of pit bull-type dogs. Dolly is the fi rst pit bull      The league is an independent nonprofi t animal rescue
                                                           our president rescued. With Dolly, he was able to learn   organization operating continuously since 1925.

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