Page 6 - Boca Exposure - May '22
P. 6

Page 6, Boca Exposure
      Boca Helping Hands Receives 1,400 Pounds Of Food

      From Ben’s Kosher Delicatessen Restaurant & Caterers

      As A Passover Gift, Feeding Many In Need

      Restaurants And Grocery                            on Friday, April 15, offering it
      Stores Asked To Donate To                          to those in need of a meal.

                                                           Boca Helping Hands
      Boca Helping Hands                                 hopes that other restaurants,
                                                         cafés, and grocery stores will
         Boca Helping Hands (BHH) received more than 1,400   consider donating food to the
      pounds of food from Ben’s Kosher Delicatessen Restaurant   organization, following in
      & Caterers, a scratch kitchen in West Boca Raton that makes   Ben’s Deli’s footsteps.
      each meal fresh. When the restaurant closed in observance of      “We are so pleased to
      Passover, it was left with a large amount of food that would   donate the food to Boca
      otherwise go to waste. Boca Helping Hands picked up the food   Helping Hands to share our
                                                         holiday with those in need,”
                                                         said Rachel Stone, Ben’s
        Palliative Care                                  Deli director of catering and
                                                         assistant manager. “It does
        And The Health                                   feel really good to let us
                                                         extend that notion of feeding  Ben’s Deli Staff
                                                         people who are most in need

        Care System                                      of a good meal.”                                  five Palm Beach County locations and served nearly 80,000 hot
                                                                                                           meals. The organization expands access to affordable medical,
                                                           This act of major giving isn’t limited to Ben’s Deli of

                                                         Boca Raton. Each of the seven New York based locations also
                                                                                                           dental and behavioral care through its partnerships with
                                                         participates in food recovery efforts within their communities.   Genesis Community Health (serving clients at clinics in Boca
        By Steven E. Reznick,                            “Having grown up living in eight different places by the age   Raton and Boynton Beach) and Florida Atlantic University’s
        M.D., FACP                                       of 14, I am hypersensitive to the plight of the homeless and   Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing Community Based Clinics
           I attended my local                           hungry,” said Ronnie Dragoon, Ben’s Deli CEO and founder.   (serving residents in West Palm Beach). In addition, BHH sends
        hospital’s weekly Zoom                              “Receiving leftover prepared food from Ben’s Deli is a   weekend meals home with food-insecure elementary school
        educational conference                           tremendous blessing,” said Bill Harper, BHH director of food   students via the BHH Backpacks Program and assists working
        recently. The topic was                          and warehouse operations. “This food is used right away in   families with the rising cost of childcare through the Children’s
        “palliative care” with the                       our hot meal program to feed local families in need. Ben’s has   Assistance Program (CAP).
        lecture delivered by a dean                      been faithful through the years with their donations at Passover,      With an increased focus on client self-sufficiency, BHH

        of the medical school who                        and we always look forward to this significant assistance.   awards scholarships for qualified candidates to attend
        is also the chairperson                          Partnerships with local restaurants are vital to carrying out our   accredited vocational training classes that prepare them for
        of the  Palliative Care                          mission at Boca Helping Hands.”                   careers in the healthcare, information technology, construction,
        Division. Her career began                          “Surging food prices and supply chain issues are affecting   and transportation industries. BHH also offers free English as
        as a hospitalist physician caring for inpatients in the hospital   all areas of our hunger relief programs. We’re purchasing food   a Second Language (ESOL) classes, courses in nutrition, and
        setting. After practicing for several years as a hospitalist, she   to subsidize our decreased inventory, and wholesale prices have   other life skills. In addition, staff and volunteer mentors counsel
        reentered a training program and did a fellowship in palliative   increased,” said Greg Hazle, BHH executive director. “With   the unemployed and underemployed in basic workplace skills
        care. She then went on to become involved in both hospice   increased prices, our client’s dollar stretches less at the grocery   and help them polish resumes and search for jobs.
        and palliative care programs in an academic setting before   store, so they have to rely on us more. Unfortunately, that means      Boca Helping Hands is a partner agency of The Town of
        arriving in South Florida at our local medical school.  Boca Helping Hands has to buy more food at a higher cost.”  Palm Beach United Way. Since 1945, the Town of Palm Beach
           The message I received from the program is that palliative      Restaurants, cafés, or grocery stores that would like to help   United Way has been committed to improving lives and building
        care is designed to provide relief of anxiety and symptoms   can reach out to   strong communities throughout Palm Beach County by focusing
        from treatment of diseases. It involves spending time with   About Boca Helping Hands              on programs and priorities that promote education, health, and
        patients and their loved ones, listening to them, and engaging      Boca Helping Hands (BHH) is a community-based   financial stability.

        in conversation while working with their physicians to make   nonprofit that provides food, medical and financial assistance      Charity Navigator named Boca Helping Hands a Four-

        them more comfortable with the treatment choices they   to meet basic human needs as well as education, job training   Star Charity for the 15th consecutive year in June 2021.
        make. It is not just an end-of-life option, but it can be.  and guidance to create self-sufficiency. Through its various   Boca Helping Hands is located at 1500 N.W. First Court,

           The lesson taught was that palliative care was an   programs, BHH assists over 27,000 people annually.   Boca Raton, FL  33432. For more information, please visit
        additional layer of care or service to assist patients, families,      In 2021, BHH distributed more than 70,000 pantry bags from
        and health care givers to set goals for their care and
        move toward achieving them in a less stressful and more
        comfortable setting. The lecturer cited several peer reviewed
        research studies that showed that the satisfaction level and
        quality of life amongst patients, families and caregivers were
        improved when a hospital stay included palliative care.
           After hearing the talk, I thought about what a necessary
        specialty and service this is in today’s health care system.
        Today’s physicians are, for the most part, employees of health
        care and hospital systems.                                    Upscale Resale
           Hospitalist medicine itself is an outgrowth of
        hospital administrations and insurance companies     Experience The Difference
        employing physicians to make money and save costs
        by creating systems where complex patients are seen   New and consigned furniture, unique lighting, accessories and gifts.
        quickly and in large numbers without allotting their     Complete wallpaper and fabric library for all your design needs.
        employed physicians the time they need to listen and
        hold a conversation. This is not a criticism of hospitalist
        medicine or care. It has evolved because costs are such
        that hospital systems do not want your sick or injured
        loved one to get another day in-house before discharge.
           Patients, and their overworked employed physicians,
        need someone who will come by and listen and coordinate
        care. That used to be your family doctor, but they have been
        driven into oblivion and out of hospital care by insurers,
        employers, and hospital medical systems. It is far less
        expensive to call a palliative care consult then to take a
        practicing physician away from their lucrative procedures                 Call us to sell. See us to buy.
        and practices to listen and talk. What a shame!   Over 32,000 sq. ft. in 2 locations to serve you!
           I chose to be a concierge physician with a smaller patient
        practice because it allows me the time to listen and engage   PALM BEACH GARDENS:        New Location
        in the necessary conversations with my patients.  7700 N Military Trail • 561.694.0964
           Dr. Reznick is board certifi ed in internal medicine,
        with added qualifications in geriatrics. To schedule a   WELLINGTON: Wellington Marketplace
        complimentary meeting with Dr. Reznick to discuss his   13857 Wellington Trace • 561.798.5222
        personalized care concierge practice, call (561) 368-0191
        or visit                                                      Nanci Smith, CEO
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