Page 7 - Boca Exposure - May '22
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Boca Exposure, Page 7
      As 2022 Storm Season Approaches,

      FPL PlansTo Upgrade The Energy Grid In Stuart

      And Boca Raton To Benefit Customers

         – Customers have seen                           communities to recover
      45 percent improvement  in                         faster after major storms
      reliability over the last decade.                     • Maintaining trees and
         – Overhead power lines                          vegetation – a common
      have been replaced with more                       cause of power outages,
      reliable underground lines                         particularly dur ing
      in about 600 neighborhoods                         hurricanes and severe
      throughout FPL’s service                           weather – along 317 miles
      territory, with plans to expand undergrounding.    of power lines
         – FPL continues to invest in the latest emerging      • Inspecting 299 power
      technology to prevent interruptions and get lights back   poles in Stuart as part of an
      on faster.                                         eight-year inspection cycle,
         Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) plans to    strengthening or replacing
      upgrade the energy grid in Stuart and Boca Raton in   those  that no longer meet
      2022 to enhance day-to-day reliability for customers and   FPL’s industry-leading
      improve resiliency in the face of severe weather.   standards
         Strengthening power poles, maintaining trees       •  Installing  smart  grid
      and vegetation near power lines, installing smart   technology, including three
      grid technology, regularly inspecting equipment and   automated switches on main and neighborhood power   2022 Improvements In The Boca Raton Area
      undergrounding neighborhood power lines in targeted   lines to help detect problems and restore service faster      FPL plans to make the following improvements in and
      areas have helped improve service reliability by 45   when outages occur                             near Boca Raton this year:
      percent for FPL customers over the past decade.       • Inspecting 34 main power lines and equipment using      •  Strengthening  two  main  power  lines,  including
         “We understand how much our customers depend    infrared technology to detect issues before they cause a   those that serve critical services that are necessary for
      on the critical service we provide. That’s why our team   power interruption                         communities to recover faster after major storms
      works tirelessly to continuously improve the energy grid      When the planned 2022 work is completed, FPL will      • Maintaining trees and vegetation – a common cause
      across our service area – from Miami to Pensacola,” said   have made the following improvements in and near Stuart   of power outages, particularly during hurricanes and
      Eric Silagy, chairman and CEO of FPL. “We know that   since the historic 2004/05 hurricane seasons:   severe weather – along 144 miles of power lines
      in Florida it’s not a matter of if, but when, the next storm      • Strengthened 26 main power lines, including those      •  Inspecting  718  power  poles  in  Boca  Raton  as
      will impact our state. Our disciplined infrastructure and   that serve critical services             part of an eight-year inspection cycle, strengthening
      technology investments are improving day-to-day service      • Inspected and maintained vegetation near 2,673 miles   or replacing those that no longer meet FPL’s industry-
      for customers and helping us speed restoration after a   of power lines – an average of 167 miles per year  leading standards
      storm.”                                               • Inspected all 13,159 power poles every eight years     •  Installing  smart  grid  technology,  including  three
      2022 Improvements In The Stuart Area                  •  Installed  smart  grid  technology,  including  1,473   automated switches on main and neighborhood power
         FPL plans to make the following improvements in and   automated switches on main and neighborhood power   lines to help detect problems and restore service faster
      near Stuart this year:                             lines                                             when outages occur
         •  Strengthening  five  main  power  lines,  including      • Inspected 64 main power lines and equipment using
      those that serve critical services that are necessary for   infrared technology                      As 2022 Storm Season Approaches on page 8

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